Prevalence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Methicillin Resistance Staphylococcus in a Sudanese Surgical Ward
Salah Ibrahim Kheder, Nagla A. Ali, Ahmed Ibrahim Fathelrahman
DOI: 10.4236/pp.2012.31015   PDF    HTML     5,864 Downloads   11,740 Views   Citations


Background: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is important nosocomial pathogen. Aim: In this paper, we determined the prevalence and the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of (MRSA) in a Sudanese surgical ward. Method: A total of 200 post-operative surgical specimens were collected from patients hospitalized in gastrointestinal tract (GIT) surgical ward in Ibn Sina hospital, Khartoum, Sudan and were subjected to MRSA screening and sensitivity test. Key findings: Out of 35 strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from surgical samples, 25 (71.4%) were found to be MRSA. Almost all MRSA strains were resistance to Methicillin, 96% to Ofloxacin, 92% to Pencillin G, 24% to Amikacin and 4% to Vancomycin. Cross-resistance was obviously detected. Conclusion: The present study detected alarming levels of S. aureus (MRSA) isolates, at the same time presence of high cross-resistance to other antibiotics.

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Kheder, S. , Ali, N. and Fathelrahman, A. (2012) Prevalence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Methicillin Resistance Staphylococcus in a Sudanese Surgical Ward. Pharmacology & Pharmacy, 3, 103-108. doi: 10.4236/pp.2012.31015.

1. Introduction

Staphylococcus aureus has been reported as a major cause of community and hospital acquired infections [1]. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are bacteria resistant to penicillin and cephalosporin classes of antibiotics and are often resistant to many other classes of antibiotics [2]. MRSA strains were initially described in 1961 and emerged in the last decade as one of the most important noscomial pathogens which was reported just one year after the launch of methicillin [3]. In MRSA, the horizontally acquired mecA gene encodes a penicillin-binding protein (PBP2a), which is intrinsically insensitive to methicillin and all β-lactams that have been developed, including the isoxazoyl penicillins (e.g. Oxacillin) that superceded methicillin [4].

MRSA infections are a problem across the whole health economy, and have been shown to be associated with a poorer outcome and higher mortality than similar infections caused by methicllin-sensitive strains of S. aureus [5,6]. Many of these isolates are becoming multidrug resistant and are susceptible only to glycopeptides antibiotics such as vancomycin [7]. The prolonged hospital stay, poor infection control measures, indiscriminate, irregular use of antibiotics, lack of awareness, receipt of antibiotics before coming to hospitals are some of the possible predisposing factors of MRSA emergence and transmission [8]. Fighting MRSA involves re-enforcement of infection control measures as well as rational use of antimicrobials. Therefore, the knowledge of the prevalence of MRSA and screening of surgical patients for MRSA, in addition to identifying their current antimicrobial profile become necessary to facilitate appropriate selection of antibiotic agents for pre and postoperative prophylaxis [9]. However, robust evidence of which control measures are most effective remains largely elusive. Hand hygiene is also believed to be crucial, but it is effective long-term implementation has proved to be problematic [10,11]. In the current study, we determined the prevalence of MRSA from surgical swab samples and their in-vitro susceptibility pattern to various antimicrobial classes, and we also evaluated the effect of infection control and antibiotic use interventions on MRSA rates in gastro-intestinal (GIT) surgical ward in Ibn Sina hospital.

2. Methods

2.1. Samples, Setting and Study Period

Patients underwent surgical operation and treated empirically with antibiotics for more than 48 hours then developed post-operative infections in GIT surgical ward, in Ibn Sina hospital were consecutively enrolled into study, and followed prospectively. Ibn Sina hospital is a 132-bed specialized secondary hospital located in Khartoum the main city and the capital of Sudan. The GIT surgical ward is a 52-bed ward. All the microbiological testing was performed in the hospital laboratory and laboratory data records were collected and analyzed for the period from 1 May 2008 to 30 August 2009. Specimens of pus collected from the surgical wounds in sterile swabs and cultured on conventional media of Nutrient agar, and Mannitol salt agar. In case of duplicate isolates, the second isolate was excluded from the antibiogram reporting. Duplicate isolates are defined as isolates of the same organism obtained from the same patient within pre-specified period of time. During this period an ongoing intervention study to investigate the impact of quaternary antimicrobial cycling policy on antimicrobial resistance and utilization was conducted, and this period coincide with the baseline and first three cyclic periods [12,13]. Also during the first cyclic period alcohol-based hand rub dispensers had been introduced. The study approval was obtained from hospital administration.

2.2. Susceptibility Testing

The morphotypes were done for all samples based on the Gram staining method to determine the most likely organism present. Organisms were identified according to standard procedures [14]. Susceptibility testing was carried out by disc diffusion method following the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) guidelines [15]. To differentiate between Staphylococcus aureus and other staphylococci organisms coagulase test was done (Coagulase positive confirm S. aureus). All the confirmed Staphylococcus aureus strains were subsequently tested for methicillin resistance by screening for susceptibility to oxacillin. The isolates were labeled as MRSA if it was observed to be resistant to oxacillin disc after incubation at 37˚C for 24 hours (Oxacillin-resistance on laboratory susceptibility testing also indicates methicillin-resistance) [15].

2.3. Cross-Resistance Profile

To carefully characterize the patterns of resistance of MRSA, cross resistance of isolates to 5 antibiotics with different mechanisms of action were detected. Those include Methicillin, Amikicin, Vancomycin, Penicillin G and Ofloxacin.

2.4. Study Outcomes

The primary outcome was the prevalence and susceptibility pattern of MRSA isolates. Secondary outcome was the impact of antimicrobial cycling policy and hand hygiene infection control on MRSA susceptibility and cross-resistance.

2.5. Data Processing and Analysis

Data collected was processed and analyzed using WHONET software. Analysis was performed under the condition as one isolate per one patient. (WHONET is data-base software which established and implemented by World Health Organization as a surveillance tool for antimicrobial resistant) [16].

3. Results

During study period, surgical swabs samples were obtained from 200 patients. Of those, 104 (52%) were male. On culture, 35 samples were confirmed to be Staphylococcus aureus strains. All these were tested for methicillin resistance and 25 (71.4%) were found to be MRSA, whereas 10 (28.6%) were methicillin sensitive S. aureus (MSSA). The 35 samples were tested for sensitivity to additional antibiotics as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of S. aureus (n = 35).

Figure 1. Scatterplot which compare sensitivity test for S. aureus to oxacillin and penicillin antibiotics. OXA: Oxacillin, PEN: Penicillin G, R: resistant, S: sensitive.

The drug resistance patterns of MRSA isolated from surgical and wound specimens was found to be highly variable. Almost all of the 25 oxacillin resistant strains (MRSA) were resistant to Methicillin, 96% to Ofloxacin, 92% to Pencillin, 24% to Amikacin, and 4% to Vancomycin.

Scatterplot figures from 1 - 3 compared oxacillin disc resistant phenotypes with penicillin, oflaxacin and vancomycin discs.

As shown in Figure 1, 71.4% of isolates were in the lower left-hand quarter representing the proportion that was resistant to both antibiotics, oxacillin and penicillin G;while 28.6% were in the upper left-hand quarter of the graph representing the proportion that was resistant to penicillin but sensitive to oxacillin In Figure 2, 68.6% of isolates were in the lower lefthand quarter representing the proportion that was resistant to both antibiotics, oxacillin and ofloxacin; 2.9% were in the lower right-hand quarter representing the proportion that was resistant to oxacillin but sensitive to ofloxacin, 11.4% in the upper right-hand quarter of the graph (sensitive to both oxacillin and ofloxacin), and 17.1% of the isolates were in the upper-left hand quarter of the graph (sensitive to oxacillin but resistant to ofloxacin).

In Figure 3, only 2.9% of isolates were in the lowerleft hand quarter, representing the proportion that was resistant to both antibiotics, oxacillin and vancomycin; 68.6 % of isolates were in the lower right-hand quarter (resistant to oxacillin but sensitive to vancomycin), whereas 25.7% of isolates were in the upper left-hand quarter (sensitive to both antibiotics), and 2.9% of the isolates were in the upper-left hand quarter of the graph (sensitive to oxacillin but resistant to vancomycin).

Figure 4 addresses the impact of antimicrobial cycling policy and hand hygiene infection control measures on the MRSA %. A pronounced reduction in resistance to all antibiotics used were observed in cycle 1 (Cepalosporins cycle) when compared to baseline period and

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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