PCDD/F Dioxin Profile of Treated Pinus pinaster Wood
Miguel Cardo, Lina Nunes, Marta Duarte, António Silva, Fernando Bernardo
Dioxin, Wood Treatment, Fingerprint Analysis, Food Chain
Journal of Environmental Protection,
Vol.7 No.12,
ABSTRACT: This work describes the
treatment of Pinus pinaster wood with
four different industrial wood preservatives (two anti-bluing or fungicide and
two fungicide/pesticide) and the detection and quantification of the dioxin
contamination profile in the wood shavings. The samples were collected from
poultry liters during three contamination incidents of poultry meat. Two
methods used were, both nonpressure: one by immersing the wood samples in the
preservative solution and the other by impregnation of the preservative
solution into the wood, with vacuum. It was concluded that there is no
difference in terms of contamination profile, caused by the different
industrial wood treatment preservative products in study. A clear correlation
between the commercial products used in wood treatment and the contamination
profile of wood shavings that have been used as bedding material in poultry
production was detected.