Tourism Information Value and Its Hierarchical Structure
Zhaoming Deng
Tourism Information, Value, Hierarchical Structure, Perception
Open Journal of Social Sciences,
Vol.4 No.8,
ABSTRACT: In an era of information explosion, to make good use of tourism information has become an urgent issue. This paper studies the composition of the tourism information value and the degree of its importance based on the tourists’ perception. Through factor analysis, five factors were identified from tourism information value: hedonic value, risk-avoidance value, utilitarian value, social value and self-actualization value. According to different degree of importance evaluation, the tourism information value was divided into three hierarchical levels, namely, the core value of information, the basic information value and the relationship information value, while tourists considered the risk-avoidance value as the most important one. In practical terms, the findings of this study can be useful to marketers in creating promotional campaigns, providing them with a better understanding of what information appeals to their markets.