Experimental Investigation of Woven E-Glass Epoxy Composite Laminates Subjected to Low-Velocity Impact at Different Energy Levels
N. Rajesh Mathivanan, J. Jerald
Composite laminates; Low-velocity impact; Impact testing
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering,
Vol.9 No.7,
ABSTRACT: This work presents the results of an experimental investigation concerning the low-velocity
impact response of woven glass fiber epoxy matrix composite laminates. Experimental tests
were performed according to ASTM standards using an instrumented falling weight impact
testing machine. Impact tests were conducted to characterize the type and extent of the
damages observed in laminate subjected to different impact velocities: 2 to 4.5 m/sec. The
response of these laminates to drop-weight low velocity impact at energy levels ranging from
3 to 15 J was investigated. At impact velocity of 4.429 m/sec, there is clearly a catastrophic
failure of laminates. It was found that the laminates exhibited two types of failure modes viz.,
crack initiation and perforation of the laminate.