Electronic Commerce Technology Adoption at the Scientific and Industrial Research and Development Centre
Cosmas Rashama, Wilson Mungwena, Tonderai Damba
Electronic Commerce; Non-Repudiation; Internet; Intranet; Extranet
Advances in Internet of Things,
Vol.3 No.3,
This paper focuses on the level of adoption of E-Commerce Technology
at the Scientific and Industrial Research and Development Centre (SIRDC), a
Zimbabwean organization established by an act of parliament, with a mandate to
develop, adopt and adapt new technologies for the benefit of Zimbabwean
companies and organizations. The study was done in 2004 and the findings
reviewed in 2012 with similar results. The objective of the study was to
establish whether E-commerce technology adoption would result in the
organization being more efficient and effective in delivering its mandate and
then establish the level of adoption of the technology at the centre using
abstraction and a questionnaire survey. Abstraction results showed that
organizations which had fully embraced the technology were more efficient and effective
while the survey revealed that the centre had partially adopted the technology.
It was recommended that the centre should fully embrace the technology and
market it to other organizations as per its mandate.