Performance of Domestic LPG Cooking Stove with Porous Media
Syed Mohd Masood Ali
LPG Cooking Stove, Porous Medium Combustion, Thermal Efficiency
Open Access Library Journal,
Vol.1 No.6,
ABSTRACT: The world demand for energy is rapidly increasing. This demand for energy
is increasing due to population growth and rising living standard. World
population is doubling about every thirty five years. The combined effect of
increasing need and diminishing supply constitutes the energy crises. Besides
this, the use of biomass fuels like wood, dung cake and agro waste are used as
a source of energy. The combustion of these fuels destructs the earth’s
atmosphere and directly affects the human life in forms of different ailments.
This paper discusses the performance investigations of a conventional burner
with different porous media used in LPG cooking stove. Thermal efficiency was
found using the water-boiling test. The porous medium combustion test showed that
a maximum thermal efficiency of about 61.86% was obtained with ball bearing,
which was 10.71% higher than that of the conventional burners 51.15%. The
thermal efficiency was found to increase by using porous medium combustion