The Effects of Dual Listing on Share Prices and Liquidity in the Absence of Registration Costs
Shmuel Hauser, Rita Yankilevitz, Rami Yosef
Dual Listing, Liquidity
Journal of Service Science and Management,
Vol.4 No.1,
ABSTRACT: In the year 2000, the Israeli Securities Authority (ISA) initiated a new amendment to the Securities Law aimed at promoting dual listing of Israeli companies, already traded in the US, and not in Israel, by exempting them from the burden of additional reporting to the ISA. According to this amendment, the ISA agreed to rely solely on the reporting requirements of the US SEC. Since then, more than 30 Israeli companies, traded on Nasdaq decided to list their shares on the TASE as well. This event allows us to examine the effect dual listing had on share prices and liquidity in a unique setup that annuls the costs of dual listing registration. The main findings are as follows: 1) trade volume of the dual listed companies has grown by about 123% on; 2) about 42% of the total volume is on the TASE without adversely affect the trading volume on the Nasdaq; 3) as a result, share prices went up by about 9. One possible policy implication of these findings is the positive influence harmonized supervision may have over international capital markets such as the Single Passport in Europe.