A Burning Experiment Study of an Integral Medical Waste Incinerator
Rong Xie, Jidong Lu, Jie Li, Jiaqiang Yin
Medical Waste, Incineration, Mass Burning, Emission Pollutants
Energy and Power Engineering,
Vol.2 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Mass burning of the medical waste is becoming attractive in China because Chinese government has banned landfilling of medical waste. Many advantages can be found in this method, such as reduction in waste volume, destruction of pathogens and transformation of waste into the form of ash. However, the medical waste with high moisture in China is not suitable to be treated in the present direct mass burning incinerators. In this paper, a novel integral incinerator is developed with combining a feeder, a rotary grate, a primary combustion chamber (PCC) and a “coaxial” secondary combustion chamber (SCC) into a unique unit. Its capability is 10 ton/day. As the air excess level in the PCC was only 40% stoichiometric ratio, the PCC acted as a gasifier. The 1.0 excess air ratios in the SCC preserved the purpose of full combustion of flue gas. Temperature and pollutants concentration in the SCC were measured to understand the combustion behavior of volatile organics. Emission concentrations of pollutants before stack were also tested and compared with the China National Incineration Emission Standard.