What are the Benefits of Continued Purchasing through the Internet? A Study of South Korean Consumers


Since keeping the customer purchasing a product/service is essential to maintaining the profitability of any business, the continuance of purchasing through the Internet is vital to online business. This study is one of the few attempts to investigate the perceived benefit factors affecting customers’ intention to continue purchasing through the Internet. Ac-cording to a multiple regression analysis of online questionnaires filled out by 998 online customers in South Korea, extrinsic benefits measured in terms of time and money savings as well as intrinsic benefits measured in terms of pleas-ure, novelty, and fashion involvement have strong effects on the repurchase intention. Our findings indicate that cus-tomer retention must be promoted in Internet shopping by guaranteeing not only extrinsic benefits but also intrinsic benefits. This study discusses the relevant techniques of providing those benefits to customers and guidelines for future research.

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Atchariyachanvanich, K. , Sonehara, N. and Okada, H. (2008) What are the Benefits of Continued Purchasing through the Internet? A Study of South Korean Consumers. Journal of Service Science and Management, 1, 101-110. doi: 10.4236/jssm.2008.11010.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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[28] Appendix A: Extrinsic benefits:
[29] E1* Using Internet shopping is convenient.
[30] E2* Using Internet shopping saves me time.
[31] E3 Using Internet shopping would make it easier for me to shop or find information.
[32] E4* Using Internet shopping would enable me to shop or find information more quickly than using traditional stores.
[33] E5* Using Internet shopping saves me money.
[34] E6* Internet shopping offers lower prices than tradi-tional stores for the same products.
[35] E7* Internet shopping allows me to interact with other customers in EC communities.
[36] E8* I should be given chances to interact with other like-minded people when I purchase through the Internet.
[37] E9* Internet shopping recommends other things to purchase that other like-minded people appreci-ate.
[38] E10* Internet shopping allows me to exchange ideas as well as compare experiences.
[39] E11 Internet shopping recognizes me when I pur-chase through the Internet again.
[40] Intrinsic benefits:
[41] I1* I enjoy using Internet shopping.
[42] I2* I am very happy to purchase products through Internet shopping.
[43] I3* I am delighted with my experience of Internet shopping.
[44] I4* Interacting with Internet shopping stimulates my curiosity.
[45] I5* Internet shopping provides me with the products and supplemental information that I am inter-ested in.
[46] I6 When I purchase through the Internet, Internet shopping websites offer me options to perform tasks in different ways.
[47] I7 When I purchase through the Internet, it gives me opportunities to make myself appear fash-ionable.
[48] I8* I like to boast of being the first one who pos-sesses a product. * Scales remained in exploratory factor analysis.

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