Engineering, 2013, 5, 332-337 Published Online Octob er 2013 (
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
Combining Gene-Phenotype Association Matrix with
KEGG Pathways to Mine Gene Modules
Using Data Set in GAW17
Hua Lin*, Yang Zheng, Ping Zhou
Biomedical Engineering Institute of Capital Medical University, Beijing, China
Email: *
Received August 2013
Currently, genome-wide association studies have been proved to be a powerful appro ach to identify ris k loci. H o wev e r ,
the molecular regulatory mechanisms of complex diseases are still not clearly understood. It is therefore important to
consider the interplay between genetic factors and biological networks in elucidating the mechanisms of complex dis-
ease pathogenesis. In this pap e r, we first conducte d a genome-wide assoc iation analysis by usi ng the SNP genotype data
and phenotype data provided by Genetic Analysis Worksho p 17, in orde r to filter significant SNPs associated with the
diseases. Second, we conducted a bioinformatics analysis of gene-phenotype association matrix to identify gene mod-
ules (biclusters). Third, we performed a KEGG enrichment test of gene s involve d in biclusters to find evidence to sup-
port their functio nal consensu s. This method can be used for better understanding complex diseases.
Keywords: Gene Modules; KEGG Pathways; Bic lusters
1. Introduction
It is well known that genome-wide association studies
(GWAS) have become an increasingly effective tool to
identify genetic variation associated with the risk of
complex disease. However, in this case, univariate sin-
gle-locus association analyses may not be the most ap-
propriate strategy. Instead, many multivariate methods
that were used for identifying causal loci have been de-
veloped rapidly. Gauderman et al [1] induced a princip-
al-components method to assess whether multiple SNPs
within a candidate are associated with disease. In fact, it
is suggested that gene-gene interaction or gene modules
(genegene networks) may play important roles and pro-
vide more information. Xiaoqi Cui et al [2] proposed a
new combinato rial as soc iation test i ncorpor ating multiple
traits at the same time to detect gene-gene interaction
unlike other general methods for studying gene-gene
interaction. In addition, there are some attempts to int e-
grate the biological knowledge (e.g., Gene Ontology and
KEGG pathways) into the genomics field. For example,
Iossiov et al. [3] predicted pathways or networks of inte-
racting genes that contribute to common heritable dis-
orders by combining the standard genetic linkage for-
malism with whole-genome molecular-interaction data.
Furthermore, many gene set analysis methods, such as
GeneTrail ( and GSEA [4],
are used to detect disease-related risk pathways or gene
modules. These methods integrate heterogeneous data to
elucidate biological mechanisms, which is an essential
and challenging problem in systems biology.
In this paper, we conducted a genome-wide associa-
tion analysis by combining the SNP genotype data with
the phenotype data to filter significant SNPs associated
with the diseases. Then, further bioinformatics analysis
to gene -phenotype association matrix was used to identi-
fy gene biclusters (gene modules). A KEGG enrichment
test of genes involved in biclusters was applied to find
whether they were functional aggregated. This method
can be used for better understanding complex diseases.
2. Method s
2.1. Materials
The GAW17 data consisted of two data sets. One con-
sists of a collection of 697 u nrelated individ uals a nd t hei r
genotypes and phenotypes. These are subjects from the
1000 Genomes Project. The second data set is comprised
of 697 individuals in eight extended families and their
genot ype s and phenotypes. The 202 founders in the fa m-
ily data set were chosen at random from the set of unre-
lated individ uals. The extended families are loosely
based on the families from previous GAWs. SNP geno-
*Corresponding author.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
types were obtained from the sequence alignment files
provided by the 1000 Genomes Project for their pilot3
study ( There is a total of
24487 SNPs, all of which are autosomal. A total of 200
replicates (phenotypes) of the trait simulation were car-
ried out in both data sets. In this paper, we onl y selected
the disease status (coded 0 = no, 1 = yes) of the first ten
replicates as dichotomous disease phenotype to perform
our analysi s .
2.2. Data Preprocessing
Pli nk soft ware can be used to calculate the associatio n of
genome-wide SNPs with the phenotypes. Here, all of
p-values were used to construct gene-phenotype associa-
tion matrix. This matrix is 24487 × 10 (SNPs × number
of phenotypes) matrix. We performed bioinformatics
analysis by using the bicluster method to this matrix in
the followin g step.
2.3. Applying Bicluster Method to
Gene-Phenotype Association Matrix
A bicluster is a subset of the SNPs exhibiting consistent
association strength over a subset of the phenotypes. We
applied Statistical-Algorithmic Method for Bicluster
Analysis (SAMBA) algorithm [5] to detect significant
biclusters from our constructed gene -phenotype associa-
tion matrix. This algorithm includes three phases. In the
first phase, the bipartite graph was formed and vertex
pair weights were calculated using weighting methods. In
the second phase, the hashing technique was applied to
find the hea viest bicliques in the graph. In the last phase,
a local procedure on the biclusters in each heap was per-
formed. We used Expander software (http://acgt.cs.tau. to implement this algorith m.
2.4. Functional Gene Mod ules Min ing in
Combination with KEGG Pathway
To se e if the gene s si gni fica ntl y aggr egat ing i n extracted,
biclusters are also aggregating in functional categories,
we performed a KEGG enrichment test. For a given
KEGG pathway, a gene is either in this pathway or not in
this pathway. We suppose that a total of N (=3205) genes
for the analyzed data are presented in KE GG pathways in
which a set of genes in biclusters are significantly ag-
gregated. We app lied GeneTrail software (http://genetr ail. to identify functional gene modules
(gene biclusters) enriched on KEGG pathways signifi-
cantly. In t his stud y, to avoid the p ossible los s of the tr ue
positives, the multiple test correction was not performed
and the p-va lue quo ted sho uld be considered a s a heuris-
tic measure, useful as an indicator that roughly rates the
relative enrichment of significantly aggregated genes for
each KEGG pathway.
3. Resul ts
3.1. Constructing Gene-Phenotype Association
Of 22487 genome-wide SNPs, we found 1775, 2444,
1599, 1244, 1492, 1799, 1480, 1689, 1415 and 1625
SNPs are significantly associated with disease1-dis-
ease10, respectively according to p < 0.05. Table 1
shows the distributions of the number of significant
SNPs (genes) associated with diseases in terms of p <
0.05 and p < 0.01. We found that there are more signifi-
cant overlapping SNPs between disease1 and disease2
than that of between any o f other two diseases (See Fig-
ure 1). Furthe r loo k at the pool o f significa nt SNP s, only
C10S2297 (FRMPD2) was shared by all of ten diseases
(phenotypes), thus likely to be associated with some of
complex diseases. In fact, Nina Stenzel et al [6] approved
that the down regulation of FRMPD2 protein in Caco-2
cells is associated with an impairment of tight junction
Additionally, it is noted that at the level of 0.05 the
number of significant association was dramatically re-
duced as the increasing of the number of diseases (See
Figure 2).
3.2. Biclustering to Gene-Phenotype Association
We applied Statistical-Algorithmic Method for Bicluster
Analysis (SAMBA) algorithm to detect biclusters from
our constructed gene-phenotype association matrix. All
parameters were selected as default. As a result, a total of
11 biclusters were acquired (See Tabl e 2). Each bicluster
includes at least 18 genes. Th e scores gi ve n i n t he se c ond
Table 1. The number of significant SNPs associated w ith ten
diseases according to p < 0.05 and p < 0.01.
phenotype p < 0.05 p < 0.01
SNP Gene SNP Gene
Dis ease1 1775 995 506 379
Dis ease2 2444 1251 839 591
Dis ease3 1599 959 398 330
Dis ease4 1244 789 262 220
Dis ease5 1492 869 367 288
Dis ease6 1799 988 527 369
Dis ease7 1480 934 392 312
Dis ease8 1689 956 465 355
Dis ease9 1415 903 338 275
Dis ease10 1625 958 459 363
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
Figure 1. The number of significant overlapping SNPs between any of two diseases. (The number of significant overlapping
SNPs between any of two phenotypes (diseases) is depicted by a color cell, where the red colour indicates that the greater
numb e r of overlapping SNPs is shared by two different di seases).
Figure 2 . T he t r en dy of the n u mbe r of sig ni f ica nt ove rl a ppi ng SN P s as the i nc r easing o f t he nu mber of dis e ase s (p he n ot ype s) .
(The transverse axis stands for the first k (k = 2, 3 …10) phenotypes which were used to be compared and the longitudinal
one denotes t he number of overlapping significant SNPs shared by them).
column of Table 2 were acquired by the SAMBA algo-
rithm and they are size-dependent, thus, it is not recom-
mended to use them to compare the quality of two bic-
lusters of different sizes. Further bioinformatics analysis
will identify functional biclusters enriched on KEGG
pathways significantly.
3.3. Performing KEGG Enrichment Test
We put all genes onto KEGG pathways. Then we se-
lected the KEGG pathways that contained at least two
genes. GeneTrail software was applied to obtain a
p-value of each studied pathway for its enrichment with
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
Table 2. Extracted biclusters and thei r enrichment effect on KEGG pathways .
Bicluster Score The number of SNPs The number of genes KEGG pathways p-values
1 50.607 55 52 - -
2 38.672 54 49 - -
3 37.280 37 37 - -
4 48.735 52 51 Caff eine metabolism 0.0353
Drug metabolism other enzym es 0.0353
5 39.940 46 42 -
6 79.569 88 70 Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis 0.0424
7 64.039 66 57 I ns ulin signa l ing pa th way 0.0141
8 48.447 57 52 Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis 0.0424
9 40.403 52 47
Ins ulin sign al ing pa t hway 0.0056
Ste r o id ho r m o ne bios ynthes is 0.0281
Autoimmune thyroid disease 0.0419
10 13.462 19 18
Ins ulin sign al ing pa t hway 0.0056
Ste r o id ho r m o ne bios ynthes is 0.0281
Autoimmune thyroid disease 0.0419
11 22.782 28 25 - -
significantly function aggregated genes. We found that
more than half of the bicluster s (54.5%) were signifi-
cantly enriched on KEGG pathways. Table 2 lists the
significantly (nominal p 0.05) enriched KEGG path-
ways. It is interesting to note that the majority of the
enriched KEGG pathways relate to insulin signaling,
autoimmune thyroid disease and Fc gamma R-medidated
phagocytosis. It is noteworthy to look at a highly aggre-
gated ge nes included in bicluster 9 (See F ig ure 3), three
of which (HLA-A, HLA-B and TG) have direct relev-
ance to immunology. Fred Sanfilippo et al [7] indicated
that good HLA-A and B matching is highly dependent on
a system for sharing organs among institutions, and re-
sults in decreased graft rejection, better long-term graft
function, and less need for post-transplantation immuno-
suppr ession. Another example, genes HSD3B2 and
UGT1A10 included in bicluster 9 were insulin-related.
Goldy Crabunaru et al [8] tested the hypothesis that
HSD3B deficiency in hyperandrogenic females (HF) is
related to insulin-resist ant polycystic ovary syndrome
(PCO S ), and Katriina Itaaho et al [9] shed new light on
the structure and function of UGT1A10 which can cata-
lyze dopamine glucuronidation at substantial rates, yiel-
ding both dopamine-4-O-glucuronide and dopamine-3-
4. Discussions
This study is the atte mpt to rela te the functional aggrega-
tion patterns o f genes with t heir disease-loci association.
Statistically significant bicluster s acquired by SAMBA
algorithms are generated in an unsupervised fashion di-
rectly from the gene-phenotype association matrix. Fur-
ther bioinformatics analysis suggests that some of bic-
lusters (gene modules) characterize biological phenome-
non and can be evaluated using existing biological
knowledge. In addition, some developed protein struc-
tural genomics and computational methods may be uti-
lized to find the s mall por tion of SNP s of like ly func tional
importance. For each of 428 SNPs involved in bicluster s,
we used SIFT software ( to
acquire its tolerance index (from 0 to 1) for SNP func-
tionality to d etermine the c onservation le vel of a partic u-
lar amino acid position in a protein. A higher tolerance
index indicates that the position is less conserved across
species [10]. The results showed that only 93 SNPs
(21.7%) had their tolerance indexes. Among these SNPs,
62 of them (66.7%) had higher tolerance indexes which
were greater than 0.5. In other words, the positions of
SNPs involved in functional biclusters might be less
conserved, which need to be highlighted in future studies.
However, we feel that these exploratory results need fur-
ther investigation because of the limited number of phe-
notype used in our analysis. Moreover, we only selected
unrelated data sets; further study is needed regarding our
met hod for the p edigree data, which will be included in
future studies.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
Figure 3. The heatmap of bicluster 9(a) and bicluster 10(b).
(The p-values of g ene -phenotype association are depi cte d by
cells with different colo urs, where the green colour indicates
the significant association between gene and disease (phe-
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we conducted a genome-wide association
analysis by combining the SNP genotype data with the
phenotype data to filter significant SNPs associated with
diseases. Further bioinformatics analysis revealed that
aggregated genes in biclusters tended to aggregate on
some KEGG pat hways and to be functional association.
6. Acknowledgemen ts
We thank reviewers for their valuable comments and
This work is supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 31100905) and
the Science Technology Development Project of Beijing
Municipal Commission of Education (SQKM
201210025008). This study is also funded by the excel-
lent talent cultivation project of Beijing (2012D
005018000002) and the young backbone teacher’s culti-
vation project of Bei jing Municip al Commission of Edu-
cation, and supported by the foundation-clinical coopera-
tion project of capital medical university (11JL30,
11JL33 and 12JL75).
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