P. Sowa, “Over voltage and Overcorrect During Non-Simultaneous Faults in Transmission Lines,” IPST 95 International Conference on Power Systems Transients, Lisbon, 1995, pp. 161-166
has been cited by the following article:
TITLE: Equivalent for Electromagnetic Transient Calculation in Power System with Multiple Transmission Line
AUTHORS: Paweł Sowa, Katarzyna Łuszcz
KEYWORDS: Electromagnetic Transients; Equivalents; Transmission Line Representation
JOURNAL NAME: Energy and Power Engineering, Vol.5 No.4B, November 21, 2013
ABSTRACT: The results of searching of equivalent for electromagnetic transient calculation in power system with the big number of transmission lines are shown. Brief information on the proper transmission line model is given. Comparison of results of simulation in real and reduced system is presented taking into consideration three methods of identification. Some example are examined for different number of transmission lines in reduced system and consequently the recommendation are given for searching of equivalents of systems with many lines.