Two agronomical aspects of Tagetes terniflora HBK for essential oil production


The genus Tagetes is a possible source of essential oils for the biorational control of pests and diseases in Mexico. The aim of the present study was to assess the distance between plants (PD; 15 × 80, 30 × 80 and 60 × 80 cm) and urea fertilization (0, 60 and 120 kg·he-1 N) for biomass production and essential oil in Tagetes terniflora HBK. Oil was obtained by the aerial part hydro-distillation and its chemical composition was analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Factors N, PD and their interaction did not change plant height or the number of branches per plant; however, PD factor modified fresh tissue (FW) and dry tissue (DW) weights and the amount of oil per plant (p ≤ 0.05) which represent a good biomass production (30 to 72.5 ton·he-1 FW, 11 to 27 ton·he-1 DW) and oil producing (168 to 383 L·he-1 ) potential in the field. Urea did not have effect on both biomass and oil response per plant but interaction of 15 x 80 DP and 120 N could favor higher biomass and oil production potential (78 ton FW, 28 ton·he-1 DW and 608 L·he-1 , respectively). Essential oil yield varied from 0.3 to 2.1% according to the management conditions. A total of 11 major compounds were identified in essential oil, the relative quantity was constant in different agronomic management factors: E- tagetone (22%), cistagetenone (20.4%), transtagetenone (20.4%), dihydrotagetone (13.4%) and cis-β-ocimene (10.3%), trans-β-ocimene (5.0%), propenyl anisole (4.3%), sphatulenole (1.1%), allyl anisole (0.7%), Z-tagetone (0.5%) and limonene (0.5%).

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Cruz, M. , Cedillo, F. , Medina, D. and Rodríguez, A. (2014) Two agronomical aspects of Tagetes terniflora HBK for essential oil production. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment, 3, 9-13. doi: 10.4236/jacen.2014.31002.

Table 1. Responses per plant in biomass (fresh and dry) and volume of oil of T. terniflora set at different plant distances (PD) and doses of urea as nitrogen (N) source at Chapingo, Mexico.

Received 28 September 2013; revised 6 November 2013; accepted 20 November 2013

Table 2. Extrapolation of biomass and oil produced per plant at yield per hectare of T. terniflora established at Chapingo, Mex- ico by the management of two agronomic factors.

Table 3. Yield response of essential oil of T. terniflora plants at Chapingo, Mexico at two management factors.

Figure 1.Chromatogram with signals corresponding to limo- nene (Retention time, Rt, 3.94), cis-β-ocimene (Rt, 3.95), dihydrotagetone (Rt, 4.1), Z-tagetone (Rt, 4.5), trans-β-ocimene (Rt, 4.75), E-tagetone (Rt, 5.01), alyl anisole (Rt, 5.55), cis-tage- tenone (Rt, 5.72), trans-tagetenone (Rt, 5.8), propenyl anisole (Rt, 6.34) and spathulenol (Rt, 7.18) present in essential oil of T. terniflora grown at Chapingo, Mexico.

different agronomic conditions.


[1] Bakkali, S., Averbeck, S., Averbeck, D. and Idaomar, M. (2008) Biological effects of essential oils―A review. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46, 446-475.

[2] Tripathi, A., Upadhyay, S., Bhuiyan, M. and Bhatta- charya, P. (2009) A review on prospects of essential oils as biopesticide in insect-pest management. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, 1, 52-63.

[3] Soule, J. (1996) Novel annual and perennial Tagetes. In: Janick, J., Ed., Progress in New Crops, ASHS Press, Ar- lington, 546-551.

[4] Gutiérrez, M.M., Stefanazzi, N., Werdin, G.J., Benzi, V. and Ferrero, A.A. (2009) Actividad fumigante de aceites esenciales de Schinus molle (Anacardiaceae) y Tagetes terniflora (Asteraceae) sobre adultos de Pediculus hu- manus capitis (Insecta; Anoplura; Pediculidae). Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas, 8, 176-179.

[5] Stefanazzi, N., Stadler, T. and Ferrero, A. (2011) Compo- sition and toxic, repellent and feeding deterrent activity of essential oils against the stored-grain pests Tribolium cas- taneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Sitophilus ory- zae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Pest Management Sci- ence, 67, 639-646.

[6] López, B., López, M., Aragón, L., Tereschuk, M., Slaris, A., Feresin, G., Zygadlo, J. and Tapia, A. (2011) Compo- sition and anti-insect activity of essential oils from Ta- getes L. species (Asteraceae, Helenieae) on Ceratitis ca- pitata Wiedermann and Triatoma infestans Klug. Journal of Agronomy and Food Chemistry, 59, 5286-5292.

[7] Tereschuk, M.L., Baigorí, M.D. and Abdala, L.R. (2003) Antibacterial activity of Tagetes terniflora. Fitoterapia, 74, 404-406.

[8] Saavedra, N., Cosme, W., Viturro, C., Molina, A. and Mo- lina, S.G. (2003) Ensayo piloto de extracción de volátiles de Tagetes terniflora HBK.

[9] De Feo, V., Urrunaga-Soria, E., Urrunaga-Soria, R. and Pizza, C. (2005) Composition and in vitro toxicity of the essential oil of Tagetes terniflora HBK (Asteraceae). Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 20, 89-92.

[10] Turner, B. (1996) The comps of mexico―A systematic account of the family Asteraceae. Tageteae and Anthemi- deae. Phytologia Memoirs, 6, 1-93.

[11] Ramesh, K. and Singh, V. (2008) Effect of planting date on growth, development, aerial biomass partioning and essential oil productivity of wild marigold (Tagetes mi- nuta) in mid hills of Indian western Himalaya. Industrial Crops and Products, 27, 380-384.

[12] Campos-Muñiz, M., Medina-Pitalúa, J.L. and Serrato- Cruz, M.A. (2010) Aspectos agronómicos para la pro- ducción de anís de monte (Tagetes filifolia Lag.) en tem- poral en ocuituco, morelos. Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana, 33, 97-105.

[13] García, E. (1998) Modificaciones al sistema de clasifi- cación climática de Köppen. Instituto de Geografía, UNAM, México.

[14] Statistical Analysis System (SAS) (2004) SAS/STAT 9.1 user’s guide. SAS Publishing, Cary.

[15] Serrato-Cruz, M.A., Díaz-Cedillo, F. and Barajas-Pérez, J.S. (2008) Composición del aceite esencial en germo- plasma de Tagetes filifolia Lag. de la región centro-sur de México. Agrociencia, 42, 277-285.

[16] Adams, P. (2001) Identification of essential oils compo- nents by gas chromatography/quadrupole. Mass spectro- scopy. Allured Publishing Corporation Carol Stream.

[17] Serrato-Cruz, M.A. (2003) Aspectos del cultivo de dos especies de Tagetes productoras de aceites esenciales. Naturaleza y Desarrollo, 1, 15-22.

[18] Pushkar, N.S., Rathore, S.V.S. and Upadhayay, D.K. (2008) Response of chemicals and biofertilizer on growth and yield of African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gaida. Asian Journal of Horticulture, 3, 130- 132.

[19] Serrato-Cruz, M.A. (2005) Efectos del ambiente de do- mesticación en dos especies silvestres del género Tagetes en México. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 142, 21- 28.

[20] Zygadlo, J.A., Abburra, R.E., Maestri, D.M., Guzman, C.A., Grosso, N.R. and Ariza, L. (1993) Essential oil composition of Tagetes ternifora HBK and Tagetes laxa Cabrera. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 8, 273-275.

[21] Serrato-Cruz, M.A., Díaz-Cedillo, F. and Barajas-Pérez, J.S. (2005) Seasonal influence on phenology and essential oil content of Tagetes filifolia Lag. Annalen der Meteoro- logie, 41, 82-85.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


[1] Bakkali, S., Averbeck, S., Averbeck, D. and Idaomar, M. (2008) Biological effects of essential oils—A review. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46, 446-475.
[2] Tripathi, A., Upadhyay, S., Bhuiyan, M. and Bhattacharya, P. (2009) A review on prospects of essential oils as biopesticide in insect-pest management. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, 1, 52-63.
[3] Soule, J. (1996) Novel annual and perennial Tagetes. In: Janick, J., Ed., Progress in New Crops, ASHS Press, Arlington, 546-551.
[4] Gutiérrez, M.M., Stefanazzi, N., Werdin, G.J., Benzi, V. and Ferrero, A.A. (2009) Actividad fumigante de aceites esenciales de Schinus molle (Anacardiaceae) y Tagetes terniflora (Asteraceae) sobre adultos de Pediculus humanus capitis (Insecta; Anoplura; Pediculidae). Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas, 8, 176-179.
[5] Stefanazzi, N., Stadler, T. and Ferrero, A. (2011) Composition and toxic, repellent and feeding deterrent activity of essential oils against the stored-grain pests Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Sitophilus oryzae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Pest Management Science, 67, 639-646.
[6] López, B., López, M., Aragón, L., Tereschuk, M., Slaris, A., Feresin, G., Zygadlo, J. and Tapia, A. (2011) Composition and anti-insect activity of essential oils from Tagetes L. species (Asteraceae, Helenieae) on Ceratitis capitata Wiedermann and Triatoma infestans Klug. Journal of Agronomy and Food Chemistry, 59, 5286-5292.
[7] Tereschuk, M.L., Baigorí, M.D. and Abdala, L.R. (2003) Antibacterial activity of Tagetes terniflora. Fitoterapia, 74, 404-406.
[8] Saavedra, N., Cosme, W., Viturro, C., Molina, A. and Molina, S.G. (2003) Ensayo piloto de extracción de volátiles de Tagetes terniflora HBK.
[9] De Feo, V., Urrunaga-Soria, E., Urrunaga-Soria, R. and Pizza, C. (2005) Composition and in vitro toxicity of the essential oil of Tagetes terni?ora HBK (Asteraceae). Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 20, 89-92.
[10] Turner, B. (1996) The comps of mexico—A systematic account of the family Asteraceae. Tageteae and Anthemideae. Phytologia Memoirs, 6, 1-93.
[11] Ramesh, K. and Singh, V. (2008) Effect of planting date on growth, development, aerial biomass partioning and essential oil productivity of wild marigold (Tagetes minuta) in mid hills of Indian western Himalaya. Industrial Crops and Products, 27, 380-384.
[12] Campos-Mu?iz, M., Medina-Pitalúa, J.L. and Serrato-Cruz, M.A. (2010) Aspectos agronómicos para la producción de anís de monte (Tagetes filifolia Lag.) en temporal en ocuituco, morelos. Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana, 33, 97-105.
[13] García, E. (1998) Modificaciones al sistema de clasificación climática de K?ppen. Instituto de Geografía, UNAM, México.
[14] Statistical Analysis System (SAS) (2004) SAS/STAT 9.1 user’s guide. SAS Publishing, Cary.
[15] Serrato-Cruz, M.A., Díaz-Cedillo, F. and Barajas-Pérez, J.S. (2008) Composición del aceite esencial en germoplasma de Tagetes filifolia Lag. de la región centrosur de México. Agrociencia, 42, 277-285.
[16] Adams, P. (2001) Identification of essential oils components by gas chromatography/quadrupole. Mass spectroscopy. Allured Publishing Corporation Carol Stream.
[17] Serrato-Cruz, M.A. (2003) Aspectos del cultivo de dos especies de Tagetes productoras de aceites esenciales. Naturaleza y Desarrollo, 1, 15-22.
[18] Pushkar, N.S., Rathore, S.V.S. and Upadhayay, D.K. (2008) Response of chemicals and biofertilizer on growth and yield of African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gaida. Asian Journal of Horticulture, 3, 130-132.
[19] Serrato-Cruz, M.A. (2005) Efectos del ambiente de domesticación en dos especies silvestres del género Tagetes en México. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 142, 21- 28.
[20] Zygadlo, J.A., Abburra, R.E., Maestri, D.M., Guzman, C.A., Grosso, N.R. and Ariza, L. (1993) Essential oil composition of Tagetes ternifora HBK and Tagetes laxa Cabrera. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 8, 273-275.
[21] Serrato-Cruz, M.A., Díaz-Cedillo, F. and Barajas-Pérez, J.S. (2005) Seasonal influence on phenology and essential oil content of Tagetes filifolia Lag. Annalen der Meteorologie, 41, 82-85.

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