Nursing Activities at Health Surveys and Health Checkups during the Early Period of Operation of the Hiroshima ABCC—Oral History Study Based on Narratives of Three Japanese Nurses
Saori Funaki, Mizue Shiromaru
Hiroshima, ABCC, Atomic Bombs, Health Care of the Radiation-Exposed, Narrative (Oral History Approach)
Open Journal of Nursing,
Vol.8 No.1,
Using an oral history approach, this study analyzed
the narratives obtained from semi-structured interviews administered to three
Japanese women who worked as nurses for the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Casualty
Commission (ABCC). The analysis of the data in the narratives showed details of
the health surveys and health checkups conducted during the early period of
operation of ABCC. During the early period of operation of ABCC some survivors
showed negative behaviors toward the health surveys and health checkups at the
ABCC. However, it can be inferred that dedicated nursing played an important
role in alleviating the stress and emotional issues of survivors at the health
surveys and health checkups. The findings of the study could be beneficial to
research into nursing activities for patients exposed to radiation at the
present day.