Study on Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Compression Ignition Engine Fueled with Diesel-2 Ethoxy Ethyl Acetate Blends
B. Deepanraj, P. Lawrence, M. Kannan, V. Nadanakumar, S. Santhanakrishnan, R. Senthil
2 Ethoxy Ethyl Acetate, Diesel, Performance, Emission, Compression Ignition Engine
Vol.3 No.11,
ABSTRACT: Diesel engines are the major contributors of various types of air polluting gases like carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, smoke, etc. Improvement of fuel properties is essential for suppression of Diesel pollutant emissions along with the optimization of design factors and after treatment equipment. Studies conducted in the past have shown that a significant reduction were obtained in the emissions using oxygenates. This paper investigates the performance and emission characteristics of a direct injection Diesel engine fueled with 2 Ethoxy Ethyl Acetate (EEA) blends. Different fuel blends which contain 5%, 10% and 15% of EEA were prepared and the effect of these blends on performance and emissions were studied on a single cylinder direct injection Diesel engine. The blends were tested under different load conditions and the result showed that EEA blended fuels improves the performance of the engine and reduce the emission level significantly.