Physical Activity and Mobility Function in Elderly People Living in Residential Care Facilities. “Act on Aging”: A Pilot Study


The present study aims at investigating the changes between pre-test and post-test in mobility function, balance, and gait after a physical activity program in a sample of elderly people. Forty-four individuals living in residential care facilities were recruited, with a mean age of 85 (SD = 6.6) in the control group and 84.26 (SD = 7.4) in the intervention group. We collected baseline and post-test measurements for the Tinetti Test. The findings showed that the physical activity intervention had a positive effect on physical functions. There was a statistically significant change between the means of the two groups over time; the intervention groups showed a stable condition with respect to overall mobility function, balance, and gait while the control group showed decreased performance at the post-test. These results underline that even in critical conditions, relatively simple training may promote a more positive adjustment to old age.

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Liubicich, M. , Magistro, D. , Candela, F. , Rabaglietti, E. and Ciairano, S. (2012) Physical Activity and Mobility Function in Elderly People Living in Residential Care Facilities. “Act on Aging”: A Pilot Study. Advances in Physical Education, 2, 54-60. doi: 10.4236/ape.2012.22010.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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