Challenges of Nurse Tutor Utilization of the Teaching Aids
Noel D. Mbirimtengerenji, Oluyinka Adejumo
Teaching Aids, Nurse Tutor Work Experience, Student Study Experience
Open Journal of Nursing,
Vol.5 No.5,
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Nursing is the largest healthcare profession in Malawi with more than 11,000 registered nurses (RNs), nurse technicians and midwives (NTM) practicing in hospitals and other settings like nursing colleges nationwide. Student preparation is mostly done by nursing tutors in all the nursing colleges using numerous types of teaching aids. Methods: Descriptive exploratory design which utilized both qualitative and sequential quantitative methods was applied to Iterated Purposive Probability Sampling (IPPS) of 10 nursing colleges in Malawi. This was done to 129 students and 82 nurse tutors in two structured questionnaires, 40 nurse tutors in-depth interviews and 10 students focus groups. There were 32 variables for the teaching aids under five ranked Likert scale and the Cronbach’s Alpha was found to be 0.932 without standardisation and it was 0.952 after standard-disation. Results: Although nurse tutors show that they use manikins to teach (0.011