DNA Genealogy

DNA genealogy is a new field of science which considers patterns of mutations, which are different in different human lineages, in the DNA of present-day humans and of our ancient ancestors. Since the DNA is often preserved in ancient excavated bones, including those in archaeological burials, and can be recovered and studied, this approach allows us to compare the mutation patterns in the course of centuries and millennia. This in turn provides us with a knowledge of how often the mutations occur, that they are gradually changed over centuries and millennia, and, hence, calibrate the rate of mutations in various sites of the DNA in terms of time. In other words, it gives us a “molecular tool” aiming at establishing chronology of events along the ancient history of the humankind.

Since the DNA is a molecule, DNA genealogy is also called the “Molecular History”. This is a subject of this book. The book begins with an explanation of what is a nature of mutations in the DNA, why the mutations are random, how to measure their rates, in terms of how many mutations occur in the DNA over centuries and millennia, therefore, to calculate their mutation rate constants. This first part of the book provides the reader with many examples of how DNA genealogy employs the mutation rates to uncover hidden puzzles of ancient human history, such as when Homo sapiens first appeared, who were ancient Europeans, Asians, Africans, Americans compared with their present-day descendants in terms of their DNA lineages, and introduces a rather simple calculator which everyone can run on their personal computer devices, iPhones, etc. to conduct such calculations of ancient chronology.

Subsequent chapters of the book consider such controversial issues as whether early people came “out of Africa” or “into Africa” (both hypotheses have their supporters among scientists), who were the ancient Aryans and why their language obtained – much later – a name “Indo-European”, where was a homeland of a majority of nowadays Europeans and Native Americans (a hint – South Siberia), who were ancient Jews and Arabs and when their actual common ancestor lived, what DNA was revealed from a few Khazar burials, why look-alike ancient ceramics, made many thousand years ago, was found both in Europe and Asia, how ancient and contemporary languages are connected with the DNA of people, both ancient and contemporary.

The book is targeted for multidisciplinary scientists as well as students and advanced general readership.

Components of the Book:
  • Front Matter
    • Head Page
    • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Part 1. DNA Genealogy, Main Principles and the Calculus
    • Chapter 1. Biological Chemistry as a Foundation of DNA Genealogy: the Emergence of “Molecular History”
    • Chapter 2. Mutation Rate Constants in DNA Genealogy (Y Chromosome)
    • Chapter 3. Kilin-Klyosov TMRCA Calculator for Time Spans up to Millions of Years
  • Part 2. “Out of Africa” or “Into Africa”?
    • Chapter 4. Re-Examining the ‘Out of Africa’ Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids) in Light of DNA Genealogy
    • Chapter 5. Re-Examining the Out-of-Africa Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids). SNPs, Haplogroups and Haplotypes in the Y Chromosome of Chimpanzee and Humans
    • Chapter 6. Reconsideration of the “Out of Africa” Concept as not Having Enough Proof
  • Part 3. History of the Aryans and the Arbins (Ancient Bearers of R1a and R1b Haplogroups)
    • Chapter 7. Haplogroup R1a as the Proto Indo-Europeans and the Legendary Aryans as Witnessed by the DNA of Their Current Descendants
    • Chapter 8. Haplogroup R1a, its Subclades and Branches in Europe During the Last 9000 Years
    • Chapter 9. Ancient History of the Arbins, Bearers of Haplogroup R1b, from Central Asia to Europe, 16,000 to 1500 Years before Present
  • Part 4. DNA Genealogy of the Jews and Khazars
    • Chapter 10. An Easy Introduction to Jewish DNA Genealogy
    • Chapter 11. A Comment on the Paper: Extended Y Chromosome Haplotypes Resolve Multiple and Unique Lineages of the Jewish Priesthood
    • Chapter 12. Excavated DNA from two Khazar burials
  • Part 5. DNA Genealogy, Migrations, and Languages of Ancient Europe
    • Chapter 13. DNA Genealogy and Linguistics. Ancient Europe
    • Chapter 14. A DNA Genealogy Solution to the Puzzle of Ancient Look-Alike Ceramics Across the World
Readership: The book is targeted for multidisciplinary scientists as well as students and advanced general readership.
Front Matter
Anatole A. Klyosov
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Anatole A. Klyosov
PDF (133 KB)
Part 1. DNA Genealogy, Main Principles and the Calculus
Anatole A. Klyosov
PDF (7580 KB)
Part 2. “Out of Africa” or “Into Africa”?
Anatole A. Klyosov
PDF (3302 KB)
Part 3. History of the Aryans and the Arbins (Ancient Bearers of R1a and R1b Haplogroups)
Anatole A. Klyosov
PDF (6448 KB)
Part 4. DNA Genealogy of the Jews and Khazars
Anatole A. Klyosov
PDF (3532 KB)
Part 5. DNA Genealogy, Migrations, and Languages of Ancient Europe
Anatole A. Klyosov
PDF (2204 KB)
Anatole A. Klyosov (Biography), President, Academy of DNA Genealogy, Boston, Moscow, Tsukuba.

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