Modified atomic orbital theory applied to the calculation of high-lying 2(K,T)n±1,3P° rydberg series of he-like ions
Ibrahima Sakho
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2012.41011   PDF    HTML     4,465 Downloads   7,403 Views   Citations


The 2(1,0)n-1P°, 2(1,0)n +3P°, 2(0,1)n+1P°, and 2(0,1)n-3P° intershell Rydberg series of the helium-like ions are investigated in the framework of the modified Atomic Orbital Theory (MAOT). High-lying energy resonances of He and excitation energy of the he- lium-like Li+ up to n = 10 are tabulated. In addition, total energy positions for low-lying states (n<4) of the heliumisoelectronic sequence with Z = 2, 3, ...,10 are also presented. All the current results agreed well with the published values. The data listed in this paper may be useful guideline for future experimental and theoretical studies in high-lying 1,3P° autoionizing states of two-electron systems.

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Sakho, I. (2012) Modified atomic orbital theory applied to the calculation of high-lying 2(K,T)n±1,3P° rydberg series of he-like ions. Natural Science, 4, 73-78. doi: 10.4236/ns.2012.41011.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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