Warming up with Pressure Improves Subsequent Clutch Performance on a Golf-Putting Task


The purpose of the current study was to determine if athletic performance in a high-pressure situation is improved by briefly warming up under high-pressure conditions. Participants first completed a warm up round of golf putting (five shots) under low, moderate, or high pressure. Following a short break, participants completed a single putt under high pressure. Participants who completed the warm up under high pressure performed significantly better on the subsequent high-pressure shot than those who warmed up under low pressure. Warming up under pressure may be an effective means of improving performance in an impending high-pressure situation.

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McEwan, D. , Schmaltz, R. and Ginis, K. (2012) Warming up with Pressure Improves Subsequent Clutch Performance on a Golf-Putting Task. Advances in Physical Education, 2, 144-147. doi: 10.4236/ape.2012.24025.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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