The Effect of Fracture of Ulnar Styloid on Rotational Movements of the Forearm after Extraarticular Fractures of Distal Radius


Introduction: Since distal radius fractures are among the most common fractures encountered in orthopedics and one of their common complications is restriction of rotational movements of the wrist and forearm, iden-tification of factors affecting this loss of motion is of importance. This study was conducted to evaluate the relation between extraarticular distal radius fractures associated with fracture of ulnar styloid and the rota-tional movements of the wrist and forearm. Patients and methods: 47 patients with an extraarticular distal radius fracture were enrolled in a prospective case control study. The patients were visited in regular follow up intervals after treatment and at the final follow up the rotational movements of the forearm were measured. The findings were analyzed with Independent T and Chi-square tests. Findings: Ultimately 23 patients of the group 1 (intact ulnar styloid) and 24 of the group 2 (fractured ulnar styloid) completed the follow up period. At this time supination of the wrist and forearm in group 2 was significantly less than the group 1 (p< 0.001). Conclusion: It seems that the association of an extraarticular distal radius fracture with the fracture of ulnar styloid, at least in short term causes restriction of supination of the forearm, though the mechanism and clinical significance of this finding cannot be easily explained.

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A. Karbalaeikhani, A. Saied and A. Sadeghifar, "The Effect of Fracture of Ulnar Styloid on Rotational Movements of the Forearm after Extraarticular Fractures of Distal Radius," Surgical Science, Vol. 2 No. 4, 2011, pp. 215-218. doi: 10.4236/ss.2011.24048.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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