Study on the Linguistic Characteristics of Xi Jinping and Their Formation Reasons


Since Xi Jinping was elected General Secretary at the First Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he has delivered nearly 100 important speeches on different occasions at home and abroad, including a large number of instructions, reports, speeches, interviews and letters, gradually forming a distinctive speeches style of Xi Jinping, which can be abbreviated to “Xi-style”, full of great wisdom and linguistic charm, showcasing China’s cultural confidence and strength. Therefore, this article takes public speeches at home and abroad of General Secretary Xi Jinping as a corpus to explore the language features of “conciseness, plain and innovative” in speeches and the reasons behind their formation. The aim is to help readers understand more deeply about the linguistic art of General Secretary Xi Jinping in this new era and to savor his unique linguistic charm.

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Li, L.L. (2023) Study on the Linguistic Characteristics of Xi Jinping and Their Formation Reasons. Open Access Library Journal, 10, 1-15. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1110564.

1. Introduction

Language is a tool used by human beings in today’s society to convey information. Power comes not only from the scientific and realistic content of ideas, but also from the behavior of others in the form of language expression. Language can also change the concepts and attitudes of others. Through language cooperation, people can enhance trust and, thus, improve cooperation. Speech is the external form of language expression. It is not only a reflection of one’s ideological point of view and ability level, but also an art of leadership and a reflection of skills. Additionally, speech reflects a person’s position, attitude, method, and feelings of expression. Especially in the case of a national leader’s speech, it represents not only the leader’s own point of view but also the attitude and proposition of the entire country. In addition, the theory of speech acts, proposed by the British philosopher Austin in the 1950s, can be summarized as “speaking is doing”. According to this theory, speech acts are characterized by the speaker performing one or several of the acts mentioned above by uttering one or several sentences. The realization of these acts may have certain consequences for the listener. [1] Through the speeches of the leaders, people can learn not only about the country’s recent important achievements, but also about its latest national policies.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Party, President Xi Jinping has delivered over a hundred significant speeches on various occasions. These speeches include a wide range of instructions, speeches, interviews, and letters, among others. Through these speeches, President Xi Jinping has developed a distinctive and captivating language style. Meanwhile, Xi Jinping’s speeches have attracted significant attention both domestically and internationally. The author posits that there are three reasons for this. Firstly, these speeches are closely tied to China’s rich traditional culture, which represents the culmination of the Chinese nation’s wisdom over five thousand years of history. It serves as the bedrock and essence of the Chinese nation, providing a solid foundation for us to navigate the turbulent waters of global culture. He studied various ancient texts and gained a profound understanding of traditional Chinese culture. He often referenced ancient phrases, communicated with the public using a language that was both profound and concise, and steered clear of empty rhetoric and clichés. In doing so, he exemplified the words of Gu Yanwu, a renowned thinker from the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, in his work Rizhilu which states, “Empty talk misleads the nation, while practical work leads to its prosperity.” Secondly, life experience also has a significant impact on the development of an individual’s language style. There is a Chinese saying that goes, “Three sentences do not leave one’s profession,” which reflects the strong connection between language style and life experience. Xi Jinping has extensive experience at the grassroots level. He started his involvement at the grassroots level when he was 15 years old and has consistently devoted himself to wholeheartedly serving the people. Throughout his life, he has consistently demonstrated a sincere concern for the well-being of others and has consistently prioritized their interests above his own. Therefore, his speeches are practical and realistic. He focuses on implementing practical solutions for the people and communicates in a language that they can easily comprehend. This approach allows people to listen to him, which greatly narrows the distance between the national leader and the masses. It also enhances President Xi Jinping’s charisma and popularity. Finally, in various communication contexts, speakers use different languages. President Xi Jinping’s speeches have kept pace with the times, often incorporating local proverbs and sayings. This not only showcases his relatability to the people of his own country but also highlights China’s cultural self-assurance and its strength on the global stage.

The language features of Xi Jinping’s speeches, which are concise and powerful, realistic and pragmatic, and keeping pace with the times, all reflect the leadership style and personal charisma of President Xi Jinping, thus forming a unique personal “Xi-style”. In view of this, the author analyzes the language features of Xi Jinping’s speeches, which are “concise, plain and innovative”, and discusses the influencing factors for the formation of these features, in the hope of providing guidance and help for readers to understand the speeches of President Xi Jinping in depth.

The article consists of an introduction, the main body and a conclusion. The main contents are as follows: Chapter one provides a comprehensive description of the full text, including the background of the topic, the significance and the purpose of the research; Chapter two is literature review. It mainly discusses previous studies on language features conducted by experts and scholars from all over the world; Chapter three introduces the features of language, including conciseness, simplicity, and innovation. Chapter four proposes the reasons for their formation. The language features of “Xi-style” in the formation process are likely influenced by various factors. This article primarily demonstrates how excellent traditional Chinese culture, life experiences, and communicative context influence the language features of Xi Jinping; Chapter five mainly discusses the presentation of results, as well as the limitations of the findings and suggestions.

2. Literature Review

Since the convening of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, President Xi Jinping has delivered over one hundred speeches on various occasions, garnering considerable attention and eliciting robust responses both domestically and internationally. Numerous experts and scholars from diverse disciplines and perspectives have conducted analyses on the speeches delivered by Xi Jinping. Zhang Tongbing explores the correlation between micro-level political discourse innovation and reform, as well as the underlying factors, in his publication titled On the Innovative Political Discourse and Its Causes in Chinas Current Reform [2] . Ma Yang’s analysis of the utilization of linkage techniques in Xi Jinping’s speeches reveals several discourse-level characteristics. These include the frequent use of the first-person plural pronoun “we” and the demonstrative pronoun “this”, the predominant use of concise sentences with significant ellipsis, and a large number of vocabulary repetitions and collocations [3] . Zeng Jie’s research focuses on the language style of Xi Jinping’s speeches. The study identifies and summarizes three major language styles: seriousness and rigor, grandeur and magnificence, simplicity and accessibility, as well as vividness and distinctiveness. These styles are analyzed based on three linguistic elements, namely pronunciation, vocabulary, and syntactic patterns, as well as super-linguistic elements such as rhetorical techniques. Additionally, the research explores the interplay between written and spoken registers [4] . Gao Yuan’s Rhetorical Studies on Xi Jinpings Speeches presents a theoretical analytical framework for examining the content of Xi Jinping’s speeches. This framework draws upon Aristotle’s three appeals of persuasion model and Kenneth Burke’s three forms of identification. Additionally, the study compares the similarities and differences between Xi Jinping’s speeches and the political rhetorical strategies employed by former US President Barack Obama [5] . Zhou Zhiyuan’s Cognitive Metaphor Research on Xi Jinpings Political Discourse and Zhang Miao’s Analysis of Structural Metaphors in Xi Jinping’s Speeches both adopt a cognitive linguistics approach. They utilize conceptual metaphors to facilitate the construction of shared experiences and cognition in discourse, thereby enhancing the public’s comprehension of political discourse and governance concepts [6] [7] . Xie Li and Wang Yinquan’s research focuses on the translation strategy of Chinese political discourse in the perspective of constructing China’s international image. [8] Their study highlights the significance of employing effective translation strategies to shape China’s international image. Previous scholarly investigations have predominantly concentrated on the analysis of rhetoric and metaphor in Xi Jinping’s speeches, while there is a dearth of academic endeavors that comprehensively summarize and generalize the linguistic attributes of his oratory. Therefore, the author will provide a comprehensive analysis of the linguistic attributes found in Xi Jinping’s speeches, with a particular focus on their conciseness, pragmatism, and originality. Additionally, the author will provide a summary of the factors contributing to the formation of Xi Jinping’s linguistic traits.

3. Linguistic Characteristics of Xi Jinping

3.1. “Concise”―Extremely Condensed and Highly Summarized

President Xi Jinping demonstrates exceptional proficiency in employing remarkably concise and succinct language, thereby evading the use of vacuous and trite expressions. His speeches exhibit a lofty position and purpose, exemplifying profound ideas, expansive viewpoints, and an authoritative demeanor. The individual exhibits a notable presence and momentum, which is initially evident in their use of language. When elucidating the concept of the Chinese Dream to the younger generation, he articulates that it is a vision that encompasses historical, realistic, and future-oriented aspirations. He emphasizes that the Chinese Dream is not only a collective aspiration for the nation and its people, but also a personal aspiration for every individual of Chinese descent. Furthermore, he underscores the significance of the Chinese Dream belonging to the younger generation, as it is their future that will be shaped by this vision. This momentum frequently extends across both temporal and spatial dimensions. When examining the evolution of socialist ideology throughout the last five centuries, the author provides a concise overview consisting of “6 distinct periods”. Furthermore, when reflecting on the remarkable 92-year history of the Party, he highlights “3 significant achievements” and asserts that our current trajectory has been shaped by over three decades of reform and opening up, more than six decades since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, over 170 years of Chinese nation development, and a rich heritage spanning over 5000 years of Chinese civilization. These four purported accomplishments, which are considered to be fraudulent, have a wide temporal and spatial scope, dating back several millennia. When attending the “Road to Rejuvenation” exhibition, the individual in question effectively employs three lines of poetry to succinctly depict and encapsulate the historical, current, and prospective trajectory of the Chinese nation. These lines read as follows: “The journey ahead is extensive and fraught with challenges”; “The pursuit of moral rectitude is replete with difficulties”; “The forceful gusts will ultimately overcome the turbulent waves”. This profound and awe-inspiring momentum is frequently mirrored in his comprehension and mastery of the principles and fundamental nature of phenomena. For instance, the author highlighted that during the period of over three decades of reform and opening up, it is possible to discern distinct phases, with each phase exhibiting a common pattern. These phases can be viewed as chapters, with each chapter characterized by the emergence of opportunities, challenges, or crises, followed by a transformation of peril into security. This document provides a concise overview of the legal principles and regulations. Xi Jinping loves to communicate his dedication to wholeheartedly serving the people using popular language, including maxims and slang that are commonly used by the general public. “The hearts of the people are powerful.” These simple words express the fundamental principles of Marxism, revealing that the people are the architects of history and that the mass line is the lifeblood of our Party. The people have accumulated valuable experience in the practice of production and life. The people have the greatest right to determine whether the Party’s lines, guidelines, and policies are well formulated and effectively implemented. “Grounding” and “recharging” refer to the act of actively engaging with the masses, interacting with them, and gaining wisdom from their experiences. These simple and popular words powerfully convey Marxist ideology and are recognized and accepted by the people.

3.2. “Plain”―Accessible, Straightforward, and Concise

Political discourse frequently exhibits a “high-end” nature, characterized by a tendency towards vacuity, inflexibility, and monotony. Political discourse, in general, serves multiple purposes such as propaganda dissemination, education, mobilization, and mass organization. If the product or service is excessively high-end and excessively standardized, it may result in the alienation of the general public and ultimately fail to accomplish the intended objective. As widely acknowledged, China boasts a population exceeding 1.3 billion, with significant variations in the cultural and educational levels among its populace. President Xi Jinping employs a communication strategy in his speeches to effectively communicate the governance concepts and policies of the country. This strategy involves the use of popular, easily comprehensible, and straightforward language, which facilitates better understanding and acceptance among the general population. Xi Jinping frequently employs “plain language” to elucidate significant theories and practical matters. Many of his statements exhibit sincerity and a strong emphasis on resolving issues. He demonstrates a serious demeanor when the situation calls for it, and adopts a straightforward approach when simplicity is required. Many words and sentences possess significant impact and influence. For instance, the following statements exemplify the importance of practical actions and responsible use of public funds: “Empty talk is harmful to the nation, while practical jobs can help it thrive.”; “Persistence in making progress leaves traces, and determination in tackling challenges leaves a mark”; “Public funds must be used for public purposes, and not a single penny should be wasted. Public power should serve the people, and not a single strand should be misused.” There are more straightforward expressions that emphasize the permanence of certain qualities, such as “The color black will always remain black, regardless of how many times one claims it can become white, and the color white will always remain white, regardless of how many times one claims it can become black.”

In addition, Xi Jinping frequently employs analogies and anecdotes to elucidate the notion of serving the people and to address any doubts that may arise in people’s minds. These words resonate with people’s hearts and have been emotionally recognized and accepted by them. “This straightforward and concise statement, easily comprehensible to all, underscores the notion that the inhabitants of a nation wield the greatest influence on the suitability of a country’s trajectory of progress.” It also demonstrates the Party’s confidence in the path, theory, and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. “The CPC is the ruling party, and it must be the first to govern the country, and it must govern strictly.” Only by effectively strengthening the Party’s self-construction, improving the Party’s governance ability and level, and maintaining the Party’s integrity and progress, can the Party successfully lead the reform and opening up, as well as the construction of socialist modernization. There are some phrases such as “don’t stretch your hands, they will be caught”, “fight tigers and swat flies”, “scrape the bones and heal the poison, break the wrists”, etc., not only symbolize the strong determination of the CPC Central Committee to combat corruption and uphold honesty and integrity, but also serve as a stern warning to individuals engaged in corrupt practices. These phrases demonstrate the strong determination of the CPC Central Committee to combat corruption and uphold honesty and integrity. It is also a stern warning to corrupt individuals, demonstrating the Party’s courage, determination, and confidence in fully pursuing its campaign for clean government and anti-corruption measures.

3.3. “Innovative”―Keeping up with the Times and Constantly Innovated

Xi Jinping has introduced a plethora of new vocabulary that was not used by his predecessors, setting a trend for innovative speeches among national leaders. The innovation of his speeches is reflected in two aspects.

First of all, his speeches always embody China’s new ideas, concepts, and strategies, reflecting the latest achievements of Xi Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. They also highlight our party’s latest contributions to promoting the establishment of a global community and the construction of a better world. [9] Speech examples depend on the occasion and the audience, and political discourse is no exception. According to the local conditions, spring rain can be expected. However, without a purpose or goal, it can only contradict the desires of the people. For example, on September 22, 2020, Xi Jinping pointed out during the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly that China will not seek a monopoly, engage in zero-sum games, or operate in a closed manner by closing its doors. Instead, China will gradually establish a new development pattern that prioritizes the domestic cycle, while also enhancing both the domestic and international cycles. This new development pattern provides an important guiding ideology for China’s economic and social development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period and beyond. Xi Jinping also pointed out in 2020, in a speech entitled “Solidarity and Cooperation to Overcome Epidemics and Build a Community of Health for Humanity”, delivered at the opening of the 73rd World Health Assembly via video conference, says that “Humanity is a community of destiny, and solidarity and cooperation are the most powerful weapons for overcoming epidemics.” This statement highlights the fact that in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, which poses a global threat, no country can stand alone. It emphasizes the importance of solidarity, cooperation, and collaborative efforts in overcoming the challenges we all face.

President Xi Jinping’s speeches have exhibited a remarkable capacity to adjust to the evolving circumstances, as he consistently incorporates diverse local sayings and proverbs to align with specific contexts. On February 9, 2021, Xi Jinping employed a proverb that has its roots in Central and Eastern European countries, namely, “Good advice is more valuable than gold.” The purpose of utilizing this proverb was to motivate individuals to actively contribute their wisdom in order to promote cooperation between China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This approach exhibits stability, practicality, and long-term significance. China’s collaboration with Central and Eastern European nations in the present context is anticipated to exhibit greater stability, pragmatism, and impact. During his address at the 22nd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on September 16, 2022, Xi Jinping referenced a proverb from Uzbekistan. This proverb highlights the crucial role of peace in a nation’s prosperity and underscores the significance of favorable conditions, represented by rain, in fostering the flourishing of the earth. In order to tackle the existing peace deficit and address the global security dilemma, China has put forward the Global Security Initiative (GSI). The Global Security Institute (GSI) promotes the adoption of a collective, inclusive, collaborative, and enduring notion of security among all nations. The aforementioned statement also emphasizes the need to advocate for a well-rounded, efficient, and enduring security framework, aiming to establish a cohesive atmosphere characterized by peace, stability, prosperity, and aesthetic appeal. During his address at the inaugural stage of the 17th Summit of the Group of Twenty (G20) Leaders on November 15, 2022, Xi Jinping alluded to an Indonesian proverb, emphasizing that the prosperity of a nation is contingent upon the existence of peace. During the preliminary stage of the G20 Leaders’ Summit held on November 15, 2022, President Xi Jinping of China invoked an Indonesian proverb, “Sugarcane grows in the same hole, lemongrass grows in clumps” to emphasize the idea that division and confrontation yield no advantages for any participating party. Instead, the speaker placed significant emphasis on the significance of unity and coexistence as the most suitable option. Similarly, during a summit held on May 19, 2023, between China and Central Asia, President Xi referenced a proverb originating from Shaanxi Province, China. The proverb states, “If one exerts diligent effort, one will reap rewards akin to gold emerging from the soil.” As highlighted by the Central Asian proverb “Give and you will be rewarded, sow and you will reap”, it is emphasized that nations should engage in collaboration and cooperation to actively foster shared development, collective wealth, and mutual prosperity. This proverb draws a parallel between the concept that profound work will yield gold from the soil. Comrade Xi Jinping has embarked on numerous diplomatic visits to various nations, during which he has delivered a series of eloquent speeches. It is apparent that the orator’s speeches and articles are characterized by the deliberate inclusion of renowned quotations that have been meticulously chosen to align with the distinct local customs, historical traditions, and cultural attributes of the nations he has visited. This approach not only cultivates a sense of intimacy and emotional attachment, but also demonstrates his keen political insight and skillful diplomacy.

4. Formation Reasons

4.1. Related to Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture

The development of Comrade Xi Jinping’s unique linguistic style is closely tied to the rich heritage of Chinese culture. It is rooted in his unwavering conviction to align his thoughts with those of the masses, address their needs, and fulfill their aspirations. He has studied various ancient books and classical writings of his predecessors, becoming well-versed in the use of classic ancient poems from different eras and cultures. He demonstrates great skills in incorporating them into his work, both in ancient and modern contexts, domestically and internationally. He referenced the renowned scholar Wang Guowei’s concept of the three realms of learning to argue that theoretical study should also encompass the pursuit of “looking at the end of the road”. It should equip individuals with the resilience to endure the desolation depicted in phrases like “last night’s west wind withered the blue trees”, “alone on a tall building” and “the lonely”. “Loneliness; but also to have a belt gradually widening, not regretting”, people looking worn out “willingness; but also to have a crowd finding him in a thousand ways”, and finally, in the moment “the lights go out”, realizing the true meaning. This language is more engaging and significant than the typical learning requirements. There are numerous examples of this type of language. Almost all of his speeches would include quotes from ancient and modern Chinese and foreign aphorisms, as well as ancient sayings and poems. He would even incorporate them into his speeches abroad, demonstrating ease and aptness, which added a vibrant touch to each speech. Xi’s utilization of classical poems from China’s esteemed traditions to convey the Party’s philosophy of governance showcases his extensive and nuanced cultural background. Furthermore, Xi’s inclusion of the phrase “governing a large country is like cooking a small meal” during a joint interview with the media of the BRICS countries in March 2013 exemplifies the profound impact of China’s rich traditions and culture on his approach to governance.

Many of Xi’s concepts, such as prioritizing the well-being of the people, ensuring efficient governance, valuing talent, and promoting frugality, demonstrate his profound understanding of traditional Chinese culture. In his speech at the New Year’s Tea Party of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) at the end of 2013, Xi quoted the phrase “Gou Ri Xin (苟日新), Ri Ri Xin (日日新), and Ri Xin Xin (日新新)”, which not only reflects the spirit of innovation of the Chinese nation but also emphasizes the necessity for society to continuously evolve and grow stronger. It also highlights the requirement for him, as a politician, to constantly update his own ideological concepts. It is precisely because of this excellent tradition of emphasizing innovation and opposing conformity that China has made significant contributions to human civilization. On various occasions, Xi Jinping has extensively quoted classical Chinese poems. As the General Secretary said, these poems are “a valuable source of inspiration for governance, derived from the wealth of ideas passed down by our predecessors, and a means to elevate our vision to a higher level, drawing from the latest achievements of human civilization”. This not only showcases the extraordinary charm of traditional Chinese culture to the world but also inspires people worldwide to learn more about China’s rich cultural heritage and its people. It not only showcases the extraordinary charm of Chinese traditional culture to the world but also inspires people worldwide to appreciate and embrace China’s rich cultural heritage.

China is renowned for its profound and extensive history that encompasses a period of 5,000 years. The rich and profound traditional Chinese culture, which has developed over a long period of time, has had a profound influence on the mindset of the Chinese population and has played a crucial role in guiding their aspirations for national independence, prosperity, and power. Traditional Chinese virtues, socialist core values, traditional Chinese festivals and culture, the Four Books and the Five Classics, national culture, loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trust have imbued the Chinese nation with a profound sense of cultural confidence and vitality. Xi Jinping’s profound appreciation for Chinese traditional culture is clearly demonstrated in his literary work, “Xi Jinping’s Dictionary”, where he skillfully employs the vast wealth of traditional Chinese culture. Through his adept writing abilities, Xi Jinping not only showcases his profound admiration for Chinese culture, but also subtly conveys his unwavering sense of nationalism. This phenomenon is intricately linked to the transmission of conventional family values and the individual’s profound appreciation for traditional cultural practices. Family style pertains to the inherent spiritual resilience present within a family, predominantly demonstrated through the fostering of constructive ideological and behavioral patterns among its members. Family education holds paramount significance in shaping children’s educational development, with parents assuming a pivotal role in this process. During his youth, Xi Jinping actively pursued the study of traditional culture under the guidance of his parents, which allowed him to develop a profound understanding and appreciation for the traditional virtues that are integral to the Chinese nation. During the crucial period of his development, Xi Jinping demonstrated his gratitude towards his parents and recognized the significant influence their admirable traits had in molding his character. The influence of his parents played a significant role in shaping his personal development. Xi Jinping exhibits a notable degree of dedication to upholding traditional Chinese virtues and fostering the development of personal moral values. The individual under consideration demonstrated a strong commitment to preserving traditional Chinese virtues and fostering personal moral growth. The individual in question was raised with a strong emphasis on the virtues of honesty, simplicity, and integrity, instilled in him by his family. These values were not only internalized by him, but also held to be essential for high-ranking officials.

Furthermore, Xi Jinping has developed a deep comprehension of traditional cultural knowledge by actively engaging in practical experiences at the grassroots level. The individual exhibits a significant amount of valuable experiential knowledge gained from grassroots involvement. Xi Jinping has accumulated a significant amount of life experience, having dedicated seven years of his youth, four years to university education, and three years to serving as a secretary. The young soldier’s experience yielded a notable advantage in the form of a deep comprehension of practicality and a sense of collective identity that accompanies enduring a demanding life in rural and mountainous areas for a duration of seven years. Throughout his term in Zhengding, he consistently interacted with the local community to collect primary data, actively engaging with residents and attentively considering their feedback. This approach allowed him to develop a comprehensive understanding of the prevailing circumstances. Xi Jinping emphasizes the importance of gaining a comprehensive understanding of the current circumstances and developing insightful perspectives in order to effectively guide the work. In the context of fostering collaboration and interaction among esteemed officials, he underscored the significance of young and middle-aged cadres anchoring themselves in reality and demonstrating respect towards their senior counterparts. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of recognizing and appreciating their wisdom and experience. The embodiment of the inheritance of exemplary traditional Chinese virtues can be found in the observance of “filial piety” and “respect for the elderly”. In order to facilitate the exchange and collaboration among distinguished cadres, it is imperative to uphold the exemplary virtues exhibited by former cadres and perpetuate their esteemed traditions. This approach effectively utilizes the inherent strength of traditional Chinese virtues to explore novel pathways in our pursuits. To investigate novel avenues for professional advancement, Xi Jinping has exhibited remarkable adeptness in utilizing traditional Chinese culture to successfully execute poverty eradication initiatives, with the objective of establishing a trajectory towards prosperity. During his tenure in Fujian, Xi introduced the concepts of “dripping water penetrates the stone” and “the weak bird flies first” as a means to cultivate a culture of diligence and innovation. These ideas were designed to foster a resolute dedication to work and an open-minded attitude. This

study presents a unique utilization of the metaphor “water dripping through stone” coined by Luo Dajing during the Song Dynasty, along with the concept of “the weak bird flies first” introduced by Guan Hanqing in the Yuan Dynasty. The aforementioned statement highlights Xi Jinping’s adept incorporation of traditional Chinese culture as a means to successfully execute his strategy of targeted poverty reduction. Additionally, Xi Jinping exhibits proficiency in utilizing traditional culture as a strategy to address substantial challenges that necessitate resolution. The author argues for the preservation and promotion of the cultural heritage of eastern Fujian, with a particular emphasis on the She culture, which is a unique characteristic of the region. The objective is to accomplish this by utilizing approaches that are easily accessible to the general public, possess widespread appeal, and are cost-effective, all with the intention of disseminating this valuable knowledge for the advancement of society. The author’s extensive grass-roots work experiences has exerted a profound influence on his methodology of pursuing truth through empirical evidence, prioritizing development, advocating for the liberation of ideas in practical settings, emphasizing engagement with and attentiveness to the general public, and augmenting his own moral development and proficiency in traditional cultural knowledge. This practical experience has significantly contributed to his personal growth and development.

4.2. Related to Life Experiences

Life experiences often exert a decisive influence on the development of an individual’s thoughts, character, and linguistic style. As the adage suggests, “Three sentences never stray from one’s profession,” encapsulating the profound connection between language style and life experiences. This adage highlights the intricate relationship between language style and the diverse range of life experiences that shape it. President Xi Jinping’s unique linguistic style is intricately connected to his personal life experiences. At the age of 15, he voluntarily embarked on a journey to Liangjiahe Village in Yan’an, where he sought to undergo a process of re-education under the guidance of impoverished and lower-middle class peasants. He was assigned to a vacant cave dwelling in the second team, where he encountered unfamiliar items such as the earthen kang bed, stove, and steamed buns. During his tenure in Liangjiahe, Xi Jinping dedicated a significant duration to his involvement in the infrastructure construction team, primarily focusing on dam construction and land reclamation. Liang Youchang, currently 79 years of age, characterizes himself as a diligent individual who has persevered through various challenges. In Liang Youchang’s recollection, the ice and snow in northern Shaanxi had recently thawed during the second or third lunar month. Xi Jinping frequently engaged in the practice of rolling up his pants and working barefoot in the freezing water during the construction of the dam in the village canal. At that particular juncture, the local inhabitants lauded him as an exemplary and virtuous young individual. Afterward, Xi Jinping submitted an application to join the Communist Party of China. Shortly after his membership was approved, he was appointed as the secretary of the brigade party branch. In 1975, Xi Jinping received a recommendation to pursue his studies at Tsinghua University following a period of 7 years spent in Liangjiahe. Over the course of seven years, he underwent a remarkable transformation, evolving from an inexperienced teenager into an exemplary village party secretary. Every blade of grass and every tree in Liangjiahe held a profound and irreplaceable significance for him. Over the course of the past seven years, Xi Jinping has consistently maintained a grassroots approach, firmly adhering to the principle of wholeheartedly serving the people. His speeches consistently reflect a perspective that prioritizes the needs and concerns of the masses. In 1982, Xi Jinping commenced his tenure in Zhengding County, Hebei, and subsequently relocated to Xiamen, Fujian. Following his assignment in Xiamen, he was subsequently appointed as the secretary of the Ningde Prefectural Committee. Upon completion of his tenure in Ningde, he was reassigned to Fuzhou for further work. After spending 18 years in Fujian, he relocated to Zhejiang and assumed the position of secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Xi Jinping authored a total of 232 concise articles in the Zhejiang Daily column, subsequently compiled into the book titled Zhejiang New Language. These articles primarily focused on the everyday experiences of individuals at the grassroots level and were characterized by their accessibility and comprehensibility. In 2007, Xi Jinping was reassigned from his position in Zhejiang to assume the role of secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Committee, demonstrating his unwavering dedication to public service. Whether in the provinces of Fujian, Zhejiang, or the city of Shanghai, Xi Jinping has consistently upheld his commitment to maintaining a strong connection with the local communities and serving the people in a practical manner. His governing philosophy prioritizes the interests of the people above all other considerations. The accumulation of practical experience at various levels, ranging from grassroots to central, has provided the groundwork for the development of his unique linguistic style.

4.3. Related to Communicative Context

Li Yunhan’s examination of Chinese language style asserts that the communication environment serves as an external or objective determinant that influences the formation of language style. It refers to the social environment, geographical location, natural environment, communication partners, and communication modes. [10] Individuals exist within a specific social environment and are intricately linked to their immediate surroundings, thus rendering their linguistic style in verbal communication inherently intertwined with the communicative context.

In academic discourse, the concept of context pertains to the encompassing environment in which language communication takes place. It encompasses four key dimensions, namely physical context, social context, situational context, and psychological context. Physical context encompasses the precise temporal and spatial setting, which includes factors such as time, space, participants, and scenes. Social context encompasses the social milieu in which verbal communication takes place, encompassing both the specific situations and the broader background. Situational context encompasses various elements such as communication partners, communication modes, communication content, and communication occasions. In the context of a speech delivered by a leader, the primary recipient of communication is the audience. The speaker will employ suitable communicative discourse, taking into consideration the cultural knowledge, age, and occupation of the audience, with the aim of establishing a sense of unity between the speaker and the audience. Communication mode primarily encompasses written and oral forms of communication. The term “background” primarily pertains to the historical and ethnic context of the speech. The influence of communication is primarily determined by the social context. Situational context refers to the linguistic context, which primarily consists of the context, prefaces, and postscripts. Psychological context pertains to the psychological attributes of the speaker. President Xi Jinping’s language style is characterized by its seriousness, rigor, magnificence, down-to-earth nature, ease of comprehension, vividness, liveliness, and vibrancy. This style is intricately linked to the social context, specifically the communicative context.

As the saying goes, “Sing the songs befitting the mountains.” This saying is also applicable to the realm of language communication. In a given communicative context, there exist distinct communication partners. Different partners necessitate diverse methods of language expression, and the utilization of distinct language expression methods will give rise to varied language styles. One prominent feature of Xi Jinping’s linguistic style is his adeptness in incorporating quotations from other nations. This practice serves to create a sense of detachment when addressing domestic audiences, thereby fostering improved communication and establishing a profound resonance with them. In President Xi Jinping’s speeches, he demonstrates a sense of closeness and approachability when addressing the general public, exhibits anger and disdain towards corrupt individuals, and maintains a demeanor of stability and confidence when engaging with foreign counterparts. The emergence of distinct language styles in his speeches is intricately linked to the communicative context.

5. Conclusion

Since the convening of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the academic community has undertaken extensive research on the speeches delivered by Xi Jinping, examining them from various perspectives and levels of analysis. However, the related research results are still not abundant enough, and are currently in its nascent stage. In light of the aforementioned, the present article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the linguistic attributes exhibited by Xi Jinping. Drawing upon previous scholarly investigations, this study identifies and expounds upon three primary characteristics of Xi Jinping’s language, namely “conciseness, plain, and innovation”. Furthermore, the article provides a further analysis of the underlying factors contributing to these characteristics. In order to enhance the scholarly investigation of Xi Jinping’s discourse, it is imperative for researchers to intensify their efforts in textual analysis, comparative studies, and strive for a synthesis of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Additionally, interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research approaches should be employed to further enrich the understanding of this subject matter.




Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest.


[1] Austin, J.L. (1962) How to Do Things with Words? Clarendon Press, Oxford.
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