Vol.2, No.5, 477-483 (2010)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Responses of the perfused liver of neonatal type 2
diabetic rats to gluconeogenic and ammoniogenic
Mirian Carvalho-Martini, Fumie Suzuki-Kemmelmeier, Denise Silva de Oliveira,
Jurandir Fernando Comar, Adelar Bracht*
Department of Biochemistry, University of Maringá, Maringá, Brazil; *Corresponding Author: adebracht@uol.com.br
Received 23 December 2009; revised 6 February 2010; accepted 8 February 2010.
The responses of livers from rats with type 2
diabetes to alanine (gluconeogenesis and am-
monia detoxification) and other gluconeogenic
substrates were investigated. The experimental
system was the isolated perfused rat liver.
Neonatal type 2 diabetes was induced with
streptozotocin. Ammoniogenesis from endoge-
nous substrates was 610% higher in livers from
diabetic rats when compared to the control
condition. Alanine (2.5 mM) ammoniogenesis
was 285% higher in livers of diabetic rats. Glu-
coneogenesis from the following substrates
was smaller in the liver of diabetic rats: Alanine
(43.5%), lactate (28.3%) and glycerol (30.5%).
Pyruvate gluconeogenesis was normal. The
high rate of ammoniogenesis explains the mod-
erate hyperammonemia of type 2 diabetic rats.
The enzymatic machinery of the gluconeo-
genic pathway of type 2 diabetic rats seems to
be adapted to low rates of glucose removal by
extrahepatic tissues. A significant contribution
of gluconeogenesis to the fasting hyperglycemia
can be expected only by short-term up-regulation
Keywords: Type 2 Diabetes; Gluconeogenesis;
Ammoniogenesis; Alanine; Lactate
Increased hepatic glucose production is characteristic of
type 1 diabetes mellitus [1,2]. Particularly in the fasted
state, elevated hepatic gluconeogenesis seems to be the
main cause for the hyperglycemic condition in type 1
diabetes [3]. If the hyperglycemic condition in type 2
diabetes is also at least partly dependent on enhanced
gluconeogenesis is not clear. There are reports claiming
that this dependence is more accentuated in severely
hyperglycemic patients and that it tends to diminish or
even vanish in moderately hyperglycemic patients [4].
There are also studies in which no enhanced gluconeo-
genesis was found in type 2 diabetic patients [5]. It is
generally believed that the enhanced gluconeogenesis is
caused by an increased efficiency of the gluconeogenic
pathway in combination with an augmented mobilization
of glucose precursors to the liver [6,7].
Although gluconeogenesis can be measured in vivo
using appropriate tracer techniques [4,8,9] it is of inter-
est to reproduce the increased hepatic gluconeogenesis
in isolated cell systems because this allows conclusions
about its mechanisms. In the isolated perfused rat liver
for example, the gluconeogenic activity reflects the en-
zymatic capacities. These, in turn, reflect the medium-
and long-term effects of the circulating hormones on the
expression of enzymes and other factors. For type 1 dia-
betes mellitus, increased gluconeogenesis in isolated
hepatocytes or the isolated perfused liver from a variety
of substrates has been found [10-15]. When alanine was
the substrate, enhanced gluconeogenesis was found in
the fasted state, combined with increased rates of urea
production and increased rates of alanine incorporation
into proteins [11]. These observations with alanine are
consistent with the increased rates of mobilization of this
amino acid in type 1 diabetes [6]. All these data reveal
that short-term regulation operates most probably as a
secondary mechanism for the enhanced gluconeogenesis
in type 1 diabetes, the medium and long-term expression
of key enzymes playing the decisive role [16].
Experiments in which gluconeogenesis was measured
in the liver of rats with type 2 diabetes have not been
done until now. They are of interest, however, because
they will provide the same information about the enzy-
matic machinery that is already available for type 1 dia-
betes. The hypothesis that can be formulated is that en-
This work was sponsored by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and Programa Nacional de Núcleos de
Excelência (PRONEX, Fundação Araucária-CNPq).
M. Carvalho-Martini et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 477-483
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/Openly accessible at
hanced gluconeogenesis should be detectable in the iso-
lated rat liver of type 2 diabetic rats in the same way as it
was detected in livers from type 1 diabetic animals. En-
hanced gluconeogenesis in the isolated organ would be
reflecting mainly medium- and long-term effects of the
circulating hormones on enzyme expression. With this
hypothesis in mind, in the present work experiments
were conducted with livers of type 2 diabetic rats. The
neonatal streptozotocin-induced rat model of type 2 dia-
betes mellitus was used. It has been praised as a good
model for type 2 diabetes in humans because it presents
several of its characteristics [17]. In addition to glu-
coneogenesis, nitrogen metabolism from alanine was
also measured. Evaluation of nitrogen metabolism is of
interest because, in addition to hyperglycemia, type 2
diabetic rats also present moderate hyperammonemia
[18]. For comparative purposes other gluconeogenic
precursors, such as lactate and pyruvate, were also in-
The liver perfusion apparatus was built in the workshops
of the University of Maringá. Enzymes and coenzymes
used in the assay procedures and streptozotocin were
purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, USA).
All other chemicals were from the best available grade.
Neonatal type 2 diabetes mellitus was induced as pre-
viously described [19,20]. Male newborn (2 days old)
Wistar rats were injected intraperitoneally with strepto-
zotocin (160 mg/kg) dissolved in citrate buffer. Control
rats were injected with citrate buffer. Seven weeks later,
diabetes was confirmed by blood glucose levels (8-10 mM),
glucose appearance in urine and 24 hours urinary vol-
ume (generally 500% above normal). After seven weeks
the mean weights of the control and diabetic rats were
220 2.8 and 203.2 5.2 g, respectively. All animal
experiments were done according to the universally ac-
cepted standards for animal experimentation.
Rats were fed ad libitum with a standard laboratory
diet (Purina), but food was withdrawn 24 hours prior to
the perfusion experiments. For the surgical procedure,
rats were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of
sodium pentobarbital (50 mg/kg). Hemoglobin-free,
non-recirculating perfusion was undertaken according to
the technique described elsewhere [21,22]. After cannu-
lation of the portal and cava veins the liver was posi-
tioned in a plexiglass chamber. The hepatic artery was
closed (monovascular perfusion) and the bile duct was
left open. The flow was maintained constant by a peri-
staltic pump (Minipuls 3, Gilson, France) and was ad-
justed to between 30 and 35 ml min1, depending on the
liver weight. The perfusion fluid was Krebs-Henseleit-
bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.4), saturated with a mixture of
oxygen and carbon dioxide (95:5) by means of a mem-
brane oxygenator with simultaneous temperature adjust-
ment at 37oC. The composition of the Krebs-Henseleit-
bicarbonate buffer is: 115 mM NaCl, 25 mM NaHCO3,
5.8 mM KCl, 1.2 mM Na2SO4, 1.18 mM MgCl2, 1.2 mM
NaH2PO4 and 2.5 mM CaCl2. L-Alanine (2.5 mM), lac-
tate (2.5 mM), pyruvate (1 mM) or glycerol (2 mM) were
dissolved in the perfusion fluid. Samples of the effluent
perfusion fluid were collected at 4 minute intervals and
analyzed for their metabolite content. The following
compounds were assayed by means of standard enzy-
matic procedures [23]: lactate, pyruvate, glucose, urea,
ammonia, glutamine and glutamate. The oxygen con-
centration in the outflowing perfusate was monitored
polarographically employing a teflon-shielded platinum
electrode adequately positioned in a plexiglass chamber
at the exit of the perfusate [22].
Rats after a 24-hours’ fast were used because this
minimizes interference of endogenous glycogen [24]. As
shown by previous work the fasting glycogen levels of
control and type 2 diabetic rats are very low when com-
pared to the fed state [18].
Basal rates (absence of substrates) as well as incre-
ments caused by substrates (L-alanine, lactate, pyruvate
or glycerol) were evaluated. The latter were calculated
by subtracting the basal rates (before substrate infusion)
from the steady-state rates found at the end of the sub-
strate infusion period. The error parameters presented in
graphs and tables are standard errors of the means. Dif-
ferences between pairs of means were analyzed by
means of Student’s t test. The 5% level (p < 0.05) was
adopted as a criterion of significance.
Table 1 lists the basal rates of metabolite release of liv-
ers from 24-hours fasted rats perfused with substrate-
free medium. Under such conditions the livers are de-
pendent solely on endogenous sources. The rates were
referred to the wet liver weights which were not different
in control and diabetic rats, namely 3.31 0.09 and 3.53
0.13 g per 100 g body weight, respectively. As re-
vealed by Table 1 most basal rates were low. This did not
occur with oxygen uptake and it should be noted that it
was 13.6% lower in the liver of diabetic rats. Ammonia
production, however, was 610% higher in the diabetic
condition. All other parameters were similar in both the
control and the diabetic condition.
Figure 1 illustrates the experimental protocol that was
employed in the present study as well as the time course
of the changes in three selected parameters. Sampling of
the effluent perfusate for metabolite determination was
always initiated after oxygen uptake stabilization (zero
time). Alanine infusion was initiated at 12 minutes in the
time scale of Figure 1. The time courses of the changes
M. Carvalho-Martini et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 477-483
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Openly accessible at
Ammonia production
(µmol min
Ammonia diabetic
Glucose production (µmol min1 g1)
Oxygen uptake (µmol min
0 10 20 30 40 50
Perfusion time
Alanine infusion (2.5 mM)
Figure 1. Time course of changes in oxygen uptake, glu-
cose production and ammonia production in livers from
fasted control and type 2 diabetic rats. Livers were per-
fused as described in Material and Methods. Alanine was
infused as indicated by the horizontal bar. Results obtained
with livers of control rats were represented by full symbols
and those of diabetic rats with empty symbols. Data are
means SEM of 9 (control) and 5 (diabetic) liver perfu-
sion experiments.
in ammonia and glucose production and oxygen uptake
were represented. The basal values of ammonia produc-
tion, oxygen uptake and glucose release correspond to
those ones listed in Table 1. The introduction of alanine
caused increases in all parameters which tended to new
steady-states during the following 30 minutes. Differ-
ences between the control and diabetic conditions were
not only maintained but even accentuated because glu-
cose production from alanine was smaller in the diabetic
Figure 1 reveals that new steady-state levels were
reached in consequence of alanine infusion. The steady-
state rates and the increments caused by alanine infusion
were evaluated and listed in Table 2. In addition to the
three parameters that were represented in Figure 1, the
rates of urea, lactate, pyruvate, glutamate and glutamine
production were also shown in Table 2. Alanine infusion
caused increases in all parameters and not only in those
ones shown in Figure 1. The increment in ammonia
production caused by alanine was higher in the diabetic
condition. The increments in oxygen uptake, urea, glu-
cose and glutamine productions, however, were smaller
in the diabetic condition. Gluconeogenesis from alanine
was, thus, smaller in the liver of diabetic rats (43.5%).
The total nitrogen flux generated by alanine infusion can
be approximated by the sum of ammonia production + (2
urea production) + (2 glutamine production) + glu-
tamate production, after subtracting the basal rates (be-
fore alanine infusion). In livers of control rats this cal-
culation yielded a total nitrogen flux of 1.18 µmol min1
g1; in the diabetic condition the corresponding value
was 0.88 µmol min1 g
1, the difference amounting to
Glucose production from lactate, pyruvate and glyc-
erol was investigated by using essentially the same ex-
perimental protocol illustrated for alanine in Figure 1.
The results are summarized in Tables 3 to 5. Table 3
shows that gluconeogenesis from 2.5 mM lactate was
28.3% smaller in livers from diabetic rats. The final
oxygen uptake was also considerably smaller in the dia-
betic condition. Pyruvate production from lactate tended
to be more pronounced in the diabetic condition, but
there was no statistical significance at the 5% level. For
pyruvate metabolism, on the other hand, no significant
differences were found in glucose production, oxygen
uptake and lactate production, as revealed by Table 4.
There was a strong tendency, however, for higher values
of glucose production in the diabetic condition (p =
0.061). Glucose production from glycerol however, was
30.5% smaller in the diabetic condition as revealed by
Table 5. Lactate production from glycerol, however, was
not statistically different. Pyruvate production from gly-
cerol was negligibly small.
The results reveal that the metabolism of livers from
neonatal type 2 diabetic rats presents a few differences
when compared to livers from normal and also type 1
diabetic rats. These differences encompass both ammo-
nia detoxification and carbohydrate metabolism. The
liver of type 1 diabetic rats has been reported to present
considerably higher rates of urea production [11]. This
makes a clear contrast with the liver of type 2 diabetic
rats where ureogenesis was found to be close to normal
(Tables 1 and 2). Consistently, the plasma urea level of
type 1 diabetic rats is very high, but normal in type 2
diabetic rats [2-18]. The perfused liver of type 2 diabetic
rats, on the other hand, presented higher rates of ammo-
nia production under both conditions examined in the
present work, i.e., during substrate-free perfusion and
during alanine infusion (Tables 1 and 2). In relative
terms the difference was more pronounced in the
M. Carvalho-Martini et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 477-483
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/Openly accessible at
Table 1. Basal rates of metabolites release and oxygen uptake in perfused livers from control and type 2 diabetic rats. Signifi-
cant differences are indicated by an asterisk (p < 0.05). The results come from experiments in which various substrates were
infused at 12 minutes perfusion time as illustrated by Figure 1.
Control Diabetic
Metabolic flux
mol min1 (g liver wet weight)1
Ammonia production 0.029 0.012 (n = 9) 0.206 0.028* (n = 5)
Urea production 0.140 0.016 (n = 9) 0.171 0.003 (n = 5)
Glutamine production 0.064 0.007 (n = 9) 0.062 0.006 (n = 5)
Glutamate production 0.034 003 (n = 9) 0.031 0.007 (n = 5)
Oxygen uptake 2.470 0.065 (n = 18) 2.135 0.063* (n = 17)
Glucose production 0.080 0.010 (n = 17) 0.064 0.006 (n = 16)
Lactate production 0.052 0.007 (n = 13) 0.051 0.014 (n = 11)
Pyruvate production 0.007 0.002 (n = 13) 0.009 0.006(n = 13)
Table 2. Metabolic fluxes in livers from control and type 2 diabetic rats caused by alanine infusion (2.5 mM). The data
were obtained from experiments in which alanine was infused during 30 minutes. Asterisks (*) and crosses (†) indicate
values in the diabetic condition that are statistically different from the corresponding control values according to Student’s
t test (p < 0.05).
Control (n = 9) Diabetic (n = 5)
mol min1 (g liver wet weight)1
Rate in the presence of
Increment caused by
Rate in the presence of
Increment caused by
Ammonia production 0.081 0.025 0.052 0.016 0.312 0.041† 0.106 0.013*
Urea production 0.499 0.030 0.359 0.021 0.416 0.019 0.245 0.011*
Glutamine production 0.255 0.015 0.191 0.011 0.191 0.008† 0.129 0.005*
Glutamate production 0.060 0.005 0.026 0.002 0.053 0.010 0.022 0.004
Oxygen uptake 3.064 0.102 0.434 0.048 2.349 0.073† 0.258 0.026*
Glucose production 0.364 0.017 0.292 0.014 0.238 0.011† 0.165 0.013*
Lactate production 0.307 0.019 0.255 0.015 0.285 0.024 0.234 0.019
Pyruvate production 0.122 0.028 0.115 0.026 0.160 0.018 0.151 0.017
Table 3. Metabolic fluxes in livers from control and type 2 diabetic rats caused by lactate infusion (2.5 mM). The data
were obtained from experiments in which lactate was infused during 30 minutes. Asterisks (*) and crosses (†) indicate
values in the diabetic condition that are statistically different from the corresponding control values according to Student’s
t test (p < 0.05).
Control (n = 4) Diabetic (n = 5)
mol min1 (g liver wet weight)1
Rate in the presence of
Increment caused by
Rate in the presence of
Increment caused by
Oxygen uptake 3.195 0.228 0.629 0.042 2.631 0.070† 0.531 0.029
Glucose production 0.998 0.119 0.922 0.118 0.737 0.021† 0.661 0.018*
Pyruvate production 0.200 0.101 0.182 0.100 0.334 0.097 0.324 0.101
M. Carvalho-Martini et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 477-483
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/Openly accessible at
Table 4. Metabolic fluxes in livers from control and type 2 diabetic rats caused by pyruvate infusion (1.0 mM). The data were
obtained from experiments in which pyruvate was infused during 20 minutes.
Control (n = 4) Diabetic (n = 3)
mol min1 (g liver wet weight)1
Rate in the presence of
Increment caused by
Rate in the presence of
Increment caused by
Oxygen uptake 2.657 0.101 0.361 0.045 2.658 0.014 0.434 0.059
Glucose production 0.399 0.049 0.340 0.042 0.515 0.013 0.463 0.014
Lactate production 1.1430.063 1.103 0.059 1.232 0.047 1.158 0.022
Table 5. Metabolic fluxes in livers from control and type 2 diabetic rats caused by glycerol infusion (2.0 mM). The data
were obtained from experiments in which glycerol was infused during 20 minutes. Asterisks (*) and crosses (†) indicate
values in the diabetic condition that are statistically different from the corresponding control values according to Student’s
t test (p < 0.05).
Control (n = 4) Diabetic (n = 4)
mol min1 (g liver wet weight)1
Rate in the presence of
Increment caused by
Rate in the presence of
Increment caused by
Oxygen uptake 2.696 0.126 0.173 0.066 2.077 0.078† 0.061 0.020
Glucose production 0.609 0.049 0.518 0.051 0.423 0.036† 0.362 0.035*
Lactate production 0.140 0.049 0.091 0.009 0.103 0.036 0.056 0.016
absence of alanine, a condition where ammonia comes
solely from endogenous catabolic reactions. Even the
second route of ammonia detoxification, namely gluta-
mine production [25], seems to be impaired in the liver
of type 2 diabetic rats, as can be judged from its lower
rates in the presence of alanine (Table 2). The higher
rates of ammonia production can be indicating that ni-
trogen catabolism in livers of type 2 diabetic rats sur-
passes the capacity of the urea cycle when this route
depends solely on endogenous substrates and on en-
dogenous substrates plus alanine. In principle this con-
clusion receives support from the higher plasma ammo-
nia levels in type 2 diabetic rats [18]. It must be re-
marked, however, that the difference in the plasma am-
monia levels between diabetic and control rats, as re-
ported previously [18], is relatively small (+ 28%) when
compared to the difference in ammoniogenesis (+ 285%
in the presence of alanine). Extrapolation to the in vivo
conditions is always subject to error, but it principle one
would expect a more severe hyperammonemia in type 2
diabetic rats. Possibly there is some in vivo mechanism
or mechanisms that avoid the development of severe
hyperammonemia. One of these mechanisms could be
higher rates of renal excretion. Alternatively, there could
be a more efficient transformation of ammonia into urea
and glutamine in vivo than that one found in the isolated
perfused liver due to the presence of factors capable of
stimulating ureogenesis.
With reference to the main hypothesis of the present
work, it is apparent from the results of the present study
that hepatic gluconeogenesis in neonatal type 2 diabetic
rats is lower than that in non-diabetic rats, at least with
the relevant precursors lactate, alanine and glycerol. This
can also be interpreted as meaning, in principle at least,
that the enzymatic machinery of the liver from neonatal
type 2 diabetic rats is not adapted to higher rates of glu-
coneogenesis but much more to the lower rates of glu-
cose uptake by peripheral tissues [26]. No significant
difference was found when pyruvate was the substrate.
There was a tendency toward higher rates of glucose
synthesis in the diabetic condition without statistical
significance, however, possibly due to the small number
of rats used in these experiments. However, pyruvate is
the only substrate used in the present work that induces,
in the once-through perfused liver at least, an oxidizing
state in the liver cells when it is present alone (i.e., very
low NADH/NAD ratios) [27]. This is a situation that
does not normally occur in vivo where the pyruvate
concentrations are normally very low and the lactate to
pyruvate ratios high [27]. These results with livers of
type 2 diabetic rats are in sharp contrast with those ob-
tained with the liver of type 1 diabetic rats, where in-
creased gluconeogenesis with virtually all substrates was
observed [10-15]. Although the rates of oxygen uptake
were always lower in the liver of diabetic rats even in
the presence of gluconeogenic substrates, it is unlikely
that ATP availability could be limiting glucose synthesis.
M. Carvalho-Martini et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 477-483
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Openly accessible at
As shown previously, the ATP content of the hepatic
tissue of type 2 diabetic rats under the same conditions
as those used in the present work (24-hours fast) is even
higher than that of normal rats [18]. Furthermore, there
was a clear correlation between the increments in oxy-
gen uptake caused by lactate, alanine and pyruvate and
the gluconeogenic activity. This reinforces the general
notion that gluconeogenesis controls the extra oxygen
uptake and not the contrary.
It should be stressed with reference to the contribution
of gluconeogenesis to the fasting hyperglycemia in ani-
mals and patients with type 2 diabetes that conflicting
results have been reported. There are studies proposing a
significant, though relatively small, contribution of glu-
coneogenesis to the fasting hyperglycemia [4,6,8] while
others claim that the contribution is not significant [6,26].
Our results thus agree much more with those studies in
which no enhanced gluconeogenesis was found in type 2
diabetic patients.
Extrapolations of the observations of the present work
to the in vivo conditions or to different species (mice,
humans) must always be done carefully. Even so, it
should be stressed that in vivo lower rates of gluconeo-
genesis in humans or animals bearing type 2 diabetes
have never been reported. Consequently it seems worth
to discuss the possible factors that could lead to an at
least normal or slightly above normal in vivo gluconeo-
genesis in spite of impaired enzymatic machinery. If one
assumes that the enzymatic machinery is the result of
long- or even medium-term regulation, efficient mecha-
nisms of short-term up-regulation must be operative in
type 2 diabetes, at least in the rat. There are several pos-
sibilities to be considered: 1) different concentrations of
hormones able to stimulate gluconeogenesis; 2) higher
substrate concentrations in the diabetic condition; 3)
increased plasma concentrations of free fatty acid, which
are known to estimulate gluconeogenesis [24-28]. With
reference to the hormonal factors, it is known that glu-
cagon, in addition to its medium- and long-term effects
[16] can also promote short-term up-regulation of glu-
coneogenesis [29,30]. Insulin, in contrast, does not exert
short-term effects in the liver [10,11]. Elevated glucagon
levels have been found in type 2 diabetic humans [9-31]
and in neonatal streptozotocin type 2 diabetic rats at least
during certain stages after streptozotocin injection [17].
Consequently a short-term up-regulation by glucagon must
be considered as a real possibility. It must be mentioned,
however, that the stimulatory effect of glucagon on glu-
coneogenesis is relatively modest unless the cytosolic
NADH/NAD+ ratio is very high [29,30]. Concerning the
possible contribution of increased substrate concentra-
tions one cannot expect a significant contribution from
lactate. The latter is by far the most important glu-
coneogenic substrate, but its normal concentration in
blood (around 2 mM) is already saturating for glu-
coneogenesis [28,32] so that increments would not en-
hance glucose synthesis. Some positive effect favouring
gluconeogenesis in the diabetic state could be expected,
however, by a shift in the redox potential of the cytosolic
NAD-NADH couple towards a more oxidized state
(lower NADH/NAD+ ratios). This would have the con-
sequence of increasing the pyruvate concentration by
virtue of the near-equilibrium of the lactate dehydro-
genase reaction [27]. This positive effect is to be ex-
pected from the observation that when pyruvate was the
sole substrate, a condition which means a strong oxidiz-
ing state for the cytosolic NAD-NADH couple [27], the
difference between gluconeogenesis in the diabetic and
the normal state was practically abolished. In a specific
study with type 2 diabetic patients [31], plasma glycerol
was increased by a factor of 1.46 and glycerol glu-
coneogenesis was increased more than twofold. From
the glycerol concentration increase one would expect
maximally a 1.46-fold increase in gluconeogenesis from
this substrate. This disproportion, two-fold versus 1.46-
fold, can be regarded as an indication that another factor
or factors are contributing to the enhanced gluconeo-
genesis. One of these factors could be the more elevated
glucagon concentration, as already mentioned. However,
the more elevated fatty acid concentrations, which seem
to be a frequent phenomenon in type 2 diabetes [4,31],
could be equally contributing as stimulatory effectors.
In conclusion, the enzymatic machinery of the glu-
coneogenic pathway of neonatal type 2 diabetic rats
seems to be adapted to low rates of glucose removal by
extrahepatic tissues rather than to enhanced glucose
production. Gluconeogenesis at rates high enough to
contribute significantly to the fasting hyperglycemia can
be generated only by short-term up-regulation which
could, in principle, be produced by high glucagon, glyc-
erol and fatty acids concentrations.
The authors wish to thank Dr. Ciomar Bersani Amado for supplying
the diabetic rats.
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