
Prof. Susanne Niemeier

University Koblenz-Landau, Germany




1990 Ph.D., University of Duisburg
1979-1985 Studies in English and Romance languages for the teaching post I and II, Bielefeld University

Publications (selected)

  1. 2017: "Teaching (in) metaphors". In: Francesca Ervas, Elisabetta Gola & Maria Grazia Rossi (eds.), Metaphor in Communication, Science and Education . Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton, 267-282.
  2. 2017: Task-based grammar teaching of English - where cognitive grammar and task-based language teaching meet. Tübingen: Fool.
  3. 2016a: (with Juliana Goschler). Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association. Volume 4. Cognitive Approaches to L2 Teaching and Learning . Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton.
  4. 2016b: (with Juliana Goschler). "Introduction: Cognitive approaches to L2 learning and teaching". In: Juliana Goschler & Susanne Niemeier (eds.), Y earbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association. Volume 4. Cognitive Approaches to L2 Learning and Teaching . Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton, 3-8.
  5. 2014: Anatol Stefanowitsch / Susanne Niemeier (eds.), Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association , Volume 2. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton.
  6. 2013a: "A Cognitive Grammar perspective on tense and aspect", in: Rafael Salaberry & Llorenç Comajoan (eds.): Research Design and Methodology in Studies on L2 Tense and Aspect. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton, 11-55.
  7. 2013b: Book Review, "Glenn S. Levine, 2011, Code Choice in the English Classroom, Bristol / Buffalo / Toronto: Multilingual Matters". Journal for Applied Linguistics (ZfAL) 58, 229-232.
  8. 2013c: "Cultural models in English teaching - building blocks for the construction of intercultural communicative competence", in: Maria Eisenmann, Margit Hempel & Christian Ludwig (eds.), Media and interculturality in foreign language teaching: Between autonomy, collaboration and construction . Essen: UVR, 133-147.
  9. 2013d: Anatol Stefanowitsch / Susanne Niemeier (eds.), Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association , Volume 1. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton.
  10. 2011: "Culture-specific concepts of emotionality and rationality", in: Marcus Callies / Astrid Lohöfer / Wolfram Keller (eds.), Bi-Directionality in the Cognitive Sciences. Examining the Interdisciplinary Potential of Cognitive Approaches in Linguistics and Literary Studies . Amsterdam: Benjamin, 43-56.
  11. 2010a: "My heart is… translatable? Raising intercultural awareness of emotion concepts", in: Michaela Albl-Mikasa / Sabine Braun / Sylvia Kalina (eds.), Dimensions of Second Language Research . Tübingen: Narr, 207-215.
  12. 2010b: (with Kathrin Urban) English starts early. Background, content and methods . Braunschweig: Diesterweg.
  13. 2010c: Gerhard Bach / Susanne Niemeier (eds.), Bilingual teaching. Basics, methods, practice, perspectives . Fifth, revised and expanded edition. Frankfurt: Long.
  14. 2010d: "Bilingualism and" bilingual "courses from a cognitive-linguistic point of view", in: Gerhard Bach / Susanne Niemeier (eds.), Bilingual teaching. Basics, methods, practiceperspectives . Fifth, revised and expanded edition. Frankfurt: Lang, 23-45.

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