The Influence of Supervisors’ Network Position on Postgraduates’ Innovative Ability (Based on the Absorptive Capacity of Postgraduates)
Wenping Zhao, Shengnan Zheng
Supervisor Centrality, Supervisor Structure Hole, Postgraduate Absorptive Capacity, Postgraduate Innovation Ability
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management,
Vol.8 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Supervisor is the decisive factor for postgraduates
to develop their innovative ability. This paper uses the method of social
network analysis to define the concept of the supervisor network position and
analyses the intrinsic influence of the supervisor network position, the
postgraduates’ absorptive capacity and the postgraduates’ innovative ability.
Absorptive capacity construct the theoretical model among the three as
intermediary. The empirical data were collected by questionnaire. The research
shows the information as follows: Supervisor’s centrality and structure hole
have positive influence on postgraduates’ innovation ability; the absorptive
capacity of postgraduates has a positive effect on the innovation ability of
postgraduates, and the absorptive capacity of postgraduates plays a part of
mediating role between supervisor network position and postgraduates’
innovation ability.