Research on Improving the Quality of New Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talents by Panoramic Experience Teaching


Under the background of panoramic experiential teaching, the new business talents training model is advancing with the times. It is particularly critical to deeply understand the objectives and requirements of panoramic experiential teaching for the training of innovative and entrepreneurial talents, and truly implement it in the construction of the model. At present, the demand of enterprises for graduates has changed from advanced professionals who focus on theory to innovative talents who focus on application. In order to meet the new requirements of the talent market for high-quality ability of new business professionals, this paper, after summing up the drawbacks of the traditional training model and the current problems, has constructed a panoramic experience teaching model for new business innovative and entrepreneurial talents, and is committed to creating a learning, creativity and practical application ability in new business innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Chen, L. (2023) Research on Improving the Quality of New Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talents by Panoramic Experience Teaching. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 11, 293-304. doi: 10.4236/jss.2023.111021.

1. Introduction

In recent years, the domestic employment situation has become more and more severe, and major enterprises have put forward higher requirements for the comprehensive quality of college students. The new business has integrated a new generation of information technology on the basis of the traditional business, realizing the integration of disciplines. In this context, the cultivation of the autonomous learning ability, innovation and entrepreneurship ability, and practical application ability of business students has always been the focus of attention of colleges. Panoramic experiential teaching is characterized by situational, systematic and active involvement, with autonomy, interaction and exploration as the core concept, and with the full combination of information resources, it simulates the theoretical knowledge in a situation, and is committed to cultivating students’ moral integrity, independent learning ability, innovation and practical ability, which can significantly improve the comprehensive quality of new business innovative and entrepreneurial talents. In recent years, scholars have also made a lot of research on panoramic experience teaching. Some discussed the main features of panoramic experience teaching and the improvement of the comprehensive quality of economic and management college students by taking the simulation laboratory of economic and management courses as a case (Zhang et al., 2021). Starting from the connotation of entrepreneurship and innovation talent training, a “three-dimensional” practical teaching system similar to panoramic experience teaching for business entrepreneurship and innovation talent training has been established (Guo & Pan, 2019). For talent training in higher vocational colleges, scholars have also come up with a set of multi-dimensional and three-dimensional panoramic practical teaching system model (Li et al., 2015).

In the context of the new business, this paper will systematically explain the problems existing in the training of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in the new business, set up the teaching goal of panoramic experiential teaching, build a panoramic experiential teaching mode that meets the contemporary requirements, and explore the application of panoramic experiential teaching to improve the comprehensive ability of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in the new business, in combination with the previous theories, practical experience and the new requirements of the current employment of the business specialty.

2. A Review of Research on Panoramic Experiential Teaching

In June 1999, the state deepened educational reform, promoted quality-oriented education in an all-round way, and clearly proposed to reform the personnel training model, actively implement heuristic and discussion-based teaching, stimulate students’ awareness of independent thinking and innovation, and effectively improve the quality of teaching. In the same year, the educational thought of “experience in practice” appeared, and the word “experience” was clearly applied to education and teaching. In June 2001, the Ministry of Education promulgated the Outline of Curriculum Reform of Basic Education (Trial), and promulgated the national curriculum standards for each subject of compulsory education. “Experience goal” has become one of the curriculum goals of each subject. Since then, researches on the theory and practice of “experiential teaching” have emerged.

For the definition of the connotation of experiential teaching, although there are great differences in the literal expression, but the basic connotation is the same. Hu Shangfeng et al. studied experiential teaching earlier. They believed that experiential teaching, under the guidance of teachers’ theories, arouses students’ personal participation and understanding of knowledge through the creation of teaching situations, and verifies knowledge through practical behaviors. Experiential teaching is a teaching mode that can become truly free, independent, integrated with knowledge, and innovative in practice (Hu & Tian, 2003), this definition has been recognized and adopted by a large number of scholars.

Panoramic experiential teaching has a wide range of adaptive fields. Experiential teaching is suitable for different subject fields in compulsory education, professional subjects in higher education and adult education, especially those with strong practicality, comprehensiveness and application. The new business management major needs to combine theory and practice closely, apply management theory comprehensively to the actual environment to solve practical problems, and cultivate students’ ability to understand, analyze and solve problems. Therefore, it is more suitable for experiential teaching. Many scholars have conducted in-depth studies on the talent cultivation of new business management majors. Gui Lin et al. proposed the implementation of experiential teaching combining classroom teaching with social practice, and discussed the specific implementation approaches and modes in combination with the strong practical and innovative characteristics of economic and management courses (Gui et al., 2007). Hou Erxiu et al. focused on the major of human resource management and put the emphasis on the application of experiential teaching on the relatively weak practical teaching link. They set different operational tasks for the six modules of human resource management respectively, and let students apply relevant theories to solve problems more personally through role-playing experience. Finally, certain application effects have been achieved (Hou et al., 2013). Wan Guangling believed that experiential teaching also had strong practicability in the major of tourism management, and combined experiential teaching with existing laboratories to create experiential teaching models such as game teaching model and practical teaching model with simulation software (Wan, 2009). Li Xiuping pointed out that the practical teaching of management disciplines needs some situational assistance, which is consistent with the need of experiential teaching. The application of experiential teaching can avoid problems that cannot be replicated in management scenarios and effectively improve the effect of practical teaching (Li, 2006).

Therefore, the implementation of experiential teaching for new business management disciplines in this paper can be basically summarized into the following three stages: the first stage, scene creation. This is the preparation stage of experiential teaching. By presetting questions, assigning tasks and other forms, work scenes related to teaching content are set up to make full preparation for the next stage of experience. The second stage is hands-on experience. This is the core stage of experiential teaching, which requires students to obtain preliminary cognition and perception according to the problems or tasks in the first stage through personal participation and actions under the guidance of teachers. The third stage, feedback summary. This is the key stage of experiential teaching, which requires teachers and students to share and summarize the experience and process of experience together at a deeper level, so as to achieve the goal of internalizing knowledge or skills.

3. Problems in Training Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents of New Business

According to the Outline of the National Medium- and Long-Term Plan for Education Reform and Development (2010-2020), the Opinions of The General Office of the State Council on Deepening the Integration of Industry and Education and other relevant documents, combined with the feedback of employers, the follow-up survey of graduates’ employment and the research results of the peer exchanges of vocational colleges inside and outside the province, it is found that the traditional business education is more theoretical. The lack of vocational ability of the students results in that most of the new business graduates trained in colleges and universities in our country cannot meet the demand of the new position, but also brings the pressure and challenge of the reform of personnel training mode for the new business teaching.

3.1. Ambiguous Positioning of Talent Training

Under the background of panoramic experiential teaching, many colleges are emphasizing the need to cultivate high-quality and application-oriented innovative talents of new business to meet the needs of the times and enterprises. However, there are some problems in the guiding ideology of professional education, such as vague service orientation, unclear school running policy, single training mode, etc. Some colleges blindly follow the professional orientation, which is contrary to the current guidelines of higher education in China. When some colleges begin to explore the construction of talent training mode, they add other courses that focus on professional theoretical knowledge. Although theoretical knowledge is widely involved, it has not got out of the traditional training mode, resulting in the positioning of the curriculum system not clear, the positioning of talent training objectives vague, and a lack of core competitive advantages. Some colleges imitate the successful education model of other colleges in the same major, but they to neglect the problems of different market demands faced by the talents they send. They also completely copy and do not consider the characteristics of the major from the school running characteristics, which obviously does not meet the requirements of the society for high-quality and application-oriented talents in new business subjects and the actual development of the school, and cannot reflect the idea of scientific model construction and the training of new business talents. Finally, the quality and ability of trained talents cannot achieve the expected effect. There will also be corresponding problems for students. They cannot enjoy professional teaching resources, and their professional abilities cannot be effectively cultivated. In the end, students in this major will not be able to adapt to the market demand, and employment problems will become prominent.

3.2. Lack of Practical Application of Theoretical Knowledge

From the perspective of curriculum design, most colleges in China still use the traditional curriculum design model. Theoretical courses account for a large proportion of the whole curriculum system, while practical skills training courses are few. Most of them just stay in the theoretical study of basic knowledge, and students’ practical application ability has not been well trained.

From the perspective of operability, in response to the call to deepen the curriculum reform, although some colleges have realized the importance of cultivating students’ practical ability and added relevant practical courses, due to the lack of experimental facilities and equipment resources, the lack of professional guidance, the outdated practical training model and the impact of other objective factors, the theory and practice are disconnected, which leads to the failure to effectively implement the curriculum requirements. The effect of practical courses is not very good, and it does not improve the students’ weak practical application ability. In addition, there are also practice courses. However, due to the lack of innovation in the course structure, the courses are far from meeting the needs of the real society, which leads to the problem that there is a large gap between the trained talents and the target positioning. The lack of real projects and continuous experimental design from theory to application is also difficult to effectively combine the knowledge and skills of basic theory, professional design and application development through practice to cultivate application-oriented talents.

3.3. Single Teaching Means and Backward Teaching Methods

The current curriculum teaching in colleges is mainly focused on the teaching of basic knowledge in textbooks, focusing on textbooks and imparting theoretical knowledge. Most of the teaching methods are textbook theory teaching and case explanation, which cannot be well understood and applied by students. The curriculum also lacks attraction, and the teaching means are single. The teaching process is dominated by teachers. Most classroom teaching methods are mechanical teaching methods in which teachers tell theoretical knowledge above and students record and digest them below. Teachers do not ask questions and students do not think, which largely limits the exploration of students’ potential abilities. It is difficult to give full play to the role of students as the main body. The shortcomings of traditional teaching methods highlight, further hindering the improvement of students’ comprehensive quality.

3.4. The Condition of the Teaching Staff Cannot Meet the Requirements of Training High-Quality Talents

The cultivation of new business innovation and entrepreneurship talents requires a high-quality team of teachers with high theoretical level and strong practical ability. As far as the current talent cultivation mode of Chinese colleges is concerned, the source of teachers is generally directly oriented to colleges. Most of the teachers have high theoretical level, but lack practical work experience. In addition, the evaluation of school professional titles mainly focuses on teachers’ academic qualifications and research achievements and ignores the evaluation of teachers’ practical ability. Therefore, teachers of new business in China generally lack the ability of practical teaching, cannot lead students to carry out rich practical activities, and meet the needs of innovative application-oriented personnel training. Secondly, there are few teachers’ visiting and exchange activities, and their professional thinking is solid, they also lack the collision of international ideas and international vision, which is the main reason of the outdated model concept in the talent training process. Teachers’ keen insight and open thinking will exert a subtle influence on students in daily teaching activities. Therefore, it is particularly important to strengthen the construction of teachers and improve their comprehensive quality and ability in the operation system of talent training.

4. Model Construction of Panoramic Experience Teaching to Improve the Quality of New Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talents

4.1. Target Orientation of Talent Quality

With the progress of technology and the development of the times, new business talents are proposed to have soft power, but also hard skills. Soft power is the foundation, including character, mind, values, etc.; Hard work is fundamental, which includes technology, specialty and practice. We put forward three talent training elements (as shown in Table 1) to cultivate business students with both soft power and hard work. Among them, independent learning ability is the basis for growth, professional comprehensive ability is the survival needs of college students, and innovation and entrepreneurship ability is the soul.

Independent learning ability is a modern learning method corresponding to passive learning, which mainly takes students as the main body of learning, and requires students to carry out independent analysis, exploration, practice, questioning, creation and other methods to achieve learning objectives. The primary

Table 1. Capacity elements of new business innovation and entrepreneurship talent training objectives.

goal of cultivating innovative and entrepreneurial talents of new business is to enable students to have the ability to learn independently. In daily learning life, they can achieve self planning, self-control and self-evaluation, and can also cooperate with their classmates and teams to grow together.

Professional comprehensive ability refers to the ability to transfer and integrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes learned in specific professional activities to form the ability to complete certain professional tasks. Correspondingly, it refers to the comprehensive practical ability to master professional skills and apply theoretical methods in practice.

Innovation and entrepreneurship ability refers to the ability to discover and create new areas and new things. It has always been the basic goal of colleges to cultivate new business talents with the ability of innovation and entrepreneurship.

4.2. Construction of Panoramic Experience Teaching Mode

The current practical teaching still has the problem of being superficial. It is either a short visit, or arranging some courses for simple operations such as making models in the laboratory. These simple teaching methods will not allow students to have a great degree of personal experience and practical operation in this process, let alone in-depth experience and repeated thinking. Without sufficient practice and thinking, it is difficult for students to master the objective laws and characteristics of things, which makes substantive breakthroughs and innovations very hard. Such teaching models and methods are difficult to cultivate students’ independent learning ability and practical operation ability. Therefore, in the practice of new business, with the goal of integrating new technology reform with the training of innovative and entrepreneurial talents of new business, relying on the long-term experimental teaching process and talent training practice process of various colleges, a multi-dimensional, interactive, dynamic, all factor and multi-dimensional framework involving teachers and students is constructed to open up a new path for the training of innovative and entrepreneurial talents of new business. A talent quality training operation system with universal value and application and promotion prospect has been summarized and formed (as shown in Figure 1).

In the new business panoramic experience teaching operation system, the first thing is to define the talent training objectives. With the progress of science and technology and the development of the times, higher requirements have been put forward for business talents. They should not only have the ability to learn independently, but also have the professional comprehensive ability corresponding to their majors, and more importantly, they should have the sense of innovation and entrepreneurial ability. The practice operation is divided into three parts: course platform, practice platform and teaching platform. It is committed to building a high-quality course platform, delivering advanced theories as support, and closely combining theory and practice based on multi-dimensional teaching

Figure 1. Panoramic experience teaching operation system of new business.

platform, as well as various simulation laboratories and practice bases. The whole talent training mode always needs to run through panoramic services. With the overall education panorama as the overall background and the information flow panorama as the external assistance, it is necessary to create an interactive dynamic panoramic learning field that follows the practical teaching concept of “student centered, problem oriented, subject integration, and innovative practice”, and is committed to cultivating students’ problem awareness, innovation spirit, active learning, and self reflection ability.

4.3. Guarantee System of Three Party Linkage

According to the characteristics of new business talent training, from the perspective of target feasibility, three party linkage panorama security system of a new business (as shown in Figure 2) will be formed and shared among schools, enterprises and society. In the meanwhile, information sharing chain among three parties, schools and enterprises will be built. The school will systematically train students, and enterprises and society will train students on special topics to form a multi-dimensional, focused and prominent training pattern, further guarantee the achievement of the new business talents training objectives and ability elements.

5. The Application of Panoramic Experience Teaching to Improve New Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talents

5.1. Creating Situational Experience Teaching

According to the teaching characteristics of majors related to new business, colleges can create corresponding situations for students in the teaching process.

Figure 2. Three party linkage panorama security system of a new business.

First of all, teachers must formulate work processes and students regard teachers as leaders of the enterprise. Then, selecting students as staff of each department. Enterprise leaders must define the responsibilities of each department, assign tasks to staff, and even improve the degree of scene reduction, and present the actual problems of the enterprise. Different case problems can also be set with this method of creating scenes to enhance students’ sense of substitution. Different role orientations often have different analysis angles. By creating these situations, students can participate in the process, have a deeper understanding of the functions of various departments and enterprise management issues, and promote the improvement of teaching effects.

Situational creation can combine reality with theory to enhance students’ understanding of professional knowledge. In addition, teachers can also improve the interest of teaching through situational creation. In the teaching process, teachers should scientifically select teaching situations based on the scope of students’ abilities and age characteristics, and be able to closely connect with the current economic hot issues in society. They should not only have the support of basic theories, but also development thinking that keeps pace with the times to complete the teaching plan with high quality and achieve the educational goals as soon as possible.

5.2. Strengthen the Innovation Cooperation between Schools and Enterprises

The key to cooperation between schools and enterprises is to combine the talent training objectives of the school with the real needs of the enterprise closely and make rational use of the resources of both sides, which maximizes the effectiveness of resources in the case of limited resources and achieves the optimization of resource utilization. On the basis of fully understanding the needs of the talent market, colleges can reorganize professional courses according to the requirements of enterprises and implement the system design of professional courses and optimize the professional teaching system, then, colleges can also integrate panoramic experience teaching into the teaching system and improve the applicability of the specialty, which highlights the advantages of talent training in colleges and improves the training level of high-quality talents for innovation and entrepreneurship in new business disciplines.

Through virtual simulation experiments, the bottleneck of real experiments is solved. Online and offline teaching are combined to promote the reform of experimental teaching and creatively propose the experiential teaching method. Through the establishment of a practice base and simulation laboratory for cooperation between schools and enterprises, students can truly experience the practice atmosphere and form a sense of competition and authenticity. Focusing on cultivating students’ practical operation ability, professional comprehensive ability and innovation ability, and enhancing the core competitiveness of employment can also cultivate a group of professional talents with strong practical operation ability that adapt to their development direction for enterprises, which lays a solid foundation for the recruitment of enterprise talents. Enterprises can also find new ideas in cooperation, applying the experimental results to the actual operation and management of enterprises.

5.3. Building a Practical Application Platform

New business related majors are highly practical. Students cannot simply learn theoretical knowledge. They need to apply theory to practice and improve their practical ability. Guided by the three elements of talent training objectives, we have optimized and designed a set of three-dimensional and open “panoramic learning field” to cultivate students’ habits of use, a multi-dimensional and intelligent “panoramic information field” to promote the improvement of students’ skills, and the interactive and dynamic “panoramic practice field” to promote the expansion of students’ quality. The school can cooperate with enterprises to let students enter the real environment of enterprises to participate in relevant practice and enhance their understanding of professional knowledge. The school can also set up simulation training laboratories and professional competitions, providing professional teachers for guidance or actively collecting information about professional skills competitions nationwide, which timely transmits various competition information and encourages students to participate competitions. It can enhance the confidence and motivation of teachers and students, and also provides students with more practical application opportunities by building a practice platform, which is conducive to enhancing their professional skills, obtaining more professional knowledge from practice, and solving the problem of students’ weak autonomy.

5.4. Strengthen Teacher Training

Panoramic experience teaching is a teaching method relative to the traditional teaching mode. It requires teachers to have a broad international vision, master professional knowledge and skills, and be good at using rich teaching methods, which is a strict test of teachers’ comprehensive quality and teaching design ability. The school should strengthen the cultivation and improvement of teachers’ teaching ability, create more opportunities for young teachers to exchange and study abroad, or invite excellent teachers from other colleges to exchange and share and discuss teaching work issues together and stimulate new teaching inspiration. The purpose of increasing teacher training is to adapt to the teaching needs of panoramic experiential teaching, and it is the precondition for the new business innovation and entrepreneurship talent training system to operate according to the talent training goals. It is expected that teachers will continue to explore and actively try in teaching practice to achieve the best combination of theory and situation.

6. Summary

Panoramic experience teaching has high practical application value in the training of the new business innovative and entrepreneurial talent training. It can enable students to fully integrate into the whole teaching process, arouse students’ real experience and feelings, stimulate their interest and enthusiasm in learning, and cultivate divergent thinking, which is conducive to improving their learning efficiency and comprehensive ability, and making up for the deficiencies in the traditional teaching mode.

Based on the new technological revolution, the requirements of enterprises’ post capacity and the internal and external resources of colleges, the high-quality training model for the new business innovative and entrepreneurial talents has put forward the target of cultivating independent learning ability, professional comprehensive ability, innovation and entrepreneurship ability and other ability elements, which helps to clarify the target positioning of the new business innovative and entrepreneurial talents, and form a talent training guarantee system of three target elements.

Panoramic experience teaching process follows the experimental teaching concept of “student centered, problem oriented, subject integration, innovative practice”, devoting itself to cultivating students’ awareness of problems, decision-making thinking, innovation spirit, improving students’ comprehensive quality and innovation and entrepreneurship ability. It is also oriented by social needs which transforms from a single professional demand to a combination of theory and practice, which means compound talents should be equipped with the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship, and committed to creating first-class and top new business innovation and entrepreneurship high-quality talents.

7. Research Prospect

Panoramic experiential teaching is widely used, but there is a lack of research on the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in new business. Future research should strengthen theoretical research on secondary aspects, and at the same time, scientific analysis method should be adopted for empirical research. In addition, researchers can explore suitable panoramic experiential teaching mode in combination with the specific needs of domestic large enterprises for innovative and entrepreneurial talents of new business, as well as the current infrastructure construction and faculty resources for talent training in colleges and universities, and put forward constructive suggestions and highly practical training objectives to gradually cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial thinking and practical ability of new business students in colleges and universities, to provide high-quality talents for enterprises.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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