Immersive 3D Visualization of the Collective Behavior of Particles and Crystal Dislocations Using Virtual Reality Technology
Smruti R. Panigrahi, Sankar Jayaram, Uma Jayaram, Hussein M. Zbib, Sinisa Dj. Mesarovic
Virtual Reality, Telepresence, 3D Stereographic Visualization, OpenGL Rendering, Grain Simulation, Delaunay Network, Dislocation Dynamics
Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Material Science,
Vol.4 No.3,
In this article, we present a three-dimensional visualization technique that has been developed in order to establish an interactive immersive environment to visualize the particles in granular materials and dislocations in crystals. Simple elementary objects often exhibit complex collective behavior. Understanding of such behaviors and developments of coarse-scale theories, often requires insight into collective behavior that can only be obtained through immersive visualization. By displaying the computational results in a virtual environment with three-dimensional perception, one can immerse inside the model and analyze the intricate and very complex behavior of individual particles and dislocations. We built the stereographic images of the models using OpenGL rendering technique and then combine with the Virtual Reality technology in order to immerse in the three-dimensional model. A head mounted display has been used to allow the user to immerse inside the models and a flock of birds tracking device that allows the movements around and within the immersive environment.