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Fu, K., Corbley, M.J., Sun, L., Friedman, J.E., Shan, F., Papadatos, J.L., Costa, D., Lutterodt, F., Sweigard, H., Bowes, S., Choi, M., Boriack-Sjodin, P.A., Arduini, R.M., Sun, D., Newman, M.N., Zhang, X., Mead, J.N., Chuaqui, C.E., Cheung, H.K., Cornebise, M., Carter, M.B., Josiah, S., Singh, J., Lee, W.C., Gill, A. and Ling, L.E. (2008) SM16, an orally active TGF-beta type I receptor inhibitor prevents myofibroblast induction and vascular fibrosis in the rat carotid injury model. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 28, 665-671.

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