The Relation between Assertiveness Levels, Locus of Control and Academic Success of Turkish Language Teacher Candidates
Sibel Dinçyürek, Ahmet Güneyli, Mehmet Çağlar
DOI: 10.4236/sm.2012.21008   PDF   HTML     5,199 Downloads   10,347 Views   Citations


Before they start their career, candidate teachers must have deep knowledge about the characteristics that a successful teachers should have. The purpose is to create awareness that personal traits of a teacher are critical during education period and to improve and develop these traits. The research is a descriptive one and the basic purpose of this study is to examine the relation between the assertiveness levels and locus of control, on one hand, and academic success, on the other, of senior Turkish teaching students at Eastern Mediterranean University (n = 276). Validity and reliability studies were conducted in order to collect data and “Rathus Assertiveness Schedule” and “Rotter Locus of Control Scale” were used. Percentage- frequency calculations were conducted so as to evaluate the data, cross-reference tables were produced and correlation was examined. In this study, researchers didn’t find any correlation between the assertiveness and academic successes of candidate teachers. Likewise, there isn’t any relation between locus of control and academic success of candidate teachers.

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Dinçyürek, S. , Güneyli, A. & Çağlar, M. (2012). The Relation between Assertiveness Levels, Locus of Control and Academic Success of Turkish Language Teacher Candidates. Sociology Mind, 2, 61-66. doi: 10.4236/sm.2012.21008.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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