The Possible Dimension, Additional to Space-Time, which Physicists Ignore
Arie S. Issar, Shaul Sorek
Information, Hamiltonian, Dimensionless-Analysis
Journal of Modern Physics,
Vol.1 No.1,
ABSTRACT: In response to Wheeler’s challenge to find an element that is: “something that itself has no localization in space and time…pure knowledge … an atom of information” we suggest to account for Information as a di-mension. Its degrees of freedom are arithmetical (+-) and logical (if-then) forward and backward steps. While Space refers to gaps in distance, Time refers to change in instances, Information refers to a sequence of notions measured by the number of steps made (or bytes used) by a computer in order to perform (de-scribe or solve) a certain logical sentence or a sequence of logical sentences. In the attempt to quantifiably formulate the incorporation of Information into physical laws, we refer to Hamiltonian extended stationary principle in terms of Space, Time and an additional degree of freedom, suggested as an information state. The obtained Euler equation is demonstrated for the case of a thin rod under longitudinal vibrations, investi-gated by dimensionless analysis. It is shown that depending on the value of information and its rate, one may obtain dominant forms conforming to Poison’s equation in Space vs Information, wave equation in Time vs Information and the expected wave equation in Time vs Space.