The Influence of Agitation Speed on the Morphology and Size Particle Synthesis of Zr(HPO4)2·H2O from Mexican Sand
Garcia Rosales Genoveva, Ordónez Regil Enrique, Romero Guzmán Elizabeth Teresita, Ordónez Regil Eduardo
Zirconium sand; Zirconium phosphates; α-ZP surface morphology; α-ZP synthesis.
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering,
Vol.6 No.1,
ABSTRACT: Mexican zirconium sand has been envisaged like a source of zirconium compounds. The main
product obtained is zircon (ZrSiO4), which has a high raw material value. During a mineralogical purification sand process with hydrofluoric acid, a liquor was obtained as the
by product. This liquor was dripped over hot phosphoric acid to obtain zirconium hydrogen
phosphate Zr(HPO4)2·H2O (α-ZP) which has taken considerably attention due to its wide application. Both products zircon and α-ZP were analyzed as for structure and purity using analytic techniques. X-Ray diffraction revealed that zircon and α-ZP were polycrystalline materials. Scanning Electron Microscopy indicated that α-ZP formed particles and aggregates in different shapes and size distributions depending on the condensing way and the
agitation speed. Furthermore, thermogravimetric analysis demonstrated that the α-ZP phases
present different hydrated levels. FTIR spectra were obtained to identify the corresponding PO
stretching vibration from the α-ZP and the specific surface areas were calculated by BET