The Syntax-Semantics-Prosody Interface in Legislative Language
Hongli Shi
The Syntax-Semantics Interface, The Syntax-Prosody Interface, Legislative Language
Beijing Law Review,
Vol.5 No.3,
Chinese and English legislative language share similarities in certain aspects,
they contrast most sharply in their syntactic structures and representations,
owing to a number of social, cultural and typological factors. Traditional
works have directed most of their attention to the lexicon, i.e. the collection
of technical terms which are indispensable to the working of law, and the
analysis of idiosyncrasies of those terms. Not much effort, if any, has been at
present devoted to the study of the syntactic properties of legislative
language and the way syntactic computation interfaces with semantic layer,
which, the author believes, play a more determinate role in the constructing
and interpreting of legislative clauses. This paper first attempts to examine
the syntax-semantics interface in Chinese and English legal clauses from the
levels of recursion, locality of reference and the general principle of economy
respectively, and then tries to study how the position and stress of a word
affect the syntax-prosody interface and the information flow. In the end, it
concludes that syntax is responsible for base meaning and while prosody
highlights a part or parts of that meaning.