Open Journal of Soil Science, 2012, 2, 146-154 Published Online June 2012 (
Comparative Effect of City Finished Compost and NPK
Fertilizer on Growth and Availability of Phosphorus to
Radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
Ashoka Sarker, Md. Abul Kashem*, Khan Towhid Osman
Department of Soil Science, University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Email: *
Received February 23rd, 2012; revised March 20th, 2012; accepted April 7th, 2012
A pot experiment was carried out to investigate the comparative effect of city finished compost and NPK fertilizer on
the growth and availability of pho sphorus to radish (Raphanus sativus L.). An air dried sandy loam soil was mixed with
five rates of city finished compost (CFC) equivalent to 0, 5, 10, 20, 40 ton·ha–1 and three rates of NPK fertilizer
equivalent to 50% (N-P-K = 69-16-35 kg·ha–1), 100% (N-P-K = 137-32-70 kg·ha–1 K) and 150% (N-P-K = 206 -48-105
kg·ha–1). Four plants were harvested at 45 days of growth and remaining one plant was harvested at 90 days of growth
and separated into leaves and bulbs. After harvest, soil samples were collected from each pot to measure soil pH and
available P extracted by Olsen, Mehlich-3, Kelowna and Bray & Kurtz-1 ex tractants. The growth parameters (length of
leaves and bulbs, fresh and dry weight of leaves and bulbs), relative dry matter yield, plant P concentrations, P uptake
by radish, soil pH, and availab le P increased by the rates of CFC and NPK fertilizer treatments. Among the treatments,
growth performance of radish was better with the highest rate of 40 t·ha–1 CFC treatments. The results obtained from
the 5 and 10 t·ha–1 CFC treatment were comparable with the results of 50% and 100% NPK fertilizer treatments respec-
tively. Similar effects of amendments were obtained in the case of plant P concentration, uptake of P by plant, soil pH
and available soil P concentration. Available P and soil pH showed very strong and positive correlation (P < 0.001) with
dry matter yield, P uptake by plant. The P extracted by variou s extractants also showed strong positive correlation (r =
0.973 to 0.994; P < 0.001 ) each other indicating the suitab ility of any of the extractants to predict available P. Results
of the present study indicated that 10 t·ha–1 city finished compost could be used instead of 100% to obtain similar yield
and to improve soil co nditions.
Keywords: Compost; Soil; Extraction Methods; Growth; Phosphorus; Radish
1. Introduction
With increasing demand of agricultural production and as
the peak in global production will occur in the next dec-
ades, phosphorus is receiving more attention as a nonre-
newable resource [1,2]. Applications of chemical P fer-
tilizers to agricultural land have improved soil P fertility
and crop production, but caused environmental damage
in the past decades. In addition, the use of inorganic fer-
tilizers has not been helpful under intensive agriculture
because it is often associated with reduced yield, nutrient
imbalance, leaching and pollution of groundwater [3,4].
Organic manure can serve as alternative practice to mine-
ral fertilizers [5,6] for improving soil structure [7,8] and
microbial biomass [9]. Improved yields of various crops
have been reported by addition of organic manures [10-
12]. Plants grown with organic manures accumulate
more P than without organic amendments [13]. Organic
amendments contain considerable amounts of organic P
which are mineralized and provide available P to plant.
On decomposition, organic matters liberate P in soil and
accumulate organic acids, which interact with soil com-
plexes to affect the availability through different mecha-
nisms [14].
The application of organic waste or compost on soils
used for crop pr odu ctio n is of great impo rtance du e to the
nutritional input and low cost [15]. Additionally, com-
posting is one of the best solutions to reduce the huge
piles of organic wastes and conv ert it in to a value added
product. It is one of the major recycling processes by
which nutrients present in organic materials are returned
back to the soil in plant available form [16]. Also, patho-
gens are eliminated during composting, and so this pro-
cess produces an adequate agricultural product [17,18].
City finished compost (CFC), an important organic source
*Corresponding a uthor.
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Comparative Effect of City Finished Compost and NPK Fertilizer on Growth and Availability of
Phosphorus to Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) 147
of P is effective in increasing the availability of P as
compost additions improve the fertility and the physico-
chemical properties of soils [18,19]. The availability of
city wastes P to crops and its i mpact on soil P may differ
from that of inorganic P fertilizer [21-24]. Some studies
have suggested that P in organic amendments may be
equally or more available than fertilizer P [22]. These
findings emphasize the need for studying the use of city
finished compost (CFC) and NPK fertilizer to compare
their effects on the growth and availability of nutrient to
Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) one of the important and
popular vegetable crops in Bangladesh was used as a test
plant in this study. The main objective of this study was
to investigate the effect of city finished compost and
NPK fertilizer on growth and availability of phosphorus
to radish.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Plant Growth Experiment
A pot experiment was carried out in the crop field of the
Department of Soil Science, University of Chittagong,
Bangladesh, using a sandy loam surface soil (0 - 15 cm).
Soil sample was air dried and passed through 4-mm sieve
for using it in the pots. For laboratory analysis, a sub
sample was air dried and passed through a 2-mm sieve
and stored. Soil pH was of 5.07 (1:2.5 soil to water ratio),
organic carbon [25] was 0.93% an d CEC (extraction with
1 M NH4OAc} [26] was of 4.01 cmol·kg–1. The soil con-
tained 73% sand, 13% silt and 14% clay measured by
hydrometer method [27]. City finished compost (CFC)
was collected from the composting plant of Chittagong
City Corporation, Halishahar, Chittagong and ground,
sieved and analyzed for chemical properties. The pH of
CFC was 7.13. Five rates of CFC equivalent to 0 (con-
trol), 5, 10, 20, 40 t·ha–1 and three NPK fertilizer rates
equivalent to 50% (N-P-K = 69-16-35 kg·ha–1), 100%
(N-P-K = 137-32 P- 70 kg·ha–1), and 150% (N-P-K = 206
-48-105 kg·ha–1) were applied separately in each pot
containing four (4) kg soil. The pots were arranged in a
completely randomized design (CRD) with three replica-
tions. Eight seeds of radish were sown to each pot and
water was applied up to the field capacity. After emer-
gence, 5 healthy seedlings were kept in each pot. The
plants were harvested two times from the same pot. Out
of 5 plants, 4 plants were harvested at 45 days of growth
and another 1 plant was harvested at 90 days of growth
(Figure 1). After each harvest, the plants were separated
into leaves and bulb s. The length of th e leaves and bulbs
with fresh weight were recorded. The leaves and bulbs
were air dried for several days and oven dried at 65˚C for
72 hours and dry mass was recorded. Soil samples were
Growth of radish in control pot
Growth of radish in CFC treated pots
Growth of radish in NPK treated pots
Figure 1. Effect of CFC and NPK fertilizer on growth of
radish at 90 days of growth.
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OJSS
Comparative Effect of City Finished Compost and NPK Fertilizer on Growth and Availability of
Phosphorus to Radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OJSS
collected from each pot after harvest to measure soil pH
and extractable P by four extraction methods such as
Olsen [28], Mehlich-3 [29], Kelowna [30] and Bray and
Kurtz-1 [3 1].
Total P in the soil, CFC and in the plant tissues were
determined colorimetrically by ascorbic acid blue color
method [32] after digestion with H2O2-H2SO4 [33] and
the absorbance was measured by spectrophotometer at
wave length of 882 nm. Total phosphorus concentration
in the experimental soil and CFC were 100 mg·kg–1 and
7100 mg·kg–1, respectiv ely. Extractable P of the soil was
determined by the same procedure as mentioned above
after extraction with different extractants. The available
phosphorous of the soil sample extracted by 0.5 M Na-
HCO3 (Olsen), Mehlich-3, Kelown a and Bray and Kurtz-
1 method were 1.37, 4.95, 4.76 and 4.93 mg·kg–1 respec-
tively. The P uptake of the plants was calculated by mul-
tiplying the P concentration in the tissue and the dry
matter (DM) yield.
2.2. Statistical Analysis
Microsoft Excel and MINITAB program [34] were used
for ana lysis of variance and correlation.
3. Results
3.1. Plant Growth
City finished compost and NPK fertilizer application sub-
stantially influenced the plant growth. The height of
leaves and bulbs of radish both at 45 and 90 days of
growth increased significantly (P < 0.001) with the rates
of CFC and NPK fertilizer application. At both growth
periods, the maximum height was observed at the highest
rate of CFC (40 t·ha–1) and NPK (150%) treatments.
With the duration of growth, these two parameters in-
creased but the treatment effects were found similar at
both 45 and 90 days of gr owth (Table 1).
The fresh and dry weights of leaves and bulbs also in-
creased with the rates of amendments and the duration of
growth. Total fresh weight of radish (leaves plus bulb)
increased 6 and 4 folds by the application of 40 t·ha–1
CFC and 150% NPK treatments, respectively over the
control, the corresponding values of total dry weight in-
creased were of 8 and 5 folds of the contro l at 45 days of
Table 1. Effect of CFC and NPK fertilizer on growth and yield of radish at 45 and 90 days of growth.
Length (cm) Fresh weight (g·plant1) Dry weight (g·plant1)
Treatments Leaves Bulbs Leaves Bulbs Total Leaves Bulbs Total
At 45 days of growth
Control 12 e 9 c 2. 22 c 0.08 b 2.30 c 0.13 c 0.02 c 0.15 c
5 t·ha–1 19 d 12 bc 5.39 bc 0.17 b 5.56 bc 0.41 bc 0.03 c 0.44 c
10 t·ha–1 21 c 13 b 7.91 b 0.29 a 8.20 b 0.77 ab 0.05 bc 0.82 b
20 t·ha–1 22 c 14 ab 9.51 ab 0.33 a 9.84 ab 0.92 a 0.06 ab 0.98 a
40 t·ha–1 25 b 16 a 13.1 a 0.39 a 13.5 a 1.11 a 0.08 a 1.19 a
50% 19 d 12 bc 3.60 c 0.12 b 3.72 c 0.31 c 0.02 c 0.33 c
100% 23 c 12 b 9.03 ab 0.30 a 9.33 ab 0.66 ab 0.04 bc 0.70 b
150% 27 a 16 a 8.62 ab 0.39 a 9.01 ab 0.61 ab 0.09 a 0.70 b
At 90 days of growth
Control 14 f 15 d 12.3 c 1.51 d 13.8 e 2.21 c 0.19 d 2.41 e
5 t·ha–1 26 e 20 cd 16.7 bc 43.2 c 59.9 d 2.60 c 7.91 c 10.5 d
10 t·ha–1 2 9 d 24 bc 49.7 b 84.0 b 134 c 1 0.3 b 15.3 b 25.6 c
20 t·ha–1 31 c 29 ab 138 a 114 a 253 a 27.8 a 21.0 a 48.9 a
40 t·ha–1 34 b 32 a 146 a 130 a 277 a 28.5 a 23.9 a 52.4 a
50% 24 e 21 cd 25.1 bc 32.5 c 57.5 d 6.07 c 6.23 c 12.3 d
100% 29 d 25 abc 50.0 b 71.4 b 121 c 10.1 b 12.9 b 23.1 c
150% 36 a 30 ab 115 a 86.3 b 201 b 23.2 b 1 5.8 b 3 9.0 b
Means followed by the same letter(s) in column(s) are not significantly different at P < 0.05.
Comparative Effect of City Finished Compost and NPK Fertilizer on Growth and Availability of
Phosphorus to Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) 149
growth (Table 1). At 90 days of growth, the magnitude
of total dry weight increase was of 21 folds by the 40
t·ha–1 CFC treatment and of 16 folds by the 150% NPK
treatments over the control indicating better growth per-
formance with the CFC than those with NPK fertilizer
3.2. Phosphorus Concentration in Plant Parts
and Phosphorus Uptake by Plant
Phosphorus concen tration in leaves and bulbs and uptake
of P by radish at two stages of growth varied signifi-
cantly (P < 0.001) with CFC and NPK fertilizer amend-
ments. At 45 days of growth, P concentration in leaves
ranged from 1788 mg·kg–1 in control to 5052 mg·kg–1 40
t·ha–1 CFC treated pots with a mean value of 3711
mg·kg–1. Phosphorus concentration in bulbs ranged from
1494 mg·kg–1 to 3666 mg·kg–1 with a mean value of
2640 mg·kg–1. The highest P concentration of 3666
mg·kg–1in bulbs was obtained by the application of 150%
NPK fertilizer which showed no significant difference
with CFC applied at 40 t·ha–1. At 90 days of growth, P
concentration in leaves ranged from 1905 mg·kg–1 in
control to 4861 mg·kg–1 40 t·ha–1 CFC treated pots with a
mean value of 3145 mg·kg–1. Phosphorus concentration
in bulbs ranged from 1701 mg·kg–1 to 5784 mg·kg–1 with
a mean value of 3429 mg·kg–1. At both stages of growth,
all the treatments significantly increased the P concentra-
tion in radish tissues compared to the control (Figure 2).
Similarly, P uptake (concentration × DM of plant) by
the plant (plant parts) increased linearly with the rates of
CFC and NPK fertilizer. Total P uptake (leaves plus
bulbs) ranged from 0.26 to 5.91 mg·plant–1 at 45 days of
growth and 4.54 to 277 mg·plant–1 at 90 days of growth.
Plant P uptake was 50 times higher at 90 days of growth
than at 45 days of growth, however, the trend of treat-
ment effect was found similar at both stages of growth.
Phosphorus uptake was 2 folds higher with the highest
rate of CFC (40 t·ha–1) than the highest rate of NPK
(150%) treatment. The results 10 t·ha–1 of CFC was com-
parable with the results of 100% NPK fertilizer treatment
(Figure 3).
3.3. Available Phosphorus and pH in Soils after
Plant Harvest
The amount of available P extracted with 0.5 M NaHCO3
(Olsen), Mehlich-3, Kelowna and Bray & Kurtz-1 meth-
ods ranged from 1.01 to 11.06 mg·kg–1, 4.18 to 42.78
mg·kg–1, 2.57 to 25.03 mg·kg –1 and 3.61 to 40.5 mg·kg–1,
respectively (Table 2). The amount of available P in-
creased with the rates of treatments regardless of amend-
ments and methods. Among the treatments, the maxi-
mum amount of available P extracted by four methods
was observed in 40 t·ha–1 CFC treatment and the mini-
mum in control. The amount of available P varied mark-
edly, depending on the treatments and extractants used.
A paired t-test was performed to compare the mean dif-
ferences of P removed by different extractants. Tukey’s
multiple range test showed that the means of Olsen P and
Kelowna P showed significant difference with Mehlich-3
and Bray and Kurtz-1 P at P < 0.05 level (Table 2) but
no significant difference was observed between Olsen -
Kelowna P and Mehlich-3 P-Bray and Kurtz-1 P. The
Figure 2. Effect of CFC and NPK fertilizer on phosphorus concentration in plant parts at 45 and 90 days of growth.
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OJSS
Comparative Effect of City Finished Compost and NPK Fertilizer on Growth and Availability of
Phosphorus to Radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
Figure 3. Effect of CFC and NPK fertilizer on total P uptake by plant at 45 and 90 days of growth.
Table 2. Effect of CFC and NPK fertilizer on extractable P of soils extracted by different methods and soil pH after harvest.
Treatment Olsen P Mehlich-3 P Kelowna P Bray & Kurtz-1 P Soil pH
Control 1.01 c 4.18 g 2.57 g 3.61 e 4.92 f
5 t·ha–1 2.24 c 9.53 e 5.38 ef 9.13 d 5.01 de
10 t·ha–1 5.59 b 22.50 c 11.23 c 22.87 c 5.14 c
20 t·ha–1 6.60 b 28.26 b 16.97 b 27.55 b 5 .28 b
40 t·ha–1 11.06 a 42.78 a 25.03 a 40.52a 5.82 a
50% 1.99 c 6.42 f 4.03f g 7.19 de 4.94 ef
100% 2.62 c 9.97 e 6.38 e 10.68 d 5.02 d
150% 5.11 b 23.95 d 12. 28 c 21.21 c 5.16 c
Mean 4.53 b 18.45 a 10.48 b 17.85 a
Means followed by the same letter(s) in column(s) are not significantly different at P < 0.05.
mean values of P extracted by different extractants were
in the order: Mehlich-3 P > Bray and Kurtz-1 P >
Kelowna P > Olsen P (Table 2). Soil pH increased with
the rates of CFC application but not with NPK applica-
tion. The amount of soil pH increase was about 1 unit in
40 t·ha–1 CFC treatments (Table 2). Soil pH showed sig-
nificant positive correlations with soil P extracted by di-
fferent extra ctants and DM yield.
3.4. Correlation among Extractable P, Dry
Matter Yield and P Uptake by Plant
The P values extracted with different methods were sig-
nificantly and pos itively correlated (r = 0.973 to 0.994, P
< 0.001) with each other. The best correlation was found
between Mehlich-3 P and Bray and Kurtz-1 P (r = 0.994).
Level of significance was fitted to the graph as given in
Figure 4. Regardless of extractants, extractable P showed
very strong positive correlation with DM yield and plant
P uptake at both stages of plant growth (Figure 5), indi-
cating that any of these extractants can be used to esti-
mate plant available P.
4. Discussion
Comparatively compost showed better plant growth than
high rate of NPK fertilizer. It may be due to beneficial
effects of compost in supplying plant nutrients, enhancing
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Comparative Effect of City Finished Compost and NPK Fertilizer on Growth and Availability of
Phosphorus to Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) 151
Figure 4. Correlations of available P extracted by four methods.
the cation exchang e capacity, improving so il aggregation,
water retention and also suppo rting soil biological activi-
ties. The rise in productivity observed after addition of
compost is attributed to the increase in the nutrient
availability to the plants [19,20,35]. Metal phytotoxicity
issues associated with an acid soil would also be reduced
with compost addition [19].
Increased microbial activity and resulted biochemical
transformations in soil, because of added organic ma-
nures may cause mineralization of more recalcitrant P
fraction [36]. Compost reduces the P adsorption capacity.
One possibility is that the iron, aluminum or calcium
combines with humic or organic acids released by the
decomposition of organic matter, thereby reducing P
adsorption [37]. Th e differences among the P extractabil-
ity of different methods probably arose from the fact that
plant available P in the soil is no t from a discreet fraction
but from a continuum of fractions; extracting agents
preferentially extract from different fractions depending
on their reaction with soil components involved in P
sorption [38]. In addition, each extracting solution has a
different ability to extract varying portions of soil P be-
cause they were targeted at different pool of soil P [39].
In the present study, Mehlich-3 extractable P is approxi-
mately same as that determined by the Bray and Kurtz-1
method [40]. The Bray and Kurtz-1 extractant extracts
mineral phosphates of Al and to a lesser extent that of Fe.
It is suitable for a wide range of soils, than excluding
calcareous soils [41]. Fluoride forms strong complexes
with aluminium (Al3+) ions, thus releasing P from Al-P
[41]. Strong positive correlations among extractable P
indicates that, although the ability of P extraction was
different for different extractants, their trends of P dis-
placement from soil into solution were similar [42].
5. Conclusion
Growth, plant P concentration, P uptake, soil pH, and
available P increased with increasing rates of CFC and
NPK fertilizers. The yield response of 10 t·ha–1 CFC was
similar to that of 100% NPK treatment and hence 10
t·ha–1 CFC would be recommended to produce optimum
yield instead of 100% NPK. Strong positive correlation
among available P extracted by different extractants and
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OJSS
Comparative Effect of City Finished Compost and NPK Fertilizer on Growth and Availability of
Phosphorus to Radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
Figure 5. Correlations of available P with P uptake by radish at 45 and 90 days of growth.
with P uptake indicated that any of the extractants could
be used to measure the status of available P in soil. Re-
sults of the present study, also suggest the need to inves-
tigate the effect of CFC and NPK in more detail using
different soils and crops in field conditio n.
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