Experimental Study on Influencing Factors of Resistance Coefficient and Residual Resistance Coefficient in Oilfield Z
Xinran Wang, Lizhen Ge, Dong Liu, Qin Zhu, Bin Zheng
Resistance Coefficient, Residual Resistance Coefficient, Polymer Flooding, Laboratory Experiment, Offshore Oilfield
World Journal of Engineering and Technology,
Vol.7 No.2,
ABSTRACT: In order to clarify the major influence factors of resistance coefficient and residual resistance coefficient, so as to provide the basis for optimizing the polymer flooding schemes in oilfield Z of Bohai Sea, artificial cores were made by simulated the characteristic parameters of real reservoir and the spacing of production-injection wells. The main parameters considered include reservoir permeability, polymer solution concentration and polymer injection rate. Core experiment of polymer flooding was taken by considering all the main parameters. The result showed that resistance coefficient and residual resistance coefficient decrease with the increase of core permeability. Resistance coefficient and residual resistance coefficient increase with the increase of concentration of polymer solution. The increment of displacement pressure in low permeability core is higher than in medium and high permeability core. The resistance coefficient increase with higher displacing velocity, and the increment in high permeability core is higher than in low permeabilitycore. The displacement velocity has little effect on the residual resistance coefficient. The experimental results can effectively guide the formulation of polymer flooding scheme in offshore oilfields, and optimize the appropriate injection rate and concentration of polymer solution for different properties of reservoirs, thus ensuring the effectiveness of polymer flooding in offshore oilfields.