An Innovative Scientific Theory to Create a “New Engine for Compressing and Transporting Matter and Creating an Independent Ultra-Gravitational Magnetic Field” for Flight on Earth and Space


This research proposes a new theory in the field of physics and space technology, based on several scientific hypotheses and conclusions, as it plans to manufacture a “new magnetic focus” by means of high-speed centrifugal engines, by equipping a group of them, and installing heavy, dense fans, not for the purpose of air pressure, Rather, it works to rotate at a speed of up to 1000 kilometers per hour at an angle of 45 degrees, and is lined up in front of each other in a circle, so that the final result is to transfer the effort and weight of the propellers to an upper point in their midst, and this point will reach a large degree of density, size and mass, causing the generation of a point independent magnetic attraction, which pulls the motors upward, as a result of the mutual gravitational effect created by the motors. These hypotheses need a large number of experiments, applications, and analyze the use of specialists in physics, technology, technology, engine engineers, and others, and the correct results will cause a major revolution in the field of space technology, and this theory will be relied upon in many means of land, air, and space transportation and different fields.

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Nabil, W. (2023) An Innovative Scientific Theory to Create a “New Engine for Compressing and Transporting Matter and Creating an Independent Ultra-Gravitational Magnetic Field” for Flight on Earth and Space. Advances in Aerospace Science and Technology, 8, 1-10. doi: 10.4236/aast.2023.81001.

1. Introduction

It has been established scientifically so far that: Solid matter, such as minerals and rocks, does not accept compression, and is immovable without moving from its place, but this research seeks to refute these axioms, and tries to “Compress and move matter to another place without leaving its position to create an independent magnetic field.” A huge scientific adventure and a great breakthrough is to achieve two things that are considered impossible for contemporary physicists (namely: compressing matter without moving from its position and compressing it to reduce its size), because it is like creating a miniature “black hole” that can be tamed and controlled, and used as an effective tool in flight.

What Is This Research Studying About?

This scientific paper presents a new innovative theory that seeks to create an “Independent magnetic field of gravity” to overcome the earth’s gravity, by using “Centrifugal force” in itself as a mechanical tool to move a material weighing more than 1 ton and compress it in an area of about 1 cm3. It will cause the creation of a strong independent magnetic field, using a new engine based on the laws, constants, and perceptions of theoretical physics, a specific engineering design, and some other arrangements. It also requires preliminary experiments to verify the partial success of the idea before implementing the final design.

The research relied on a “Set of scientific hypotheses”, and artificial intelligence was used, which provided something like specialized scientific advice, to avoid going in contradictions of science, to build new hypotheses and conclusions, and to maintain the idea’s direction, details and results to achieve the general direction.

2. What Motor Can Create An Independent Magnetic Field? ... How Does It Work?

2.1. How Does a Motor Just Act on a Magnetic Field Positioned at a Particular Point?

We’d better start by asking a preliminary question. Is there currently an engine that can create an independent (Magnetic) gravity, or anti-gravity; of course not, but what if it is possible? There is no doubt that it will have great benefits and many applications in the fields of aviation, space, transportation, and others.

2.2. Magnetic Centrifugal Motors

The project is based on the construction of “Centrifugal engines” not with the aim of putting something in order to rearrange the elements of their matter; Rather, it is used by itself to transfer the weight of its propeller rotation to another point outside the center, so we believe that there are some aspects that have not been taken care of, or the applied areas of the centrifugation process, and this requires a set of arrangements, engineering requirements and accurate scientific experiments.

With the question of artificial intelligence: Does the centrifugal force transfer the weight and mass of the material out of the center? The response was as follows: Yes, the centrifugal force works when the body rotates around its axis and causes the movement of mass materials and body particles outwards, and this happens when the material particles rotate at high speed in a closed circle, so the centrifugal force can transfer mass and energy from matter outwards from the center [1] .

With a question to the artificial intelligence: Is the rotating body very fast, is its gravity great? The answer was as follows: Yes, if the rotating body rotates at a very high speed, it will generate a force called “The imaginary force resulting from the circular motion” that works to attract things towards the center, this force is called the centrifugal force. Therefore, the faster a rotating object rotates, the greater the gravitational force on it. This can be seen, for example, in hoops used in games, where it is difficult for players to stay on the platform due to the centrifugal force acting on them [1] .

Based on these rules, it is possible to think of creating “Centrifugal engines” to rotate at full speed and transfer the weight of its rotation to the outside, and therefore the rotating fans must be made of the strongest and densest metal, and often the choice will fall on “Iron” or “A mixed alloy of strong steel”. It is an easy and less costly solution, especially when conducting preliminary laboratory experiments, but in actual application we will need the densest material, which is “Osmium” (Os), with a density of about 22.59 grams/cm3 [2] (It is characterized by high endurance, chemical stability, And thermal endurance.), and since it is an expensive material, it can be used at a later time, as the rotating centrifugal wheels will give a large density that strengthens its functional role.

2.3. How to Engineer the Magnetic Centrifugal Motors?

Here we need to prepare a group of centrifugal engines, and we will start first with two of the engines in the initial experiments, by installing a heavy wheel, to rotate at very high speeds, (which is often available in aircraft engines), and the engines must be distributed in front of each other, and each fan must be directed Rotate downward at an angle of 45 degrees to meet the “External centrifugal focus” at a single point not more than 1 cm (see Figure 1), to achieve the required “Magnetic collision point”.

The scientific hypothesis begins as follows: For example: If a wheel rotates weighing 200 kilograms (other than the weight of the engine as a whole) made of osmium metal and has a diameter of 10 meters and rotates at a speed of 1000 kilometers per hour and is mounted on a machine, how much weight and mass of the material will be transferred outside Center? And to the question of artificial intelligence, the response was as follows: You use the law:

Force, rotation = (Mass × rotational acceleration) ÷ radius: mass = 200 kilograms

Rotational acceleration = (1000 ÷ 3600) 2 × 10 = 7.716 × 105 meters/second squared (where 1000 kilometers/hour converted to meters/hour converted to mean: a = v2/r)

Radius = 5 m (The radius is Diameter = 5 m

Rotation = (200 × 7.716 × 105) ÷ 5 = 3.862 × 107 Newtons

Figure 1. A preliminary experiment to find out the extent of success in generating an “Independent magnetic point” by installing and fixing 2 centrifugal motors on top of a huge balance that bears weight and strong vibrations when the motors rotate very quickly to form the magnetic focus at the top, and it is expected that the scale will increase In the weight in an initial stage, to decrease after that to less than the weight of the two engines themselves as a result of the mutual attraction of the independent magnetic focus of attraction, and it is noted that the colored ball lines suspended on a pole above the engine are attracted to the “New magnetic focus of attraction”, to prove the success of the scientific theory, and it is better to put several Magnetic compasses close to the engine, one of them on the ground, the second at the level of the magnetic focus, and the third at the level of the ceiling, and it is also important to pass a beam of laser near the focus of magnetic attraction, to see if the beam will be inclined due to gravity. Source: Prepared by the researcher.

Calculating the weight transferred out of the center by the following law:

Weight transferred = rotational force × radius

Movable = 3.862 × 107 × 5 = 1.931 × 108 Newtons

The wheel transfers a weight of about 19,310,000 Newtons off-centre [1] .

By converting (19,310,000 Newtons) to weight in tons, we follow the following equation: The unit of force is “Newton” to the unit of weight “Directly, because they are two different units. The unit “ton” is used to weigh mass, while the unit “Newton” is used to measure, using the following law to convert force Newton to mass of a kilogram, weight of an object (in kilograms) = force (in Newtons) ÷ gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s2), where 9.81 m/s2 equals the value of gravitational acceleration on the Earth’s surface.

If you do this formula by 19,310,000 Newtons, the weight will be approximately 1,969,540.94 kilograms. This value can be converted to tons by dividing by 1000, the weight is about 1969.54 tons [1] .

And while the centrifuge transfers half of the force to the upper side, the other half throws it away on the opposite side, meaning that there are about 50% of the wasted forces, but with the gathering of centrifugal fan circuits and transferring their power to the top, it will have an attractive effect for a measure of wasted forces on the reverse side, it is easy to fit a “Ring frame” around the centrifugal chambers with a single hole on the hub side, to collect the forces and direct them upwards.

It is possible to put a tightly closed tube in the form of a circle of transparent, heavy-duty plastic material, and put in it an amount of water, not more than half, and install it on the centrifugal circles, as with the increase in the speed of rotation, the water will collect in the frame farthest from the center of the circle, to form what looks like a ring It is expected that the water density will increase at the top when the centrifugal circles gather to rotate in an organized group at an angle of 45 degrees.

2.4. What Would Happen If 10 Centrifugal Engines Could Be Equipped to Operate in the Same Way, What Would Be the Expected Result?

If it is possible to equip 10 engines that rotate in the same way in front of each other (1969.54 tons × 10) = 19.695 tons (i.e. more than 10 thousand tons, then you can lift the spaceship), but the problem here is that the weight of the engines is actually heavy, so the weight of one engine will not be less than a few hundred kilogram, which reduces the ability to carry other things, and therefore its weight must be reduced as much as possible, while maintaining its effectiveness and durability and achieving the highest level of safety.

With the question of artificial intelligence: If a dense material was found that formed on top of a spaceship with a mass of 10,000 tons, could the material attract the machine? The answer was decisive: Yes, if the dense matter has a mass as large as 10,000 tons, it can attract other bodies towards it due to the forces of gravitational attraction. In the case of a spaceship, it may be pulled toward the dense material if its mass is less than that of the original dense matter. Therefore, care must be taken and necessary measures must be taken to avoid collisions with the dense matter [1] .

With a question to the artificial intelligence: If a dense material with a mass of 10 thousand tons was found, formed on top of a 5-ton spaceship, could the material attract the machine? The answer was: Yes, if the dense mass that weighs 10,000 tons is very close to the spaceship that weighs 5 tons, it will affect it with gravitational attraction. However, it must be taken into account that the spaceship may move slowly due to the large gravitational force during this process [1] .

2.5. Does the “Centrifugal Collision” Defy Many Laws of Physics?

Perhaps so, because it contradicts the concepts of: volume (Volume is a physical measure to measure the space occupied by a body), mass (Mass is a physical quantity, and is defined as the amount of matter the body contains), and density (Mass density, and it is called volumetric mass), is a physical characteristic of bodies that expresses the relationship of the unit of volume to the unit of mass of a substance or an object, so the greater the density, the greater the mass per unit of volumes, and therefore it is the mass of the unit of volumes of matter. The density of a body equals its total mass divided by its total volume [3] , a new substance will be generated in the smallest space, that is, the mass, while containing the largest amount of matter.

With the question of artificial intelligence: If a substance with a volume of 1 cubic centimeter and a weight of 10,000 tons is formed in a state of rest on the planet, what will be its effect on what is around it? The response was as follows: If a substance with a volume of 1 cubic centimeter and a weight of 10,000 tons was formed at rest on the surface of the planet Earth, it would have a strong gravitational effect on its surroundings. This gravity will cause the objects around them to deform, and if they are placed on a soft surface, they may sink into the ground. Its presence will also deflect the path of anything approaching it, as it will gravitationally attract with the surrounding materials until the forces between them are balanced [1] .

2.6. What Is the Relationship between the Point of Magnetic Collision (The Focus of the Magnetic Field) and the “Gravitational Field”?

It was possible to confirm that the collision point leads to the existence of a “Gravitational field” with certainty and certainty, and with the question of artificial intelligence: Does the large gravitational field have a magnetic effect? The response was decisive as follows: Yes, the large gravitational field has a magnetic effect, and this effect is known as the “Lens Gifford-Schiff effect”, which means that changes in the large gravitational field cause the magnetic field to be generated within the gravitational field, and this effect is due to the effect of Some fields such as satellites and controllers in the functional accuracy of the global network of the Internet [1] , and this is what we wanted, and we sought to achieve it from the beginning, so the possibility of success is certain, even if it requires a lot of effort and applied experiments.

2.7. Is It Possible to Install a Group of Motors Inside a Closed Box to Work with the Same Efficiency?

In principle, it is better to prove the motor’s ability to create a “Magnetic focus” that crosses the strong and thick roof, by placing the motors in a closed room with a strong roof (see Figure 2). In order for the roof to turn into a semi-neutral function, the roof is pulled upward by the power of the motor’s work, and the motor must be well installed in a strong box that has a floor, walls and ceiling,

Figure 2. A side view of the experiment of placing centrifugal motors (10 motors) in a “strong closed box” (spaceship) to create an independent magnetic field of high gravity above the box to prove the ability of the engine to manufacture an external “magnetic focus” that crosses the metal barrier and operates with the same efficiency...the motor will rise, carrying the box... Therefore, it must be tied with ropes to control it and to know the extent of its ability to lift. Source: Prepared by the researcher.

and the effect of that should be monitored and monitored with great accuracy. Therefore, the box must be tied with ropes to control it and know the extent of its ability to lift, and the faster it is The rotation of the motor increases the magnetic force of attraction, and the ability to carry very large weights necessarily increases. Without exaggeration, you may be able to lift an entire mountain if its top is installed with the motor.

2.8. The Strategy for Using Ultracentrifugal Engines in a “Spaceship”?

Perhaps the best design for this vehicle is the shape of a parallelogram (Which approximates flying saucer graphics), because it will protect the human crews from any harmful effects of the rotation of centrifugal engines in the opposite direction of the focus of magnetic attraction, and will also keep them as far as possible from the dangers of the focus of attraction and its threat to life and human health safety.

It is possible to place the engines in the upper half of the space, and surround the room with sound insulators, control devices, cooling tools, etc., while the rest of the lower part is allocated for the residence of human crews, and this shape will facilitate the flow of flight, resist air friction, and increase speed, while maintaining Vehicle balance and stability.

2.9. The 12-Engine Spaceship That Can Fly in All Directions

If 12 centrifuge engines can be equipped facing each other at an inclination angle of 45 degrees so that they all head at a specific upper point, and all the devices rotate at a speed of one thousand kilometers per hour, then it is possible that these engines contribute to reconfiguring the direction of the “Gravitational center” and its pre-calculated displacement And shift it east or west, north or south, where 12 engines will be placed at a rate of 3 in each direction (3 east - 3 west/3 north - 3 south) (see Figure 3), for flying uses in different flight modes.

2.10. Do Spaceships Need More than 12 Centrifugal Engines to Fly in Space?

Spaceships will need more than one independent group of “Super magnetic centrifugal engines”, due to their need to form an “Independent focus of attraction at the bottom”, for more freedom and efficiency of flight movement, and it is even possible to manufacture more than one “Magnetic focus” in each direction, At least 2 from the roof side, for more lifting and flying ability.

Figure 3. A general view of the method of placing 12 high-speed centrifugal motors to create a new gravitational field in the center, to strengthen the focus and give it a double force. In the opposite direction, to reduce the level of vibrations to the lowest possible degree. Source: Prepared by the researcher.

3. Characteristics and Applications of Centrifugal Motors and Independent Magnetic Field Configuration

With these new experiences, arrangements and strategy of the theory of “Centrifugal attraction engine”, which operates in the traction method and not in the rear-wheel drive method used in all internal combustion engines; A new avenue for space engineering will be opened, and among its many advantages is the possibility of covering it or working remotely, because the focus of attraction will be located after the barrier or cover of any type, and thus we can create a silent vehicle with low noise from which a rocket engine does not appear, and we dispense with its successive stages.

Anyone who has not heard of it will be surprised, as if it were a ship belonging to aliens; but does this mechanism play a more important role than just deception? Yes, of course, because it will work in environments devoid of oxygen or air in general, and it is ideal for operating at high altitudes with very low air density (such as high mountain peaks, including Mount Everest, for example) and outer space.

I repeated the questions of artificial intelligence again: If a theory could be devised to manufacture an engine to overcome earth’s gravity, would that benefit anyone? And the response came as follows: If it is possible to succeed in devising an engine to overcome the earth’s gravity, this will have a great impact on many fields and industries. It is possible that this innovation will benefit in:

v Reducing the cost of launching into space, as the current launch requires the use of large amounts of fuel to overcome the force of gravity.

v Developing new means of transportation, where this engine can be used to achieve higher speeds and reduce dependence on thermal or electrical energy.

v Developing drilling and mining technologies, as this engine can be used to overcome the difficulties of ground transportation and drilling in difficult areas.

v Improving the quality of industrial processes, as this engine can be used to operate heavy equipment and save energy in production processes.

So, if you succeed in creating this engine, it will have a positive impact on many fields and industries [1] .

4. Conclusions

How beautiful to place a small seed for a very large tree! To put forward an initial idea that is subject to many applications, modifications and developments, to open a new scientific field for humans, to contribute to the manufacture of a new engine, a new machine that changes the face of the world, and redefines many concepts known to man.

This idea is considered “Interesting” and deserves to be subjected to scientific research and actual experiments in more detail. It is important to note that this project requires the participation of a variety of disciplines and precise experiences in physics, engineering and modern technologies, and there will be different results for the research if it is applied in environments free from Earth’s gravity (Outer space) and more effectiveness and strength due to the neutralization of natural forces competing for the work of the engines of the independent magnetic field industry.

Finally, it should be noted that the actual implementation of the research project requires high costs and large financial and time investments. Therefore, the necessary resources must be provided to ensure the success of this project, and it is also important to share the results reached with all the scientific community and specialists worldwide.


This research proposes a new highly ambitious scientific theory, which superimposes a few perceptions on complex hypotheses, but the question here is: Do we guarantee the accuracy of the results by 100%? Of course not. In contrast to the lack of complete confirmation of the possibility of the final success of the experiment, the results may come completely different from all expectations, and cause the emergence of new scientific phenomena that we did not plan for. Absolutely, this research will contribute to the advancement of science, and people will win in all cases.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


[1] Created by
[2] Wikipedia Encyclopedia—Osmium.
[3] Wikipedia Encyclopedia—Density.

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