A Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2012, 5, 144-148
doi:10.4236/jsea.2012.512b028 Published Online December 2012 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/jsea)
Copyright © 2012 S ciRes. JSEA
A Fast Depth -Map Generation Algorithm based on
Motion Search from 2D Video Con t ent s
Weiwei Wang1, Yuesheng Zhu2
1Communication and information Security Lab; 2Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University, China.
Email: cxjxfkl@126.com ,zhuys@pkusz.edu.cn
Received 2012
Generation of a depth-map from 2D video is the kernel of DIBR Depth Image Based Rendering in 2D-3D video
conversion systems. However it occupies over most of the system resource where the motion search module takes up
90% time-consu ming in typic al motion estimat ion-based depth-map generation algorithms. In order to reduce the com-
putational co mplexity, in this pap er a new fast depth-map generation algorithm based on motion search is developed, in
which a fast diamond search algorithm is adopted to decide whether a 16x16 or 4x4 block size is used based on Sobel
operator in the motion search module to obtain a sub-depth-map . Then the sub-depth-map will be fused with the
sub-depth-maps gotten from depth from color component Cr and depth from linear perspective modules to compensate
and refine detail of the depth-map , finally obtain a b e tter depth-map. The simulation results demonstrate that the new
approach can greatly reduce over 50% computational complexity co mpared to o ther existing methods.
Keywords: Block-Matching; Dep th-Map; Motion Search; DIB R
1. Introduction
Comme rcialization and industrialization of
three-dimension televisions (3D TV) [1]not only depend
on the development of 3D display as well as standardized
technology, but also rely on a large amount of 3D video
contents. Although 3D movie are on its way to develop,
currently the 3D video contents are still not rich enough
to satisfy the 3D-video market needs. In fact, the market
is overwhelmed with 2D video. Converting 2D video
into 3D video automatically and enabling the existing
movies to be played on 3D displays becomes an impor-
tant way to alleviate the shortage of 3D program. Also
the 2D to 3D conversion technique can deliver the 3D
videos effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the transi-
tion from 2D to 3D video is a low cost solution for the
3D industry compared with that captures 3D video di-
There are some approaches for converting 2D video
into 3D video [2-10]. Depth-map contains information
relating to the distance of the scene obj ects from a vie w-
point in a video content, and generating a depth-map
effectively from 2D video is the kernel of DIBR in
2D-3D video conversion systems. The basic principle of
DIBR [2,11] is to obtain a depth-map from 2D video and
then synthesize the left and right views. The depth from
motion DFM[5] is a kind of depth-map generation
algorithm in which video is segmented first and the
frame dispar ity is esti mated to obtain t he depth-ma p. But
the DFM requires that moving objects must exist in suc-
cessive frames. Fusion with color information can im-
prove the depth-map quality [12] [13]. In the literature
[12], the depth-map generated from motion-parallax is
fused with color segmentation to obtain a clear and relia-
ble depth-map, but its color segmentation algorithm in-
tro duces hi gh co mputa tional co mplexity. In the literature
[13] motion estimation is performed by using luminance
and c hromi nance informatio n in motion se arc h modul e to
yield a reliable depth-map and reduce the computation
complexity. However, the computational complexity of
the color information in motion search module is still
In this paper, a new fast depth-map generation algo-
rithm based on motion search is developed, in which a
fast diamond search algorithm is adopted to decide
whether a 16 x 16 or 4x4 block size is used based on
Sobel operator[14,15] in the motion search module
without using color information to obtain a main
sub-depth- map, and then the depth from color compo-
nent Cr [4] and the depth from linear perspective [6] are
used as auxiliary sub-depth-maps to fuse the main
sub-depth- map . Finally the bilateral filter is adopted to
A Fast Depth-Map Generation Algorithm based on Motion Search from 2D Video Contents
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
eliminate the block effect and the staircase edges that
remained in the fused depth-maps. T he results show that
with the proposed algorithm a smooth and reliable
depth-map and a better visual 3D video can be obtained
with low computational complexity compared to the
methods in [12] and [13].
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
The proposed depth-map generation algorithm is pre-
sented in section II. Experimental results are provided in
secti on III. Final ly, a conclusion is given in sectio n IV.
2. The Proposed Depth-Map Generation
The block diagram of proposed algorithm is shown in
Figure 1.
In Figure 1, the final depth-map is fused with three
sub-depth-maps, that is, depth from improved motion
estimatio n, depth from color component Cr, and depth
from linear perspective. In depth-map fusion, depth from
color component Cr and depth from linear perspective
are used as auxiliary sub-depth-map to compensate the
main sub- depth-map gotten from improved motion es-
timation. And then a bilateral filter is adopted to elimi-
nate the block effect and the staircase edges. In this sec-
tion, the module of improved block-matching based
depth from motion estimation is developed and described.
The approach and the corresponding algorithms are de-
scribed in de ta il a s follows.
2.1. Dep th from Imp r oved Motion Esti ma tion
In paper [7], the motion estim ation is performed by using
luminance information, which may cause mismatch in
the areas where the luminance components tend to dis-
tribute uniformly. In paper [10], luminance and chro-
minance information is adopted in the motion vector
processing which uses Y (lu mina nc e component), Cr (red
component) and Cb (green component) to calculate the
motion vectors. Our comparison results of time con-
sumption in motion search module for four cases:(1) Y,
(2) Y and Cb,(3) Y and Cr, (4) Y, Cr and Cb are shown in
Figure 2.
Frame n-1
Frame n
Fusion Bilateral
Depth From Linear
Depth From Color
Component C
Depth From Improved
Motion Estimation
Final Depth-
Figure 1. Block diagram of proposed algorithm.
Figure 2. The time cons ump ti o n in moti o n se arch mod ul e i n
four cases.
The results indicate that using color information in
motion search module would increase the computational
complexity. So , in the proposed module, the motion es-
timation is performed by using luminance information
only in motion search module without using color infor-
mation. But the depth from color component Cr is used
as auxiliary sub-depth-map to fuse the sub-depth-map
obtained from improved motion estimation.
In motion search module current fra me is divided into
small blocks for depth assignment while the correspond-
ing small blocks in reference frame are used as center
and expanded to bigger blocks for matching. Then
block-matching based motion estimation is performed to
find the best match block and the motion vectors gener-
ated are used to assign depth for small blocks. The
block-matching algorithm based motion estimation [7]
utilizes the fact that objects with different motions
usually have different depths. Near objects move fa s t er
than far objects and the relative motions are used to es-
timate the depth-map. The depth value D(i,j,k) are esti-
mated b y the magn itud e of the motion vec tors as follows:
22 ),,(),,(),,( yx kjiMVkjiMVCkjiD +=
where MV(i,j,k)x and MV(i,j,k)y are horizontal and ver-
tical component s of the motio n vectors and C is a prede-
fined constant. It is noted that the motion searching
module takes as much as 40 percentage of the total time
consumption. In order to reduce the computational com-
plexity a fast diamond search algorithm is adopted in the
new motion sear ch mo d ule .
The common algorithms generate depth-map based on
motion esti mation in 4 x 4 block size. While, we observe
that if the frame picture is homogenous enough, the
depth value of blocks is close to their neighbors. W e fi nd
it will save much computational complexity if we use
16x16 block size instead of 4 x 4 block size in homoge-
neous area. To evaluate the smoothness of a picture, sta-
tistical measurement such as standard deviation, variance ,
A Fast Depth-Map Generation Algorithm based on Motion Search from 2D Video Contents
Copyright © 2012 S ciRes. JSEA
skewness and kurtosis [16] are used. Paper [14,15] use
Sobel operator to create the edge maps of pictures for
high efficiency of video coding process. I n order to clas-
sify the homogeneity of a block, the amplitude of edge
vector is defined by formula (2).
The vertical and horizontal directions are defined ac-
cording to a luminance or chrominance pixel at position
(i,j) with value Vij by formula (2)(3). Then the block
homogeneity measureme nt H can be set b y formula (5).
ji EyExEAmp ,,
,)( +=
,11, 11, 11, 1, 11, 1
,2 2
ijijiji jijijij
Ex vvvvvv
− ++++−−−+−
1,1,11,11,1,11,1, 22 +−−−−+++−+ −×−−+×+= jijijijijijiji vvvvvvEy
1,( )
ij H
ij N
Amp EThd
After the block size is assigned, the fast diamond
search algorithm makes two round iterations to calculate
the motion vector s [17]. In the fir st rou nd, it takes a lar ge
diamond search pattern (Fig.3a) and 9 test points are
compared to find the best points. The iteration process
breaks out when the center point is just the most match-
ing point. The second round aims to find the best point in
a small diamond search pattern (F ig.3b). The first round
takes at least 90% time according to related experiment.
So we design a quick quit scheme to exit the iterative
loop ahead of time if the SAD (Sum of Absolute Differ-
ence) of current point is less than the predefined thre-
shold. A fast depth-map generation algorithm based on
motion searc h is as follows.
Step1. Read the current macro block data (16x16 block
size) and compute the homogeneity measurement H of
the block by formulas (2)(3)(4)(5). If H equals to 0, the
block is divided into 16 little 4 x 4 block size, and the
motion search module will be based on the 4 x 4 block
size, otherwise the large 16 x 16 block size will be used.
Figure 3. Diamond search pattern. (a) Large diamond
sear ch patter n. (b) Small diamond search pattern.
Step2. Compute the SAD of the 9 neighbor points of
center point in large diamond pattern (Fig.3a). If the
SAD value of current point is less than the given thre-
shold T1, go to step 4; if it is larger tha n T1 b ut less than
T2, go to step 3; otherwise, compute the minimum SAD
value and loop over the 9 points.
Step3. Compute the SAD of the 5 neighbor points of
center point in small diamond pattern (Fig.3b). The best
point will be cho s en as the ma tching point.
Step4. Compute the depth value of the block with for-
mula (1).
2.2. Depth from Color Component Cr
In the research of [4], it has been proved that different
objects have different hues in the 2D color video se-
quences, and each of the hues has its own associated grey
level intensi ties in the Cr co lor co mpo nent i mage s. If we
take the gray level intensities as indexes of depth, the
depth of the boundaries of each object is different from
that of its immed iate surround ings. Therefore gr ay int en-
sity images associated with the color component Cr of
standard 2D-colour video sequences can be used as
proxy depth-map. In our situation, the depth from color
component Cr which is derived directly from the current
frame of the 2D images is used as auxiliary sub-depth-
map to fuse the sub-depth-map from improved motion
estimation. The fused depth-map can increase the accu-
racy and detail of sub-depth-map. Others, for static scene
we can get the different depth values using color com-
ponent Cr while the other methods [7] obtain the same
depth values. So depth from color component Cr can
strengthen the la yer o f the stereo videos. The depth from
color component Cr is shown in Fig. 4(b).
2.3. Depth from Linear Persp ect ive
Research in [6] shows that depth fro m linear perspective
can make the stereoscopic video more comfortable for
human to watch. In our method, near to far global scene
depth gradient is applied as the auxiliary depth map as
human visual perception tends to interpret most of the
Figure 4. (a) The depth-map from color component Cr.(a)
The original “cheerleader” video image.(b)The depth from
color component Cr.
A Fast Depth-Map Generation Algorithm based on Motion Search from 2D Video Contents
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
images represent scenes in which the bottom part is re-
lated to the ground and consequently close to us and the
upper part represents the sky and consequently far from
2.4. Depth-Map Fusion
The final de pth-map is fused with three sub-depth-maps,
that is, depth from improved motion estimation, depth
from color component Cr, and depth from linear pers-
pective. In this paper a simple linear module is used to
fuse the three kinds of sub-depth-maps. The fused
depth-map can be described in the following equation :
WDWDWDD ×+×+×=
Where Dm, Dc and Dl are the values of sub-depth-maps
estimated b y motion estimation, color component Cr and
linear perspective respectively. Dall is the values of the
fused depth-map while Wm, Wc and Wl are the weights
of them.
Because in depth-map fusion, depth from improved
motion estim ation is used as the main sub-depth-map, and
depth from color component Cr and depth from linear
perspective are used as the auxiliary sub-depth-maps,
selecting the values of Wm, Wc and Wl we follow the
principle that th e value of Wm is larger than Wc and Wl.
3. Experimental Results
To evaluate our proposed algorithm, several test se-
quences are used to perform the [12] [13] and our
met hod to make some comparisons on the efficiency.
We set the threshold of Sobel to 5000 while the thre-
sholds of motion search modules are 0.15 and 0.3. The
test result s are shown in Ta ble 1.
Table 1. The test results of several se quence
Sequence Time(s)
Po [12] Chen [13] Our method
FLOWER 4.12 8.12 2.92
CO AST GUARD 3.45 8.23 1.98
CARPHONE 4.23 7.98 2.03
FOREMAN 4.47 8.43 2.65
MOBILE 5.01 8.90 3.21
CALENDAR 5.43 8.79 3.45
According to Table 1,we can easily find that the effi-
ciency of o ur me t ho d i s b et ter tha n t he al go ri t hms i n [1 2 ]
and [13], about 31% of time saving than [12] and 65% to
[13]. The promotion is especially remarkably in CAR
PHONE and COASTGUARD for the large scale of
smooth area in these two sequences. It is the contribution
of Sobel operator which decides whether a 16x16 or 4x4
block size is used, and the quick quit scheme to exit the
iterative loop ahead of time in the search module.
The sub-depth-map obtained from the improved mo-
tion estimation module is shown in Fig.5.(b). From the
Fig.5.(b), we can see that there are many isolated points
in this sub-depth-map. So this sub-depth-map will be
fused with the sub-dep th -maps gotten from depth from
color component Cr and depth from linear perspective
modules to eliminate these isolated points and compen-
sate this sub -depth-map and get a be tter fused depth-map
as shown in Fig.5.(c). Finally, a smooth and reliable
depth-map shown in Fig.5.(d) is obtained by passing the
bilinear filter .
4. Conclusions
In this paper, a fast depth-map generation algorithm
based on motion search is proposed to enhance the effi-
ciency of the generation of depth-map. In the new pro-
posed modules, a fast diamond search algorithm is
adopted to decide whether a 16x16 or 4x4 block size is
used based on Sobel operator in the motion search mod-
ule without using color information to obtain a
sub-depth -map, and this sub-dep t h-map will be fused
with the sub-depth-maps gotten from depth from color
component Cr and depth from linear perspective modules
respectively to compensate this sub-depth-map and ob-
tain a improved fused depth-map. Finally, the bilateral
Figure 2. Depth-map from our proposed algorithm (a) The
original “flower” video image. (b) The sub-depth-map es-
timate by improved m otion estimation module. (c) The fused
depth-maps after fused w ith three s ub-depth-maps. (d) The
final depth-ma p by p assing bilinear filter.
A Fast Depth-Map Generation Algorithm based on Motion Search from 2D Video Contents
Copyright © 2012 S ciRes. JSEA
filter is adopted to eliminate the block effect and the
staircase edges that remained in the fused depth-map.
The results show that with the proposed algorithm a
smooth and reliable depth-map and a better visual 3D
video can be obtained with over 50% reduction of com-
putational comple xity compared to the other methods.
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