Modern Basics Philosophy of Education
Oleg Bazaluk, Tamara Blazhevich
Philosophies of Education, Planetary and Cosmic Personality, Neurobiology, Psychology, Mind
Creative Education,
Vol.6 No.11,
ABSTRACT: In this article, the authors examine the current understanding of the foundations of the philosophy
of education. Lately, when speaking about the human development and education, one concretizes
that it is about the perfection of mind. At the end of the XX century, the subject of the educational
impact was considered as a person, consisting of social and biological entity, but at the
beginning of the XXI century the situation changed. Advances in neurosciences (RistoKalervoNäätänen,
James Olds, Donald Olding Hebb, Elhonon Goldberg and others) are allowed to concretize
the subject of educational impact and distinguish the material organization in a person
that really makes him differ from the world of living organisms. We are talking about neural
structures that are formed and developed in the human brain and which are not observed (if they
are observed in different formats and with different functional manifestations) in the brain of
higher animals. We are talking about consistently evolving neural ensembles of subconsciousness
and consciousness which perform the corresponding functions: subconscious (unconscious) and
conscious. If the consistent development of the structure of the human brain is studied by neurobiology,
the development of the functions of this structure is studied by psychology. Methods, ways
and means of transmission of socio-cultural heritage from one generation to another are researched
by pedagogy. Therefore, the philosophy of education that considers the impact of educational
technology, and global educational model should be based on the integration of research in neurobiology,
psychology and pedagogy.