Collaborative Responsibility in Teacher Preparation: Student Teachers’ Perceptions of the Role of Schools in Their Professional Development in Zambia
Kenneth Kapalu Muzata
Collaboration, Schools, Student Teachers, Teacher Preparation, Teacher Professional Development, Teaching Practice
Open Access Library Journal,
Vol.5 No.10,
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to examine student teachers’ perceptions of whether schools play a significant role in their professional development. The study employed a mixed-method design. Open and closed-ended questionnaire items were used to collect data from 74 student teachers that went for Teaching Practice from three different teacher education institutions in 2016. Simple random sampling was mainly applied when selecting respondents. Quantitative data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to derive frequencies, percentages as well as differences and associations of the responses from the three institutions under study. Qualitative data were summed up in themes and findings related and compared with quantitative results. Results show that while students appreciated the guidance from schools, they had a large share of dissatisfaction as well. Students faced numerous system and administrative challenges that prohibited adequate practice time in schools. It was recommended that teacher education institutions establish collaboration with schools to help students benefit from mutual understanding about Teaching Practice.