Teaching New Mothers about Infant Feeding Cues May Increase Breastfeeding Duration
Jay Kandiah, Charlene Burian, Valerie Amend
DOI: 10.4236/fns.2011.24037   PDF    HTML     7,549 Downloads   14,242 Views   Citations


The objective of this pilot study was to compare two different methods of educating prenatal women regarding breast-feeding. Comparisons were made between traditional and innovative methods to determine which was more effective in increasing breastfeeding duration. Over a 32 month period, 197 prenatal women were assigned to either a control (C, n = 139) or an experimental (E, n = 51) group. The C group received standard breastfeeding education, while the E group received standard education in addition to information about infant hunger cues. Cox Regression and Kap-lan- Meier analysis were performed. Estimated mean number of weeks for C and E groups to continue breastfeeding was 14.3 + 17.4 weeks and 18.5 + 17.1 weeks, respectively. At 26 weeks, duration of breastfeeding approached significance (chi square = 2.907, df = 1, p = 0.088), indicating probability of continuing to breastfeed was about 28% better for those in E group when compared to C group. Duration of breastfeeding may increase when prenatal women are taught to identify infant behavior such as hunger cues.

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J. Kandiah, C. Burian and V. Amend, "Teaching New Mothers about Infant Feeding Cues May Increase Breastfeeding Duration," Food and Nutrition Sciences, Vol. 2 No. 4, 2011, pp. 259-264. doi: 10.4236/fns.2011.24037.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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