The Problem of Using Competence-Based Approach and Information Technologies in Formation of Communicative Competence of the Future Specialists
Madina Murzakhanovna Akeshova, Kamalbek Meirbekovich Berkimbaev, Zhanali Erkinbekovich Daribaev, Gulmira Pernebekovna Meirbekova, Saken Koptleuovich Kurbaniyazov, Zagipa Kyrgyzbaevna Abdikulova
Ecology and Chemistry Department, A. Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan, Republic of Kazakhstan.
English Philology Department, A. Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan, Republic of Kazakhstan.
General Pedagogy and Ethnopedagogy Department, A. Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Geology Department, A. Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan, Republic of Ka-zakhstan.
Natural Science and Energetic Department, A. Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan, Republic of Kazakhstan.
DOI: 10.4236/ce.2013.48073   PDF    HTML     2,845 Downloads   4,683 Views   Citations


As the result of educational modernization and joining the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Bologna process, A. Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University points out as one of its main problem the usage of competence-based approach and information technologies in highly qualified training of the future specialists of international level with professional activity, critical thinking and creativity because the competence-based approach and information technologies emphasize professional education and training of future specialists from practical and pragmatic aspects. Taking into consideration necessary elements of some approaches in pedagogical and psychological sciences such as systematic, personal-oriented and synergetic and others, the importance of competence-based approach as one of necessary base of formation of communicative competence and professional training of future specialists is pointed out. It has professional, pragmatic, humanistic, and practical features, which show its correlation and systematic advantages. Competence-based approach is one of the most effective means of developing methodological and creative thinking activity, professional and cultural norms of behavior, correction of oriented values on the base of educational system, changing activities based on principals of innovative approaches in teaching process of higher education. The results obtained by the use of competence-based approach and information technologies show improvements in formation of communicative competence of the future specialists. Correlation of competence-based approach and information technologies in teaching process show an increase, which points to a significant development and formation of communicative competence of the future specialists. The improvement is also represented in higher average grades of the experimental group and it shows the effectiveness of correlation of competence-based approach and information technologies in formation of communicative competence of the future specialists.

Share and Cite:

Akeshova, M. , Berkimbaev, K. , Daribaev, Z. , Meirbekova, G. , Kurbaniyazov, S. and Abdikulova, Z. (2013) The Problem of Using Competence-Based Approach and Information Technologies in Formation of Communicative Competence of the Future Specialists. Creative Education, 4, 503-508. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.48073.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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