Impact of Laboratory-Based Instructional Intervention on the Learning Outcomes of Low Performing Senior Secondary Students in Physics
Isaac Ayodele Ojediran, Daniel Idowu Oludipe, Olusola Joseph Ehindero
Laboratory; Instructional-Intervention; Low-Performing; Senior Secondary Students; Learning Outcome
Creative Education,
Vol.5 No.4,
This study investigated the impact of laboratory-based
instructional intervention on the learning outcomes of low performing senior
secondary students in Physics. The study adopted the pre-test and post-test control group quasi-experimental
design. The treatments were at two levels (LBII and CTM). A total number of 194 SSS II students
participated in the study. Physics Achievement Test (PAT) was the main
instrument used to collect data from students. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and
t-test, using SPSS 15.00 statistical packages at 0.05 level of significance.
The results of this study indicated that there was significant difference in
the achievement in Physics of low performing students exposed to laboratory-based
instructional intervention (LBII) and those exposed to conventional teaching
method (CTM). This study concludes that the use of laboratory based
instructional intervention method of teaching should be embraced as a good
asset to Physics Students and teachers in the senior secondary schools.