Understanding Partnership Challenges in Teacher Recruitment Programs


This investigation examined perspectives on student eligibility and the curriculum for a teacher education seminar linked to a community-based collaborative. Project data identified: 1) perceptions on the qualifications of preservice teachers in a recruiting program for first-generation and ethnic minority teachers; and 2) viewpoints on the necessary curriculum for these preservice teacher participants. Our data indicate varied perspectives by project participants ranging from deficit to asset-based stances regarding prospective teachers from underrepresented communities. Our findings speak to the need for honest conversations within collaborative partnerships designed to diversify the teaching profession.

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Burbank, M. & Diaz, R. (2012). Understanding Partnership Challenges in Teacher Recruitment Programs. Creative Education, 3, 1024-1030. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.326154.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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