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Reed, M.S., Buenemann, M., Atlhopheng, J., Akhtar-Schuster, M., Bachmann, F., Bastin, G., Bigas, H., Chanda, R., Dougill, A.J., Essahli, W., Evely, A.C., Fleskens, L., Geeson, N., Glass, H.J., Hessel, R., Holden, J., Ioris, A.A.R., Kruger, B., Liniger, H.P., Mphinyane, W., Nainggolan, D., Perkins, J., Raymond, C.M., Ritsema, C.J., Schwilch, G., Sebego, R., Seely, M., Stringer, L.C., Thomas, R., Twomlow, S. and Verzandvoort, S. (2011) Cross-Scale Monitoring and Assessment of Land Degradation and Sustainable Land Management: A Methodological Framework for Knowledge Management. Land Degradation Development, 22, 261-271.

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