Health 3.0—The patient-clinician “arabic spring” in healthcare


A growing number of citizen-patients and clinicians use Communication and Self-Managed Health Technologies (CSMHT) in their relationship. Doing so, they shift from the current paradigm of dependency to a co-responsibility paradigm in healthcare. Facing the runaway utilization of health services, we need to think “outside the box” to unblock the system. A Health 3.0 development model of governance that position patients as primary members of the clinicians’ team is presented to map this institutional transformation. At the practical level, an MD 3.0 relational model and a Citizen-Patient 3.0 behavioral profile are presented.

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Gagnon, S. and Chartier, L. (2012) Health 3.0—The patient-clinician “arabic spring” in healthcare. Health, 4, 39-45. doi: 10.4236/health.2012.42008.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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