Combining Public Key Encryption with Schnorr Digital Signature
Laura Savu
Signcryption; Schnorr; Encryption; Digital Signature; Security; Confidentiality; ElGama; RSA; ECC
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications,
Vol.5 No.2,
ABSTRACT: This article presents a new signcryption scheme which is based on the Schnorr digital signature algorithm. The new scheme represents my personal contribution to signcryption area. I have implemented the algorithm in a program and here are provided the steps of the algorithm, the results and some examples. The paper also contains the presentation of the original Signcryption scheme, based on ElGamal digital signature and discusses the practical applications of Signcryption in real life. The purpose of the study is to combine the public key encryption with Schnorr digital signature in order to obtain less computational and communicational costs. Signcryption primitive is a better approach then Encrypt-then-Sign or Sign-then-Encrypt methods regarding the costs. All these algorithms offer the possibility to transmit a message over an insecure channel providing both authenticity and confidentiality.