Emotionally Competent Behaviors and Nurse Bullying: Is There a Direct Link?
Michelle Doas
Nurse Bullying, Emotional Competence
Open Journal of Psychiatry,
Vol.5 No.1,
ABSTRACT: An abundance of literature
spanning many years depicts the devastating effects of nurse bullying within
the profession. The evidence suggests that bullying in general is a deliberate
act aimed at another person. Conceptualizing nurse bullying appears to be a key
ingredient in creating both awareness and preventative strategies. Emotional
competence includes a set of behaviors which are unique to each individual.
These behaviors according to Goldman (1995) include, but are not limited to
emotional self-assessment, accurate self-assurance, self-confidence, emotional
self-control, and empathy. The majority of researchers agree that emotionally
competent behaviors are impacted by both positive and negative interactions and
experiences. Thus, it is hypothesized that emotionally competent behaviors are
continually cultivated throughout one’s life based upon lived experiences. This
article assesses direct relationships between implementation of emotionally
competent behaviors as a means of combatting nurse bullying within the
profession. Creating awareness of these two areas can be initial steps in
cultivating the needed tools and supportive interventions to assist nurses from
novice to expert to professionally mentor and role model for generations to