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Pont-Sunyer, C., Hotter, A., Gaig, C., Seppi, K., Compta, Y., Katzenschlager, R., Mas, N., Hofeneder, D., Brücke, T., Bayés, A., Enzel, K., Infante, J., Zach, H., Pirker, W., Posada, I.J., álvarez, R., Ispierto, L., De Fàbregues, O., Callén, A., Palasó, A., Aguilar, M., Martí, M.J., Vallderiola, F., Salamero, M., Poewe, W. and Tolosa, E. (2014) The Onset of Nonmotor Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease (The ONSET PD Study). Movement Disorders, 30, 229-237.

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