Sequential Approach with Matrix Framework for Various Types of Economic Thermal Power Dispatch Problems
Srikrishna Subramanian, Ganesan Sivarajan
Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch, Composite Cost Function, Economic Dispatch, Multiarea Economic Dispatch, Multiple Fuel Options, Prohibited Operating Zone, Ramp Rate Limits, Sequential Approach, Transmission Loss
Energy and Power Engineering,
Vol.2 No.2,
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a sequential approach with matrix framework for solving various kinds of economic dispatch problems. The objective of the economic dispatch problems of electrical power generation is to schedule the committed generating units output so as to meet the required load demand while satisfying the system equality and inequality constraints. This is a maiden approach developed to obtain the optimal dispatches of generating units for all possible load demands of power system in a single execution. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated by solving economic load dispatch problem, combined economic and emission dispatch problem, multiarea economic dispatch problem and economic dispatch problem with multiple fuel options. The proposed methodology is tested with different scale of power systems. The generating unit operational constraints are also considered. The simulation results obtained by proposed methodology for various economic dispatch problems are compared with previous literatures in terms of solution quality. Numerical simulation results indicate an improvement in total cost saving and hence the superiority of the proposed method is also revealed for economic dispatch problems.