Construct Validity of a Two-Factor Model of Psychopathy


There is currently limited evidence for the two-factor structure of Psychopathy. The aim was to provide evidence for the construct validity of Primary and Secondary Psychopathy. Batteries including the Five Factor Model, the Hogan Development Survey, and Narcissism, Machiavellianism, Empathy, and Aggression, were administered to 241 undergraduate psychology students. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that a two component structure fitted the data reasonably well (chi-square = 1.939, CFI = .799, RMSEA = 0.063). The strongest markers of Primary Psychopathy were Agreeableness, Empathy, and the HDS Bold and HDS Colourful subscales, while the strongest markers of Secondary Psychopathy were Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, and HDS Excitable. It was concluded that preliminary evidence for the two-factor model of Psychopathy had been gained.

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Douglas, H. , Bore, M. & Munro, D. (2012). Construct Validity of a Two-Factor Model of Psychopathy. Psychology, 3, 243-248. doi: 10.4236/psych.2012.33034.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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