A Novel Training System of Lathe Works on Virtual Operating Platform
Hui-Chin Chang
Virtual Reality, Lathe Machine
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications,
Vol.3 No.3,
ABSTRACT: In recent years virtual reality technology has been extensively applied to the areas relating to manufacturing, such as factory layout planning, manufacturing planning, operation training, system testing, and process control, etc. Most of the studies made in the past focused on the simulation and monitoring of the entire manufacturing system, or the simulation of working schedule implementation. There was no complete research result on the most basic processing unit of manufacturing system––the operation training for the lathe works. However, these skills of operating methods are the basic skills and particularly emphasized in the practical operation during instruction. As observed from the past experience, after workers had learned the operating process of lathe works, they could achieve very good results in the written examination of the basic knowledge about the operation of different works. However, when they faced the actual operation in front of machine, they were always at a loss. The reason behind this was that when the workers had to face the possible collision and damage during actual operation of machine, since they did not have performed many times of simulated computer rehearsal designed for them to get familiar with the entire operating process, fear and nervous psychology were naturally derived from them. In view of this, the paper uses EON Studio software to integrate virtual reality technology with the application of 3D solid model to simulate a virtual operation of the various operating steps and virtual machining of lathe works during practical operation of lathe machine. The simulation enables users to learn in the simulated environment without scruple. After the accumulation of learning experience, it can be applied in the actual environment to accomplish the mission of operation.