Critical Success Factors for Online Distance Learning in Higher Education: A Review of the Literature
Bussakorn Cheawjindakarn, Praweenya Suwannatthachote, Anuchai Theeraroungchaisri
Critical Success Factor; Online Learning; Distance Education; Higher Education
Creative Education,
Vol.3 No.8B,
ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to specify the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Online Distance Learning (ODL) in Higher Education (HE). Research methodology was analyzing and synthesizing the literature review. The literatures were reviewed to determine items relevant to online learning success as implementation, criteria and indicator. A total of 19 papers, published during 2000-2012, were selected from Chulalongkorn University reference databases. Data analysis method was using one of the popular analysis techniques for qualitative research works or the content analysis. The results on the CSFs for ODL can be grouped into 5 factors: (1) institutional management, (2) learning environment, (3) instructional design, (4) services support and (5) course evaluation. Each of these 5 factors includes several important elements that can assist to enhance efficiency of online learning courses in higher education institutions. It is a concrete approach to lead functions of an online institute or course in all levels to the same directions for achieving the success of the institute‘s vision, and make staffs and executives know what they have to do for the success of online distance learning.